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DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1771488
Acute Distal Biceps Tendon Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment
Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: português | English Financial Support This study received no financial support from public, commercial, or not-for-profit sources.Abstract
Acute distal biceps injuries clinically present with sudden pain and acute loss of flexion and supination strength. The main injury mechanism occurs during the eccentric load of the biceps. The hook test is the most significant examination test, presenting the highest sensibility and specificity for this lesion. Magnetic resonance imaging, the gold standard imaging test, can provide information regarding integrity and identify partial and/or complete tears. The surgical treatment uses an anterior or double approach and several reattachment techniques. Although there is no clinical evidence to recommend one fixation method over the other, biomechanical studies show that the cortical button resists better to failure. Although surgical treatment led to an 89% rate of return to work in 14 weeks, the recovery of high sports performance occurred in 1 year, with unsustainable outcomes.
Eingereicht: 04. Juni 2022
Angenommen: 12. April 2023
Artikel online veröffentlicht:
30. Oktober 2023
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