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DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1710974
Comparative analysis of tumor growth of periocular und non-periocular basal cell carcinomas
Introduction Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) of the Head and Neck have not been extensively researched despite or because being very common. It is important to take BCC seriously looking at the numbers of treatments and implications for the patients and the health care system. In this study the growth rates of periocular (lower and upper eyelid, within the nasojugal fold, medial/lateral canthi) and non-periocular BCCs were determined.
Material and Methods In a retrospective Data analysis patient records from 2016-2019 were examined. Tumor sizes were documented by standardised photographs and intraoperative measurement. The amount of cells in a tumor was counted in representative samples per diameter in µm. That way the total cells of the measured tumors could be approximated.
Results The tumor doubling time for periocular BCC was 129,8 d (SEM 21,74d) (n = 79), the tumor dubling time of non-periocular BCC was 177,5d (SEM 37,21) (n = 47). The difference was not significant. Mean tumor doubling time was 147,59d (SEM 19,47).
Discussion Incidence of BCC is rising and because of the overall morbidity a closer look on BCCs is needed. More evaluations of tumor growth of BCC including non-nodular BCC should be done. This study showed high variability in tumor growths matching clinical experience.
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10. Juni 2020
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