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DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1735787
Perception of Harrasment or Discrimination during Urology Residency in Colombia
Percepción de acoso o discriminación durante la residencia de urología en Colombia Funding The authors have no source of funding to declare.Abstract
Purpose Workplace bullying (harassment, abuse, or discrimination), practiced persistently against an individual, can generate a hostile workplace environment, consequently leading to exhaustion, with poor psychological outcomes, and the onset of symptoms such as loss of confidence, fatigue, depressive thoughts, desertion, and suicidal thoughts. There are no publications regarding this issue in Colombia.
Our objective is to describe the residents' perception of gender and workplace discrimination and verbal/sexual harassment during their urological training.
Methods Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study with anonymous surveys. We evaluated the demographic characteristics and the residents' perception of harassment, the type of harassment, how it affected their performance during residency, and from whom it was perceived.
Results We were able to obtain answers from 82/115 residents (71.3%), most of them men (45 [56%]). In total, 66% (54) reported workplace harassment; and 35.4% (29) felt gender discrimination, most of them women (17; 58.6%). Verbal abuse was reported by 64.6% (53), and it affected the work of 92.5%. The parception of workplace harassment was similar among both men and women (32 [69.5%] men and 21 [61.1%] women). A total of 7(19%) women reported sexual abuse. Regarding the source of the abuse, 39 (65.8%) was by professors, 26 (45%), by other residents, and 17 (35.4%), by patients.
Conclusion The perception of harassment during urology residency in Colombia is real, and it affects the work of residents. This abuse is greater on the part of men, and is mainly perpetrated by professors. We consider our work the starting point to continue researching a topic of national and international importance.
Objetivos El maltrato laboral (acoso, abuso o discriminación) ejercido de manera persistente contra un individuo genera un ambiente de trabajo hostil y lleva a agotamiento, con un impacto psicológico importante y la posibilidad de aparición de síntomas depresivos. En Colombia, no contamos con publicaciones al respecto.
El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es conocer la percepción de los residentes de urología en cuanto a discriminación de género y acoso laboral, verbal y sexual durante su formación.
Metodos Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, por medio de encuestas anónimas. Evaluamos las características demográficas, la percepción de acoso, el tipo de acoso, si éste afectó el rendimiento laboral del residente, y por parte de quién lo percibió.
Resultados Obtuvimos respuestas de 82/115 (71,3%) residentes, en su mayoría hombres (45 [56%]). En total, 66% (54) reportaron haber experimentado acoso laboral; y 35,4% (29) reportaron haber experimentado discriminación de género, siendo más frecuente en las mujeres (17; 58,6%). El acoso verbal fue reportado por un 64,6% (53), y afectó el trabajo de un 92,5%. La percepción de acoso laboral fue similar entre hombres y mujeres (32 [69.5%] hombres y 21 [61.1%] mujeres). En total, 7 (19%) mujeres reportaron acoso sexual. Con respecto a la fuente de acoso, 39 (65,8%) fue por profesores, 26 (45%), por otros residentes, y 17 (35,4%), por pacientes.
Conclusión La percepción de acoso durante la residencia de urología en Colombia es real, y afecta el trabajo de los residentes. Este acoso es mayor por parte de los hombres, y es principalmente generado por profesores. Consideramos nuestro trabajo el punto de partida para continuar investigando un tema de importancia a nivel nacional y internacional.
Publication History
Received: 10 January 2021
Accepted: 02 July 2021
Article published online:
30 September 2021
© 2021. Sociedad Colombiana de Urología. This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commecial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (
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