Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2022; 70(08): 603-606
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1759494
Original Cardiovascular

Guideline for the Treatment of Thoracic Aortic Dissection Type A: Summary of the S2k Guideline

Klaus Kallenbach
1   HaerzZenter Luxemburg, Abteilung für Herzchirurgie, INCCI, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Tim Berger
2   Universitäts-Herzzentrum Freiburg-Bad Krozingen, Klinik für Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie, Germany
Thomas Bürger
3   Agaplesion Diakonie-Kliniken Kassel, Klinik für Gefäß- und Endovaskuläre Chirurgie, Germany
Holger Eggebrecht
4   Cardioangiologisches Centrum Bethanien (CCB), Frankfurt, Germany
5   Klinikum Braunschweig, Klinik für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie, Germany
Thomas Helmberger
6   München Klinik Bogenhausen, Institut für Radiologie, Neuroradiologie und minimal-invasive Therapie, Germany
Matthias Heringlake
7   Klinikum Karlsburg, Klinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin, Germany
Matthias Karck
8   Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Klinik für Herzchirurgie, Germany
Yskert von Kodolitsch
9   Universitäres Herz- und Gefäßzentrum Hamburg, Germany
Tobias Schürholz
10   Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Klinik für Operative Intensivmedizin und Intermediate Care, Germany
Hendrik von Tengg-Kobligk
11   Inselspital, Universität Bern, Diagnostische, Interventionelle und Pädiatrische Radiologie, Switzerland
Susanne Blödt
12   Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wissenschaftlichen Medizinischen Fachgesellschaften e.V. (AWMF), Berlin, Germany
Martin Czerny
2   Universitäts-Herzzentrum Freiburg-Bad Krozingen, Klinik für Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie, Germany
› Author Affiliations


Acute aortic dissection type A (AADA) is a devastating disease with high initial mortality. Patients surviving the initial event are transferred to a hospital and must be operated immediately, as proposed by current guidelines focusing on aortic disease in general.[1] [2] However, due to the emergent character and the heterogeneous clinical picture of the disease, neither universally valid standards nor specific guidelines for the surgical treatment of AADA exist.

Initiated by the German Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (DGTHG), the lack of a clinical guideline for the treatment of aortic dissection type A was addressed. Together with the German societies for vascular surgery (DGG), anesthesiology (DGAI), cardiology (DGK), radiology (DRG), and, representing the patient's interests, the German Marfan Aid Organization (Marfan Hilfe (Deutschland) e.V.), the guideline was developed and written under the moderation of the German Working Group of Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF).

Publication History

Received: 23 October 2022

Accepted: 27 October 2022

Article published online:
03 December 2022

© 2022. Thieme. All rights reserved.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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