Femur duplication is very rare, and the few cases described are of partial, proximal or distal duplications. Based on our literature review, the present is the first report of a case of total duplication. The patient was followed up, without surgical treatment, for 23 years. At the last visit, the patient complained of low-back pain and marked discrepancy in the lower limbs. A clinic-radiographic evaluation showed a right knee with two separate femoral condyles that articulated with the proximal tibia, a hyporadioactive patella, and a limitation in knee flexion at 95°. The patient presented lower-limb dysmetria, measuring 17 cm, resulting in pelvic obliquity and dextroconvex scoliosis. The patient received a 16 cm orthoprosthesis that improved the gait pattern and resolved the complaint of low-back pain.
dysmetria - femur - limb deformities, congenital - scoliosis