Introduction Respiratory conditions are the most common reason for admission of newborns to a neonatal care unit. The index of contractility (ICON) can be used to measure the thoracic fluid content (TFC) in neonates which is a significant parameter in cases presented with transient tachypnea of newborn (TTN).
Objective The objective was to compare TFC between newborn infants with TTN compared with other causes of respiratory distress (RD). We tested the hypothesis that TFC would be higher in infants with TTN.
Study Design In total, 105 newborns were enrolled at the delivery room and were categorized into three groups: TTN, other causes of RD, and control, according to physical examination and Chest X-Ray. TFC was measured within the first 6 hours for all infants and at 24 and 48 hours for the first two groups.
Results Demographic data showed higher male participants and use of antenatal steroid therapy in RD groups. TFC within the first 6 hours was higher in RD groups. However, TFC at 24 hours of ≤24 mL/kg, and TFC drop rate at 24 hours of >12% are statistically significant discriminators of TTN from non-TTN, with sensitivity and specificity of 97.1 and 47.1%, and 60 and 82.4%, respectively ([Fig 1] and [2]).
Conclusion ICON can be used in conjunction with clinical parameters and CXR as a tool for differentiation between TTN and other causes of RD within the first 24 hours of life by using the cutoff value of TFC at 24 hours and TFC drop rate. This will allow earlier and optimum management of different causes of RD.
Key Points
thoracic fluid content - transient tachypnea of newborn - neonatal respiratory distress - newborn