Semin Speech Lang 2023; 44(04): 240-250
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1771509
Research Article: Adult

Perception of Supervisory Styles

1   Center for Communication Disorders, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
Laura Liljequist
2   Department of Psychology, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
Randal Wilson
3   Department of Educational Studies, Leadership and Counseling, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
Sharon B. Hart
4   Center for Communication Disorders, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
› Institutsangaben


Supervision is a dynamic and challenging leadership process that remains an essential element within the field of speech-language pathology. This study examines a facet of the supervisory relationship and investigates whether supervision styles are similarly perceived by the supervisor and supervisee and if a mismatch in perceptions relates to satisfaction between supervisor–supervisee dyads. Data were collected through completion of a demographic questionnaire as well as the Supervisory Style Inventory, which categorizes supervisory style as being attractive, interpersonally sensitive, task-oriented, or mixed. Findings demonstrate notable variance in the self-reported supervisor style and the style supervisees perceived as being demonstrated with over half (66%) of supervisor–supervisee dyads reporting a perceived mismatch in style. There was not a significant difference in the level of supervisee satisfaction for supervisor dyads reporting a match in style compared with mismatch. Satisfaction was correlated with all three reported style characteristics; however, interpersonal and task-oriented supervisory style characteristics were more strongly correlated with supervisee satisfaction. Having a mixed style was the only style that was significantly correlated with supervisees reporting having their needs met. Discussions include practical implications, limitations of the study, as well as recommendations for future research.


The authors of this article have no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose.


Artikel online veröffentlicht:
11. August 2023

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Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
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