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DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1785232
Peter Chappell, developer of PC resonance remedies and proponent of educative homeopathy, passes away at the age of 82 years

“I have to say one of the weaknesses I perceive in homeopathy is that homeopaths are not sufficiently trained; they haven't done enough internal, therapeutic inner training. The world is emotionally illiterate, and I think emotional intelligence in homeopathy is still limited.”
–Peter Chappell[1]
Those words, spoken in 2007, still find resonance today.
Peter Chappell, though a British professional homeopath, was very much a figure of international stature and influence. In the latter part of his career, he worked as a researcher, lecturer and writer, not to mention his extensive clinical work in Africa. There he treated patients and conducted research on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), trauma, and epidemics. Peter is the developer of medicines called PC Remedies (or Source Remedies), which are manufactured by a special proprietary method that he developed. Equally as important, perhaps, was his help in revitalizing homeopathy in several Eastern European countries, starting with Bulgaria in 1993. Peter Chappell crossed the threshold on December 26, 2023.
Peter began his work life as a research and development engineer employed in the aerospace industry (rocket engineering!) before shifting into the business-computing sector. By the time he was 25, he had received no less than three patents granted by the U.S. Patent Office. He continued to innovate and “When I became a homeopath in the late 1970s…I produced the first homeopathic computer software that worked in real time in the consulting room….”
Born in October 1941, Peter, as a child, suffered from asthma and was unable to attend school until the age of 7. He had a seminal experience of a spiritual nature when, at the age of 9, he wandered into a cathedral, which seemed to have made a deep impression on him: “All life is conscious” was one of his notable quotes.
By the age of 16, he took an apprenticeship at an electronics company and later received his BSc degree at a technical school in London and his MSc degree in the field of automation. He married his first wife, Liz, in 1964 and in 1966 the couple moved to the United States—he was hired to work on plane and helicopter designs for the Boeing Corp. Upon his return to England, he worked with a team responsible for developing the first automated teller machine (ATM) in that country. He married twice more and had a total of three children. Peter held a fascination for snakes and creating ponds. Cycling was a hobby of his as well as “taking things apart” yet being unable or unwilling to reassemble them!

What eventually led Peter to homeopathy was a severe trauma he suffered along with his wife when their first child, a daughter, was stillborn. This trauma, he admitted, was not dealt with adequately, causing the couple to divorce. His life upended, Peter sought counseling and soon thereafter encountered homeopathy and Thomas Maughan, a British homeopath of renown. Maughan became his healer, mentor, and later great friend. Maughan was one of England's most respected Druids and that too, influenced Chappell to a profound degree.
Once, while meditating, Peter got the idea to form a society, a society of homeopaths. Up to that point there was little in the way of lay organizations and so the Society of Homeopaths (SOH) was founded in 1977. It served as the model for the American version, North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH), which was founded in 1990. The SOH drew its initial bevy of members from the students who gathered around Maughan and John DaMonte, another influential teacher during the first half-dozen or so years of that decade.[2]
Those folks, with great focus, knew which direction to go and, since they managed their finances wisely, they boldly brought in several luminaries, for example, George Vithoulkas, Vassilis Ghegas, Roger Morrison, F.X. Eizayaga, Eugenio Candegabe, Rajan Sankaran, and others to present extended seminars of a seminal and advanced nature.
Peter influenced many to become practitioners; for example, British homeopath, Bill Rumble, at the age of 26, knew instantly that he wanted to be a homeopath upon meeting Peter.
Peter conducted his private homeopathic practice in London from the 1970s to the 1990s, treating people from all across the globe. Additionally, he was a director of three alternative medicine clinics in London at that time. He helped organize the teaching and practice of modern classical homoeopathy internationally, and as mentioned, helped found the SOH (UK). During the 1990s, he organized training programs with teams of homoeopaths and ran master classes and teaching clinics in several countries and in differing cultural settings. It was during this period that he began to collect some of his thoughts into books.[3]
By 2000, after experiencing a hug by Amma, Peter connected more deeply with his overwhelming, heartfelt passion to do something about HIV and AIDS in Africa. At that time, no AIDS drugs were reaching Africa and millions were dying of AIDS as a result. Thus, his sole purpose at that point in his life was to correct that situation. So, he closed his UK practice, mortgaged his property, and went to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in October 2001 to practice homeopathy and to further investigate the situation firsthand.
