Homeopathy, Table of Contents Homeopathy 2021; 110(03): 147-148DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1731450 Editorial A Bar Set Attainably High Robert T. Mathie 1 Homeopathy Research Institute, London, United Kingdom › Author Affiliations Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article Full Text References References 1 Contributing Reviewers in 2020. Homeopathy 2021; 110: i-ii 2 Dey S, Hashmi S, Saha S. et al. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot trial of individualized homeopathic medicines for cutaneous warts. Homeopathy 2021; 110: 149-159 3 Manchanda RK, Miglani A, Gupta M. et al. Homeopathic remedies in COVID-19: Prognostic factor research. Homeopathy 2021; 110: 160-167 4 Bagot J-L, Legrand A, Theunissen I. Use of homeopathy in integrative oncology in Strasbourg, France: multi-centre cross-sectional descriptive study of patients undergoing cancer treatment. Homeopathy 2021; 110: 168-173 5 Bonfim LT, Bahia MO. In vitro assessment of cytoprotective effects of CANOVA against cell death induced by the anti-malarial artesunate—a preliminary experiment. Homeopathy 2021; 110: 174-179 6 Mishra R, Kotagale N, Umekar M, Sahu R, Maliye A, Gurav S. Development and validation of chromatographic method for the standardization of homeopathic formulation of Syzygium cumini . Homeopathy 2021; 110: 180-185 7 Parveen S, Das S. Homeopathy treatment in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome: a case series. Homeopathy 2021; 110: 186-193 8 Pannek J, Pannek-Rademacher S. Homeopathic treatment of a lower leg edema—a case report. Homeopathy 2021; 110: 194-197 9 Varanasi R, Nayak D, Khurana A. Clinical repurposing of medicines is intrinsic to homeopathy: Research initiatives on COVID-19 in India. Homeopathy 2021; 110: 198-205 10 Fujino FMSDC, Olandim AACC, Lemonica R. et al. Antimonium tartaricum as a possible homeopathic prophylactic remedy in the COVID-19 epidemic. Homeopathy 2021; 110: 206-211 11 Schmidt JM. Similia similibus curentur: Theory, history, and status of the constitutive principle of homeopathy. Homeopathy 2021; 110: 212-221 12 Renoux H. Homeopathy assessment—contribution of the human sciences. Homeopathy 2021; 110: 222-226