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TumorDiagnostik & Therapie 2016; 37(05): 225-226
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-108566
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-108566
Rückblick ILC / EASL 2016 – Neues zu Leberkrebs
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16. Juni 2016 (online)

Nach Lungenkrebs ist Leberkrebs weltweit die zweithäufigste Todesursache infolge von Krebs. Vom 13. bis zum 17. April 2016 fand in Barcelona „The International Liver Congress“ (ILC 2016) der European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) statt, um die neuesten Entwicklungen der hepatologischen Medizin zu beleuchten. In ausgewählten Berichten erfahren Sie hier mehr zu den onkologischen Schwerpunkten.
- 1 Reig M, Mariño Z, Perelló C et al. Unexpected early tumor recurrence in patients with hepatitis C virus -related hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing interferon-free therapy: a note of caution. J Hepatol 2016; pii S0168-8278(16)30113-1
- 2 Buonfiglioli F, Conti F, Andreone P et al. Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in HCV Cirrhotic Patients Treated With Direct Acting Antivirals. EASL / ILC 2016, Barcelona; Abstract LBP506
- 3 Wong GLH, Tse Y-K, Wong V et al. Incidences of all malignancies in patients with chronic hepatitis B receiving long-term oral nucelos(t)ide analogue treatment – a study of 45, 299 subjects. EASL / ILC 2016, Barcelona; Abstract PS052
- 4 Chang Y, Lee J-H, Nam JY et al. Nucleos(t)ide analogue treatment for immune tolerant phase of chronic Hepatitis B patients prolongs overall survival and reduces the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis: a real-life study. EASL / ILC 2016, Barcelona; Abstract PS049