“Then began a whole new chapter of my life, leading to the development of Source Medicine.”
–Peter Chappell (, accessed July 3, 2018).[4]
Corrie Hiwat and Harry van der Zee who knew and worked extensively with Chappell commented:
“In his characteristic, quick, slightly erratic and nevertheless inspiring way, we would meet him at seminars and conferences. Inspiring because of his enthusiasm and love for the profession and impressive because of the amazing work he had done by spreading homeopathy to many countries—especially places where help was needed most.”
“A most striking aspect of Peter was his uncompromising and future-oriented perspective on things. Nothing was too crazy, nothing impossible, and if one could imagine it, surely it could be done. There are not that many people that possess a quality where the free-floating mind is not something to fear, but something to encourage and to embrace. That this quality can also lead one into trouble is not hard to imagine. How often were we not stopped, or allowed ourselves to be stopped or even ridiculed, when we dared to think big?”
Once established in Ethiopia, he started taking cases, one by one in the classical way, and obtained encouraging results. But with some 28 million AIDS-infected people in sub-Saharan Africa and few homeopaths available to treat them, he realized a different approach was needed. By taking all cases together as if for one person, the genus epidemicus principle a la Hahnemann, Peter searched for the one remedy that covered the symptom totality of HIV/AIDS: a remedy that did not appear to exist yet.
Peter, being a natural maverick of sorts, knew that if he asked properly phrased questions, chances of receiving an answer could be increased. In addition to that, he was deeply aware that consciousness is the fabric of life underlying all of creation and, having been involved with shamanic work in the past, was aware of what he called a benign, intelligent, and loving presence. Mentally he connected with this presence, and asked whether it would prepare a simillimum for him based on the totality of signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS. His understanding of how to phrase his requests and how they were being answered grew with time, but this is how it all began.
After a period of gestation, he uncovered a way of creating the very remedy he was looking for. It was not from any material source, for that flash of insight and the path forward came from a place of pure awareness.
In 2002, Chappell published his first article on the results with this remedy, PC1, in Homoeopathic Links. He created it to treat HIV/AIDS and called it PC1 (first created in 2002).
Again, Hiwat and van der Zee had this to say:
“A year later, Malcolm Smith presented a most impressive case of PC1 at a conference. A suicidal, depressed HIV+ patient experienced a deep transformation after taking the remedy. From being unable to imagine anyone could ever love him, he now was overflowing with love for everything and everyone. This case made clear that PC1 not only treats the symptoms but also goes to the very root of the epidemic. When there is a lack of respect, care, and love for self and for the other, HIV has a chance to spread.”
“The book Homeopathy for Diseases by Peter and myself [Harry van der Zee] gives you the full story about AIDS and many other conditions. Essential to the PC Remedies, as provided by Source, is that they cover the totality of a disease, including its evolutionary role and purpose within the collective.”
In 2004, Hiwat and van der Zee went to Malawi and witnessed the amazingly consistent results that Peter realized. They published their findings and, in 2007, together with Peter, founded the Amma Resonance Healing Foundation (ARHF). With the ARHF, they worked to train a network of volunteers in Africa, while Peter focused on making PC remedies available in the West and of further developing them for our highly individualized society.
Tirelessly, Peter helped ARHF to grow with new advances, especially with many other PC Remedies, which he developed for conditions prevalent or even endemic in Africa. Those advances included applying the genus epidemicus approach to collective trauma, which led to the creation of many efficacious remedies for trauma; using sound instead of water as a carrier for healing information, which was advantageous as it greatly simplified logistical issues; and creating the Learning Enhancement Africa Program (LEAP) that covers all major infectious diseases and trauma and enhances learning skills. Furthermore, understanding that “that which cures can also be used for prevention” inspired the creation of the Africa Malaria Prevention Project (AMPP). At last count, that program has some 600 volunteers spread over a dozen African countries.
Without having personally witnessed the effects in Africa, it is hard to realize the huge impact PC remedies, LEAP, and AMPP have on the lives of millions of people. Indeed millions, for in 2023 alone approximately 1 million children and adults received malaria prevention or were treated for their diseases or inflicted traumas by ARHF.
