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DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1777307
A Critical Reappraisal of the Bleeding Time[*]
Funding This work was supported in part by the Veterans Administration; grants from the Research Evaluation and Allocation Committee (School of Medicine) and the Academic Senate of the University of California at San Francisco; a grant from the Research Corporation of Tucson, Arizona; and Research Grant HL 31035 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis (STH) celebrates 50 years of publishing in 2024. To celebrate this landmark event, STH is republishing some archival material. This manuscript represents the second most highly cited paper ever published in STH. The manuscript published without an abstract, and essentially represented a State of the Art Review on the bleeding time, a relatively invasive procedure that required an incision on the skin or earlobe of a patient, and timing how long it took for the incision to stop bleeding. The bleeding time test was first described in 1901 by the French physician Milian, who presented three studies of bleeding from stab wounds made in the fingertips of healthy and diseased subjects. In 1910, Duke observed the duration of bleeding from small incisions of the ear lobe, and pointed out that the duration of bleeding was increased in instances of reduced platelet counts. The test was subsequently repeatedly modified, and numerous variants of the test, including semiautomated methods, were described by several workers. The most frequently utilised test reflected one described by Ivy and coworkers, who shifted the location of the incision to the volar aspect of the forearm and applied a blood pressure cuff to the arm to maintain a standard venous pressure. The bleeding time has been proposed for use as a diagnostic test for platelet-related bleeding disorders, a measure of efficacy in various forms of therapy, and as a prognosticator of abnormal bleeding. The authors to the current review reevaluated the bleeding time literature using methods to assess the performance of the test in 1990, locating 862 printed documents that discussed the bleeding time, the majority in peer-reviewed professional journals. As this is a republication of archival material, transformed into a modern format, we apologise in advance for any errors introduced during this transformation.
skin bleeding time - clinical utility - surgical bleeding risk - platelet count and function - predictor of therapy efficacyNote
The literature survey on which this study was based was closed at the end of 1986 (although several more recent publications which came to our attention were included). A recent review (Burns ER, Lawrence C: Bleeding time: a guide to its diagnostic and clinical utility. Arch Pathol Laboratory Med 1989;113:1219–1224) contains 26 more recent publications not included in our bibliography. None of the conclusions drawn in the present study are modified by consideration of the data provided by these publications. Although the aforementioned review concludes that there is no evidence to support the use of the bleeding time as a preoperative screening test, it recommends using the test to monitor bleeding in the settings of uremia, von Willebrand's disease, congenital platelet function abnormalities, chronic liver disease, acute alcoholism, aspirin ingestion, anemia, and antibiotic usage. An accompanying editorial (Triplett DA: The bleeding time: neither pariah or panacea. Arch Pathol Laboratory Med 1989;113:1207–1208) further recommends that the test be used in the settings of plastic surgery and major surgery where there is a history of the use of antiplatelet medications. Neither the review nor the editorial makes specific recommendations as to how or when to perform the test or how to interpret its results in any of the recommended clinical settings. Furthermore, none of the cited studies provides such instructions or evidence supporting the recommended uses of the test.
* This article is a republished version of: Rodgers RPC, Levin J. A critical reappraisal of the bleeding time. Semin Thromb Hemost 1990;16(01):1–20.
Publication History
Article published online:
12 December 2023
© 2023. Thieme. All rights reserved.
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- 1 Milian MG. Influence de la peau sur la coagulabilite du sang. C R Soc Biol (Paris) 1901; 53: 576-578
- 2 Milian MG. Contribution a l'etude de la coagulation du sang. C R Soc Biol (Paris) 1901; 53: 556-557
- 3 Milian MG. Technique pour l'etude clinique de la coagulation du sang. Bull Mem Soc Med Hop Paris 1901; 18: 777-783
- 4 Duke WW. The relation of blood platelets to hemorrhagic disease. Description of a method for determining the bleeding time and coagulation time and report of three cases of hemorrhagic disease relieved by transfusion. JAMA 1910; 55: 1185-1192
- 5 Sutor AH, Bowie EJW, Thompson Jr JH, Didisheim P, Mertens BF, Owen Jr CA. Bleeding from standardized skin punctures: automated technic for recording time, intensity, and pattern of bleeding. Am J Clin Pathol 1971; 55 (05) 541-550
- 6 Bowie EJW, Owen Jr CA. Standardization of the bleeding time. Scand J Haematol Suppl 1980; 37: 87-94
- 7 Ivy AC, Nelson D, Bucher G. The standardization of certain factors in the cutaneous “venostasis” bleeding time technique. J Lab Clin Med 1941; 26: 1812-1822
- 8 Mielke Jr CH, Kaneshiro MM, Maher IA, Weiner JM, Rapaport SI. The standardized normal Ivy bleeding time and its prolongation by aspirin. Blood 1969; 34 (02) 204-215
