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Pneumologie 2016; 70(06): 368-370
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-108018
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-108018
Ausgezeichnet – Der Doktorandenpreis 2016
Weitere Informationen
28. Juni 2016 (online)

Im Rahmen des 57. DGP-Kongresses in Leipzig wurde Anfang März der mit insgesamt 6000 € dotierte Doktorandenpreis der Deutschen Lungenstiftung e. V. verliehen. Der Preis wurde vom Pharmaunternehmen Boehringer Ingelheim gesponsert. Ausgezeichnet wurden Dr. rer. nat. Sabine Bartel, Norderstedt, für die beste experimentelle Arbeit sowie Dr. med. Franziska Farquharson und Dr. med. Hannes Klenze, beide Konstanz, für die beste klinische Arbeit. Die Preisträger stellen nachfolgend die Inhalte ihrer Arbeiten vor.
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- 2 Amann M, Regan MS, Kobitary M et al. Impact of pulmonary system limitations on locomotor muscle fatigue in patients with COPD. J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2010; 299: R314-R324
- 3 Babcock MA, Johnson BD, Pegelow DF et al. Hypoxic effects on exercise-induced diaphragmatic fatigue in normal healthy humans. J Appl Physiol Bethesda Md 1995; 78: 82-92
- 4 Babcock MA, Pegelow DF, Harms CA et al. Effects of respiratory muscle unloading on exercise-induced diaphragm fatigue. J Appl Physiol Bethesda Md 2002; 93: 201-206
- 5 Bark H, Supinski G, Bundy R et al. Effect of hypoxia on diaphragm blood flow, oxygen uptake, and contractility. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1988; 38: 1535-1541
- 6 Dempsey JA, Romer L, Romer L, Rodman J et al. Consequences of exercise-induced respiratory muscle work. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2006; 151: 242-250
- 7 Fregosi RF, Dempsey JA. Effects of exercise in normoxia and acute hypoxia on respiratory muscle metabolites. J Appl Physiol Bethesda Md 1986; 60: 1274-1283
- 8 Gudjonsdottir MF, Appendini L, Baderna P et al. Diaphragm fatigue during exercise at high altitude: the role of hypoxia and workload. Eur Respir J Off J Eur Soc Clin Respir Physiol 2001; 17: 674-680
- 9 Johnson BD, Babcock MA, Suman OE et al. Exercise-induced diaphragmatic fatigue in healthy humans. J Physiol 1993; 460: 385-405
- 10 Kabitz H-J, Walker DJ, Schwoerer A et al. Biometric approximation of diaphragmatic contractility during sustained hyperpnea. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2011; 176: 90-97
- 11 Laghi F, Topeli A, Tobin MJ. Does resistive loading decrease diaphragmatic contractility before task failure?. J Appl Physiol Bethesda Md 1998; 85: 1103-1112
- 12 McConnell AK, Romer LM. Respiratory muscle training in healthy humans: resolving the controversy. Int J Sports Med 2004; 25: 284-293
- 13 Renggli AS, Verges S, Notter DA et al. Development of respiratory muscle contractile fatigue in the course of hyperpnoea. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2008; 164: 366-372
- 14 Romer LM, Polkey MI. Exercise-induced respiratory muscle fatigue: implications for performance. J Appl Physiol 2008; 104: 879-888
- 15 Tipton CM. Are The Lung And Chest Wall Buit For Exercise?. In Exercise Physiology 2003; 171-175
- 16 Verges S, Bachasson D, Wuyam B. Effect of acute hypoxia on respiratory muscle fatigue in healthy humans. Respir Res 2010; 11: 109
- 17 Vogiatzis I, Georgiadou O, Koskolou M et al. Effects of hypoxia on diaphragmatic fatigue in highly trained athletes. J Physiol 2007; 581: 299-308
- 18 Amann M et al. Inspiratory muscle work in acute hypoxia influences locomotor muscle fatigue and exercise performance of healthy humans. AJP Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2007; 293: R2036-R2045
- 19 Amann M, Regan MS, Kobitrary M et al. Impact of pulmonary system limitations on locomotor muscle fatigue in patients with COPD. AJP Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2010; 299: R314-R324
- 20 Ameer F, Carson KV, Usmani ZA et al. Ambulatory oxygen for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who are not hypoxaemic at rest. In Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; 1996
- 21 Croix CM, Morgan BJ, Wetter TJ et al. Fatiguing inspiratory muscle work causes reflex sympathetic activation in humans. J Physiol 2000; 529: 493-504
- 22 Dempsey JA. New perspectives concerning feedback influences on cardiorespiratory control during rhythmic exercise and on exercise performance. J Physiol 2012; 590: 4129-4144
- 23 Duerschmied D, Zhou Q, Rink E et al. Simplified contrast ultrasound accurately reveals muscle perfusion deficits and reflects collateralization in PAD. Atherosclerosi 2009; 202: 505-512
- 24 Harms CA, Wetter TJ, St Croix CM et al. Effects of respiratory muscle work on exercise performance. J Appl Physiol 2000; 89: 131-138
- 25 Johnson BD, Babcock MA, Suman OE et al. Exercise-induced diaphragmatic fatigue in healthy humans. J Physiol 1993; 460: 385-405
- 26 Katayama K, Iwamoto E, Ishida K et al. Inspiratory muscle fatigue increases sympathetic vasomotor outflow and blood pressure during submaximal exercise. Am J Physiol - Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2012; 302: R1167-R1175
- 27 Miller JD, Smith CA, Hemauer SJ et al. The effects of inspiratory intrathoracic pressure production on the cardiovascular response to submaximal exercise in health and chronic heart failure. AJP Heart Circ Physiol 2006; 292: H580-H592
- 28 Mirzaaghazadeh M, Bahtouee M et al. The Relationship between Nocturnal Hypoxemia and Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Congestive Heart Failure Patients. Sleep Disord 2010;
- 29 Romer LM, Polkey MI. Exercise-induced respiratory muscle fatigue: implications for performance. J Appl Physiol 2008; 104: 879-888
- 30 Sheel AW, Derchak PA, Morgan BJ et al. Fatiguing inspiratory muscle work causes reflex reduction in resting leg blood flow in humans. J Physiol 2001; 537: 277-289
- 31 Stickland MK, Smith CA, Soriano BJ et al. Sympathetic restraint of muscle blood flow during hypoxic exercise. AJP Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2009; 296: R1538-R1546
- 32 Verges S, Bachasson D et al. Effect of acute hypoxia on respiratory muscle fatigue in healthy humans. Respir Res 2010; 11: 109-109
- 33 Yoshizawa M, Shimizu-Okuyama S, Kagaya A. Transient increase in femoral arterial blood flow to the contralateral non-exercising limb during one-legged exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol 2008; 103: 509-514