Peter's gift to humanity, and to Africa in particular, affected so so many. Hiwat and van der Zee in their tribute provided several case examples:
“Mary had seen her husband die from HIV/AIDS. Like him, now she too was losing a lot of weight, had no appetite, had headaches, pain in her joints, and started coughing. She was no longer able to take care of her children and didn't want them to become orphans. So she ignored the taboo, went for a test, and was found HIV + . She received PC1, and within just a few weeks she became totally symptom free and able to work. Today, she is still in good health.”
“Faith was raped and mutilated by rebels in front of her children. They burned her hut down with her husband inside. Stigmatized, she was chased away from the village. She survived with her children in the city of Bukavu by carrying heavy loads. After receiving PC remedies for her traumas, her fears, nightmares, and flashbacks stopped and she said, ‘I am no longer a slave of the past. Life is still hard, but I'm well.’”
“Gloria was about to have her uterus removed. Because she had gonorrhea in the past, “PC Gonorrhoea” was given to her. A few days later, she reported, “A lot of dirt came out of the vagina. After that the bleeding stopped.” In the hospital, the doctor confirmed the uterus looked normal and the operation was canceled.”
“Masamba was 73 years old and suffering from tuberculosis. Taking antibiotics for 8 months brought no cure. He took “PC Tuberculosis” and reported a week later, “Shortly after the first dose I coughed up a lot of blood, worse than ever. After that, the cough started to subside. Now I no longer cough.” Months later, he was still okay.”
“Joanne was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. Shortly after birth, she started to have monthly crises with excruciating pains. Each time, she was hospitalized for blood transfusion and painkillers. Can you imagine how helpless her parents felt seeing their little girl suffer so much? There was no cure, nothing they could do. In 2013, she was 8 years old when she received PC Sickle Cell Anaemia. Since then, the crises never returned, not even a single time. Her hemoglobin levels remain normal.”
“Sokoro is the headmaster of a primary school. Because of malaria, his school had an average absenteeism rate of 23%. Every day he had to send children to hospital. As children were missing out on many lessons, school performance was so low that not a single child was allowed to go to secondary school. Some 6 months after AMPP was introduced, the hospital director asked him why he no longer referred children for treatment. Sokoro replied it was no longer needed. The children were healthy. And if a child started to fall ill, he would give it an extra dose and let it sit in the shade of a tree. Soon enough the child would enter class again, feeling totally well. Absenteeism dropped dramatically. And school performance increased so much that pupils from form 8 were now admitted to secondary school [the malarial prevention protocol is delivered to children while in school costs just pennies a day/child/year. Hundreds of schools use AMPP-oral or LEAP-audio].”
Other examples could be cited to confirm Peter's legacy for the untold suffering occurring in Africa. A video documentary, “A Story of Hope & Love: An Answer to Malaria, AIDS and Trauma in Africa,” summarizes Chappell's legacy and healing contribution to global healing and to Africa in particular.[5]
“On behalf of Africa, of all those that have benefited and will benefit from Peter's remedies, of the network of many volunteers and teams active all over Africa, and on behalf of our team of volunteers at ARHF [fnd. 2007] and of its board, we express our love and gratitude to Peter. Beloved Peter, may you be deeply immersed in the peace and love of your Source. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
–Corrie Hiwat & Harry van der Zee.[6]
Chappell was cremated on January 19, 2024, in Torquay, United Kingdom. In the 45-minute memorial, Peter was remembered by several family members. One participant commented, “He did his best to serve.” Friend and colleague, Harry van der Zee, MD, from The Netherlands, was in attendance and offered laudatory remarks. At the service, “Let It Be” by the Beatles was played and sung by the attendees. Then “The Lord's Prayer” was recited by all.
“Although I met Peter a few times, I never really knew him or had much contact with him. He was definitely a sincere and dedicated person.”
“I do remember that I went to see Vithoulkas many years ago and tried to study with him, but at that time George only was interested in teaching doctors. Next thing I knew, Peter had gone to see him and had persuaded him to run seminars [in the U.K.] where professional homeopaths were admitted. I'm grateful for that!”