- 9 Babson SR, Babson AL. Development and evaluation of a disposable device for performing simultaneous duplicate bleeding time determinations. Am J Clin Pathol 1978; 70 (03) 406-408
- 10 Clinical Laboratories: Opportunities and Threats 1982–1990. Northfield, IL: J. Lloyd Johnson Associates; 1984: 90-92
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- 19 Scott EP, Slichter SJ. Viability and function of platelet concentrates stored in CPD-adenine (CPDA-1). Transfusion 1980; 20 (05) 489-497
- 20 Kahn RA, Staggs SD, Miller WV, Heaton WA. Recovery, lifespan, and function of CPD-Adenine (CPDA-1) platelet concentrates stored for up to 72 hours at 4 C. Transfusion 1980; 20 (05) 498-503
- 21 Stavem P. The influence of depth of the cut on the bleeding time. Acta Med Scand 1967; 182 (03) 389-396
- 22 Borchgrevink CF, Waaler BA. The secondary bleeding time; a new method for the differentiation of hemorrhagic diseases. Acta Med Scand 1958; 162 (05) 361-374
- 23 Stavem P. Bleeding time from incisions standardized by protruding skin fold method. Br J Haematol 1974; 26 (01) 153-158
- 24 Kahn RA. Clinical evaluation of platelet transfusions in thrombocytopenic patients: methods and interpretation. Vox Sang 1981; 40 (Suppl. 01) 87-97
- 25 Göbel U, von Voss H, Jürgens H, Lauber A, Volkmer HP. The reproductiveness of bleeding time tests. Minerva Pediatr 1978; 30 (17) 1391-1396
- 26 Sutor AH, Bowie EJW, Owen Jr CA. Effect of cold on bleeding: Hippocrates vindicated. Lancet 1970; 2 (7682) 1084
- 27 Nilsson IM, Magnusson S, Borchgrevink C. The Duke and Ivy methods for determination of the bleeding time. Thromb Diath Haemorrh 1963; 10: 223-234
- 28 Boysen G, Boss AH, Odum N, Olsen JS. Prolongation of bleeding time and inhibition of platelet aggregation by low-dose acetylsalicylic acid in patients with cerebrovascular disease. Stroke 1984; 15 (02) 241-243
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- 31 Thorngren M, Shafi S, Born GVR. Delay in primary haemostasis produced by a fish diet without change in local thromboxane A2. Br J Haematol 1984; 58 (04) 567-578
- 32 Knapp HR, Reilly IAG, Alessandrini P, FitzGerald GA. In vivo indexes of platelet and vascular function during fish-oil administration in patients with atherosclerosis. N Engl J Med 1986; 314 (15) 937-942
- 33 Jørgensen KA, Dyerberg J, Olesen AS, Stoffersen E. Acetylsalicylic acid, bleeding time and age. Thromb Res 1980; 19 (06) 799-805
- 34 Ríos E, Pinochet M, Mandujano TM. Tiempo de sangría de Ivy modificado: valores normales en edad pediátrica. Rev Chil Pediatr 1982; 53 (06) 552-554
- 35 Udén A, Nilsson IM, Willner S. Bleeding time and scoliosis. Acta Orthop Scand 1982; 53 (01) 73-77
- 36 Wahlberg TB, Blombäck M, Ruggeri ZM. Differences between heterozygous dominant and recessive von Willebrand's disease type I expressed by bleeding symptoms and combinations of factor VIII variables. Thromb Haemost 1983; 50 (04) 864-868
- 37 Sanders JM, Holtkamp CA, Buchanan GR. Bleeding time values in children are longer than in adults. (Abst.). Clin Res 1987; 35: 64A
- 38 O'Brien JR. The bleeding time in normal and abnormal subjects. J Clin Pathol 1951; 4 (03) 272-285
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- 40 Bain B, Forster T. A sex difference in the bleeding time. Thromb Haemost 1980; 43 (02) 131-132
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- 43 Caen J, Parquet-Gernez A. Corticotherapie dans les allongements du temps de saignement. [article in French]. Nouv Rev Fr Hematol 1963; 3: 355-361
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- 96 Malpass TW, Savage B, Hanson SR, Slichter SJ, Harker LA. Correlation between prolonged bleeding time and depletion of platelet dense granule ADP in patients with myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disorders. J Lab Clin Med 1984; 103 (06) 894-904
- 97 Uchiyama S, Bach ML, Didisheim P, Bowie EJW. Clinical evaluation of a new test of hemostasis: the Filter Bleeding Time. Thromb Res 1984; 34 (05) 397-405
- 98 Sutor AH, Bowie EJW, Owen Jr CA. Effect of temperature on hemostasis: a cold-tolerance test. Blut 1971; 22 (01) 27-34
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- 119 Harada K, Kawai Y. Evaluation of bleeding time using Simplate–comparison with the Duke method. [article in Japanese]. Rinsho Byori 1982; 30 (12) 1379-1383
- 120 Bain B, Forster T, Baker A. An assessment of the sensitivity of 3 bleeding time techniques. Scand J Haematol 1983; 30 (04) 311-316
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- 135 Uchiyama S, Stropp JQ, Claypool DA, Didisheim P. Filter bleeding time: a new in vitro test of hemostasis. II. Application to the study of von Willebrand disease and platelet function inhibitors. Thromb Res 1983; 31 (01) 117-125
- 136 Uchiyama S, Stropp JQ, Claypool DA, Didisheim P, Dewanjee MK. Filter bleeding time: a new in vitro test of hemostasis. I. Evaluation in normal and thrombocytopenic subjects. Thromb Res 1983; 31 (01) 99-115
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- 144 Udén A, Nilsson IM. Correlation between the bleeding time and the platelet aggregating activity of collagen in scoliosis. Thromb Res 1979; 16 (1-2): 93-95
- 145 Udén A, Nilsson IM, Willner S. Collagen-induced platelet aggregation and bleeding time in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Acta Orthop Scand 1980; 51 (05) 773-777
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