The differential diagnosis of dorsal thoracic pain can be a challange due to the proximity of the dorsal column to vital organs as well as to its unique anatomy, innervation, and rib joint. The patterns of referred visceral pain require, in most cases, extensive complementary diagnostic tests in order to exclude severe conditions. Referred pain patterns often result in numerous and expensive visceral workups in order to exclude serious conditions, and costovertebral joint osteoarthritis is usually only considered when the origin of the pain remains unexplained. The authors present the case of a 40-year-old man with disabling dorsal pain due to isolated costovertebral osteoarthrosis. The symptomatology was controlled after injection of methylprednisolone guided by computed tomography. This clinical case aims to describe the clinical presentation of a rare entity that should be considered in the differential diagnosis of back pain.
osteoarthritis - lumbar vertebrae - thoracic vertebrae