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DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1762568
Guidance for Research with Trans and Gender-Diverse People
When engaging in research with marginalized communities, it is important for researchers to reflect on their practice and consider what steps they can take to avoid perpetuating inequality or causing harm. This article provides guidance for researchers working with trans and gender-diverse individuals from the perspective of two speech-language pathologists. Key considerations presented by the authors include the importance of engaging in reflexive research practices—thinking deeply about and acknowledging impacts of one's personal beliefs, values, and practices on one's research—and developing an awareness of factors that contribute to the trans and gender-diverse community's ongoing minority stress. Specific suggestions to redress power imbalance between the researcher and the researched community are provided. Finally, practical methods for implementing the guidance are presented: the community-based participatory research model and an example in speech-language pathology research with trans and gender-diverse individuals.
reflexivity - community-based participatory research - minority stress - transgender - speech–language pathologyPublication History
Article published online:
07 March 2023
© 2023. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
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