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DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1777357
The Fifth United Arab Emirates Obesity Conference, November 4–5, 2023, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Funding and Sponsorship None.Abstract
The Fifth United Arab Emirates Obesity Conference was held from November 4 to 5, 2023, in Dusit Thani, Abu Dhabi, UAE. The theme of the conference was “What can we do better in obesity management?” The program included several didactic lectures and a question-and-answer time separately or grouped thematically. Over 2 days, the speakers covered the burden, definitions, and evaluation of obesity, including uncommon chromosomal and genetic syndromes associated with obesity in appropriate cases. It highlighted the importance of policy changes for public health improvement and prevention of obesity, the role of multidisciplinary teams in managing persons with obesity holistically, and present and future therapies, including personalized precision medicine backed up by science.
This report reflects on the conference proceedings as perceived by the rapporteurs. The speakers can not be held responsible for any unintended misrepresentation of their lectures.
Author Contributions
All the author contributed equally to this study.
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26. Dezember 2023
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