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DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-120446
Pregnancy-associated Death – Clarifying the Cause of Death and Medico-legal Assessments in Accusations of Malpractice
Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: English | deutschPublikationsverlauf
received 19. Juli 2017
revised 26. August 2017
accepted 26. September 2017
19. Februar 2018 (online)

Background Pregnancy-associated deaths are extremely rare in Germany. Most deaths are from natural causes, and a range of causes are possible.
Method The deaths of 22 women who died of pregnancy-associated causes and who were autopsied in the Institute of Forensic Medicine of Justus-Liebig University Gießen between 1992 and 2016 were analyzed.
Results The autopsy results and histological examinations for the majority of women who died of pregnancy-associated causes between 1992 and 2016 showed that they had died of natural causes, although complications of pregnancy were a leading cause of death.
Conclusion The death of a pregnant woman should not automatically raise the suspicion of malpractice, although the question does arise in cases of bleeding complications only detected at very late stages. Experts must prove that a real mistake was made during treatment and provide evidence of the causality between malpractice and patient death. Particularly when well-known complications of pregnancy were present, this is only the case if poor monitoring resulted in the complication being detected too late or if treatment was not in accordance with accepted standards of care. The majority of pregnancy-associated deaths are from natural causes and the death of a pregnant woman does not mean that medical malpractice was involved, although this accusation is often levelled in cases where rupture was not immediately diagnosed or in cases of fatal postpartum hemorrhage.
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