Objective To describe the arthroscopic surgical technique for the reconstruction of the scapholunate ligament using the extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) as a donor. This muscle can be very useful in this kind of procedure due to its biomechanical properties.
Surgical Technique After an initial diagnostic arthroscopy of the wrist, ligamentous reconstruction was carried out using an ECRL hemitendon though a minimally-invasive technique. The fixation devices used were the SwiveLock for the scaphoid and a 3 × 8-mm biotenodesis screw (Arthrex, Naples, FL, US) for the lunate.
Complications Difficult extraction of the ECRL tendon is the most frequent complication, due to an anatomical intersection between the first and second extensor compartments. It can be easily solved by performing an intermediate incision at this level to ensure the adequate release of the plasty.
Conclusion It is possible to perform a reconstruction of the scapholunate ligament using the ECRL hemitendon. Due to its biomechanical properties, it may be more advantageous to restore the carpal biomechanics. Further studies are required to confirm the suitability and superiority of this donor compared to others in reconstruction techniques.
scapholunate - ligament - injury - reconstruction - ligamentoplasty