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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-110417
Fremdheit – das Erleben von Männern, deren Partnerinnen nach der Geburt eines Babys psychisch erkranken
Facing Strangeness: Perceptions of Men Whose Partners Became Mentally Ill After Delivering a BabyPublication History
Publication Date:
12 September 2016 (online)

Anliegen Wie erleben Partner postpartal psychisch erkrankter Frauen die Erkrankung und psychiatrische Versorgung?
Methode Narrativ-biografische Interviews mit 13 Partnern. Analyse mittels Grounded-Theory-Methodologie.
Ergebnisse Fremdheit dominiert das Erleben der Partner in den Bereichen Beziehung zur Partnerin, Wahrnehmung der psychischen Störung sowie der psychiatrischen Versorgung.
Schlussfolgerung Empfehlenswert sind die stärkere Berücksichtigung der Bedürfnisse der Partner sowie ihr Einbezug in die Behandlung der Partnerin zur Unterstützung des Familiensystems.
Objective This study explores men’s perceptions of their partners’ postpartum psychiatric disorders and their experiences of acute mental health care.
Methods Interviews were conducted with 13 men who had experienced postpartum psychiatric disorders of their partners. Data were analysed using grounded theory methodology.
Results Fathers were affected by their partners’ postpartum psychiatric disorder and inpatient treatment. The core category found is the experience of strangeness. The men were faced with a changed partner, an unknown disorder and a confusing mental health care system.
Conclusion Fathers wanted to support their partners but felt rarely noticed by mental health care providers. Increased awareness of fathers’ needs, such as being informed and involved in their partner’s care planning, is recommended to promote the whole family system.
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