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DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1777131
A Call for Transformative Intersectional LPAA Intervention for Equity and Social Justice in Ethnosocially Diverse Post-Stroke Aphasia Services

The disproportionate health disparities in ethnoracial groups highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic catalyzed a sociopolitical momentum for transformative approaches in health care. As the U.S. population progressively becomes more ethnoracially diverse and older, growing vulnerable ethnogeriatric groups of older individuals with contrasting ethnic/racial and social histories are estimated to experience age-related cardiovascular complications with resulting chronic disabilities, such as post-stroke aphasia. Grounded in principles of equity and social justice, transformative health care approaches use input from marginalized communities to inform service strategies to minimize health disparities. This article discusses the population scenario, principles, and possible strategies to support the call for stakeholder-informed intervention toward the social reintegration of ethnosocially mixed geriatric populations with aphasia in the United States. Based on the principles from the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA) and intersectional narratives, we discuss how client and caregiver stories can inform culturally authentic individualized aphasia intervention for social readaptation. We conclude with future directions in aphasia education, research, and practice to promote stakeholder-informed strategies for culturally aligned social reintegration of older ethnosocially diverse aphasia populations in post-stroke care.
The author has declared that no competing interests existed at the time of writing this manuscript.
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06. Dezember 2023
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