Introduction Previous research suggests that African Americans are less likely than Caucasians to perceive tinnitus in sustained silence.
Objective To evaluate the association between non-cutaneous melanin as indicated by eye color and the emergence of temporary tinnitus during a brief period of silence.
Methods A cross-section of adults grouped according to their eye color were exposed to silence. A total of 62 adults, aged 18 to 35 years (10 males, 52 females) were required to sit in silence for 10 minutes, after which they filled out a questionnaire to report their eye color and any perception of sounds in the ears or head.
Results In total, 63% of the participants perceived tinnitus while sitting in silence, and, of these 95% perceived the tinnitus sounds within 5 minutes of sitting in silence. Though African Americans were less likely to perceive tinnitus in silence, this difference was not significant (p = 0.6). After a period of silence, 69% of the subjects with light-colored eyes and 58% of the dark-eyed subjects perceived tinnitus. This difference was not statistically significant (χ2(1) = 0.77; p = 0.38).
Conclusion When exposed to reduced auditory stimulation, 3 out of 5 normal-hearing people are likely to experience tinnitus. However, there was no relationship between eye color and the perception of tinnitus in silence. Although melanin has been shown to play a role in the protection of the ear against noise trauma and the effects of age-related hearing loss, its role in the emergence of tinnitus needs further investigation.
tinnitus - eye color - melanin