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DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1710835
The quality of life and sleep development in N-ERD patients under therapy with omalizumab
Background The association among chronic sinusitis accompanied by polyp formations (CRSwNP), asthma and non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug is known as NSAID-exacerbated respiratory disease (N-ERD). Recurrent nasal polyps complicate clinical histories of the disease.
Method The aim of the study was to investigate the 16 N-ERD patients (10 w, 6 m, Ø 51 y.) with omalizumab therapy. Acquisition of the following rhinologic and pneumologic parameters (NP- and ACT-score), RSOM-31-score with consequent subscales "sleep" (p = 0,037), "emotions" (p = 0,008) and SF-36-score were examined following the period of 3 months omalizumab therapy.
Results Following 3 months the NP-score was significantly lower (MV 2,9/ MV1,3; p = 0,001) and asthma control significantly elevated (MV 16,5/20,1; p = 0,008). RSOM-31-score (p = 0,001) with consequent subscales "sleep" (p = 0,037), "emotions" (p = 0,008) and SF-36-score (p = 0,001) significantly improved after 3 months omalizumab therapy.
Conclusion The efficacy of omalizumab therapy in N-ERD patients is associated with improved quality of life and sleep.
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10. Juni 2020
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