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DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-100714
Neue Wege in der Diagnostik der ADHS bei Erwachsenen
Das Essener Interview zur schulzeitbezogenen Biografie bei adulter ADHSNew Ways of Diagnosing ADHD in AdultsThe Essen-Interview-for-School-Days-Related-Biography (EIS-B)Publikationsverlauf
23. März 2017 (online)

Anliegen Die Pilotstudie stellt erste Ergebnisse zu den Testgütekriterien des „Essener Interviews zur schulzeitbezogenen Biografie bei adulter ADHS“ (EIS-B) vor, welches den retrospektiven Beleg einer Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) in der Kindheit ermöglichen soll.
Methode EIS-B wurde bei 36 Patienten mit ADHS, 27 klinischen und 39 gesunden Kontrollpersonen angewendet.
Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerung EIS-B erwies sich als reliabel und valide (Sensitivität: 82 %, Spezifität: 100 %). Ziel weiterer Studien ist die Evaluierung mit größeren Stichproben.
Objective Diagnosing Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults requires that ADHD has already been present in childhood. However, recall of ADHD-symptoms in childhood is fallible, for example influenced by mood. Furthermore, diagnostics need a procedure to handle oblivion and judgment biases. The Essen-Interview-for-school-days-related-biography (EIS-B) addresses these problems and offers a tool for retrospectively diagnosing childhood ADHD in adults.
Method 36 patients with ADHD, 27 patients with depression or adjustment disorders and 39 healthy controls were included in the pilot study. All participants were comparable regarding age and gender.
Results Internal consistency varied between α = 0.58 and α = 0.97, split-half-reliability was r = 0.98, inter-rater-reliability yielded κ = 0.66. Retest-reliability varied between r = 0.40 and r = 0.88. Sensitivity was 82 %. Specificity yielded 100 %.
Discussion The results indicate that EIS-B is a reliable and valid interview to retrospectively elucidate symptoms of childhood ADHD in adult patients. Further studies should aim for replication of our results using a larger sample size.