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DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1714758
Evaluation of the Changes of Salivary pH among Dental Students Depending on Their Anxiety Level

Objectives The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between the state of anxiety (S-anxiety and T-anxiety based on the state–trait anxiety inventory [STAI] test) and the manifestation of dentophobia with changes in salivary pH.
Materials and Methods The data of 105 patients, aged 18 to 23 were considered. The student’s anxiety levels were evaluated by the STAI test and they were distributed into three groups. To determine dental anxiety, Corah’s dental anxiety scale (CDAS) testing was performed. To determine the changes in salivary pH, samples were obtained, and pH level of the collected whole saliva was evaluated immediately using pHSCAN 5.4–10.0 litmus paper and a scale in 0.1 to 0.4 increments. Statistical significance was set at 0.05.
Results Group I experienced a low level of anxiety and included 33 students (31.4%). Group II comprised of 32 (30.5%) students presenting with a moderate level of anxiety. In group III, 40 students (38.1%) were having a high level of anxiety. Out of the 105 participants, 85% of students showed low level of dentophobia, 27% of them showed a low level of anxiety, 29% showed moderate level of anxiety, and 28% showed high level of anxiety. The average salivary pH value among all the participants (105 students) at rest was 6.79 and in a state of anxiety 6.43.
Conclusion within the limits of this study, a correlation was found between the anxiety level and the salivary pH level. Furthermore, a change in the salivary pH toward acidity was registered in each group of students when in a stressful situation.
Publication History
Article published online:
20 July 2020
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Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.
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