CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) 2021; 56(02): 251-255
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1721832
Artigo Original

Energy Required for Fracture in Synthetic Proximal Femoral Models After Synthesis Material Removal: a Biomechanical Study Using Cannulated Screws, Dynamic Hip Screws, and Proximal Femoral Nails[*]

Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: português | English
1   Instituto de Pesquisa e Ensino do Hospital Ortopédico e Medicina Especializada (IPE-HOME-DF), Brasília, DF, Brasil
2   Hospital Regional do Gama, Brasília, DF, Brasil
2   Hospital Regional do Gama, Brasília, DF, Brasil
2   Hospital Regional do Gama, Brasília, DF, Brasil
3   Hospital de Aeronáutica do Galeão (HFAG), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
2   Hospital Regional do Gama, Brasília, DF, Brasil
› Institutsangaben


Objective The present study aims to identify the energy required for synthetic proximal femoral fracture after removal of three implant types: cannulated screws, dynamic hip screws (DHS), and proximal femoral nail (PFN).

Methods Twenty-five synthetic proximal femur bones were used: 10 were kept intact as the control group (CG), 5 were submitted to the placement and removal of 3 cannulated screws in an inverted triangle configuration (CSG), 5 were submitted to the placement and removal of a dynamic compression screw (DHSG), and 5 were submitted to the placement and removal of a proximal femur nail (PFNG). All samples were biomechanically analyzed simulating a fall on the greater trochanter using a servo-hydraulic machine to determine the energy (in Joules [J]) required for fracture.

Results All samples presented basicervical fractures. The energy required for fracture was 7.1 J, 6.6 J, 6 J, and 6.7 J for the CG, CSG, DHSG and PFNG, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference (considering a 95% confidence interval) in energy among the study groups (p = 0.34).

Conclusion There was no statistically significant difference in the energy required to cause a synthetic proximal femoral fracture after removing all three implant types and simulating a fall over the greater trochanter.

* This study was developed by the Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Hospital Regional do Gama, Brasília, DF, and Instituto de Pesquisa e Ensino do Hospital Ortopédico e Medicina Especializada (IPE-HOME), Brasília, DF, Brazil.


Eingereicht: 17. Februar 2020

Angenommen: 16. September 2020

Artikel online veröffentlicht:
31. März 2021

© 2020. Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia. This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commercial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (

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