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Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2018; 235(04): 424-435
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-124966
Klinische Studie
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Need for Quantitative Measurement Methods for Posterior Uveitis: Comparison of Dual FA/ICGA Angiography, EDI-OCT Choroidal Thickness and SUN Vitreous Haze Evaluation in Stromal Choroiditis

Bedürfnis für quantitative Messungsmethoden der Entzündung bei Uveitis posterior: FA/ICGA versus SUN-Glaskörpertrübungsmessung in stromalen Choroiditiden
Filippo Fabro
Ophthalmology, Retinal and Inflammatory Eye Diseases, Centre for Ophthalmic Specialized Care (COS), Clinic Montchoisi Teaching Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland
Carl P. Herbort
Ophthalmology, Retinal and Inflammatory Eye Diseases, Centre for Ophthalmic Specialized Care (COS), Clinic Montchoisi Teaching Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland
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