Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2016; 233(04): e2
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-114043
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Radiation Retinopathy 15 Years after Orbital Irradiation for Thyroid Orbitopathy

Strahlenretinopathie 15 Jahre nach Orbita-Bestrahlung bei endokriner Orbitopathie
K. Hurtikova
1   Klinik Pallas, Olten, Switzerland (Director: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Gerding)
G. von Arx
2   Admedico Augenzentrum, Olten, Switzerland (Director: Dr. Georg von Arx)
N. Fichter
2   Admedico Augenzentrum, Olten, Switzerland (Director: Dr. Georg von Arx)
H. Gerding
1   Klinik Pallas, Olten, Switzerland (Director: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Gerding)
3   Department of Ophthalmology, University of Münster, Münster (Director: Prof. Dr. Nicole Eter)
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14. September 2016 (online)


Radiation Retinopathy 15 Years after Orbital Irradiation for Thyroid Orbitopathy

K. Hurtikova, G. von Arx, N. Fichter, H. Gerding

Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 2016; 233: 508–510

In the article “Radiation Retinopathy 15 Years after Orbital Irradiation for Thyroid Orbitopathy” [1] we inadvertently submitted two angiographic images ([Fig. 1 c] and [1 d]) of another publication in the same issue [2]. The correct images are provided below. We regret any confusion caused by this error.

Zoom Image
Fig. 1 Fundus color fotography (a), horizontal SD-OCT section (b), and fluorescence angiography (c and d) of the 55-year-old patient presenting radiation retinopathy 15 years after treatment of thyroid orbitopathy.