–David Mundy (email communication, January 21, 2024).
“When he [Peter] returned to the U.K., we invited him to the School of Homeopathy to give a talk. He did not disappoint, he was a delight—memorable, fun and full of charisma. His love and passion for homeopathy shone through. His talk elevated and inspired the students. As he left, I remember he joked that he wished he had a “Mani” like Misha had a “Mani” as he would have loved to have someone to keep the “Peter” flame alight. My last contact with him was after Misha [Misha Norland was Mani's father] passed away in Nov 2021.”
“I received a surprise call from Peter, he demanded to know why Misha's funeral was not being held in a cathedral! It seemed so Peter. It made me laugh. It was not until later that I laughed again reflecting on his surname being Chappell.”
“Rest in peace dear Peter, fill the chapel with your bright light.”
–Mani Norland (Principal, School of Homeopathy, U.K.; via email communication, January 17, 2024).
“Together in past, present and future!”
“[In 1986,] …when I was third year medical student I had a dream—I am in a big auditorium and listen to a lecture on English (at that time I did not know English at all). I do not understand what the man speaks, but I listen with joy and excitement, because this is something I was looking for and finally found. I remembered the face and the voice of the man.”
“Seven years later I saw Peter exactly as in my dream in a hall I chose for his lecture. We had a verbal agreement - he will come and teach for free 2 years if we provide accommodation, food and pay his flight ticket.”
“No books, no remedies, no homeopaths at that time. Nobody knew what is homeopathy, but we (Peter Naydenov, Atanas Gulubov and I)—young and determined to learn—began this journey with Peter Chappell. There was huge enthusiasm and terrible inflation, people were not able to pay and drop out—it was impossible to continue. Peter knew it very well, but he motivated us to look for possible solutions. After the first year of our study in homeopathy, we three started to teach newcomers to help people catch up and join the course.”
“Believe or not—every time we managed to collect from the participants exactly the money for his ticket (± 15 pounds). Accommodation and food in our homes with our families. I would like to thank them and all participants for making it possible. Today Bulgaria has homoeopaths, remedies, schools, books, etc. We help many people to restore their health. We educate, do provings and research.”
“Thank you, Peter, for bringing the Light of Homeopathy in Bulgaria!”
–Dora Pachova, MD (email communication, February 14, 2024)
“I travelled with him during his tenure [for approximately four years] as head of the International Department of London College of Classical Homeopathy and visited many of the countries where he taught actively between 1993 and 1995. These were Bulgaria, Czech, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary. Later, there were courses in Croatia (beginning in 1995) and Bosnia (beginning in 1999) as well. He also ran trauma relief courses in both countries after the Balkan wars.”
“On his teaching visits to Romania, Peter also worked in several Romanian orphanages, treating the children and staff. He treated patients everywhere he ran his training courses. Peter originally taught by himself, and later was accompanied by other U.K. homeopaths. After 1995, he delegated the teaching work mostly to his colleagues and got involved in other projects. Several British homeopaths became resident in Eastern European countries for a number of years, teaching and supervising graduates. The persons I am aware of where Angela Needham (now deceased; she worked for five years in Bulgaria) in Bulgaria, Robert Bannan in Czech, Lucinda Torabi in Bosnia.”
–Stelyana Spassova (email communication, February 16, 2024).
“I first met Peter in 1987 when he was doing some work at the College of Homeopathy of London where I was studying at the time. Later, in 1991, when I was doing tutorials for students at the London College of Classical Homeopathy, he was more involved having been a longtime friend of the principal Ann Larkin.”
“She had been approached by a group of doctors in Czechoslovakia, recently freed from the grip of the Iron curtain, who were interested in learning homeopathy. Ann had very wisely thought of Peter because, one of the main characteristic features of Peter's nature was, he was a STARTER. Aries Rising with Mars in the first house, and he was a brilliant starter, he saw what was needed to open and move forward and was very helpful and generous in getting things opened and started. He would then bring in other folks, such as myself to take the reins of the project while he ran off to start something else, somewhere else. So, we opened homeopathy training programs in Brno, Prague, Bratislava, Sofia, Budapest, Bucharest, Zagreb—and on it goes.”
“He was really prolific, never still for very long, always on to the next frontier. In fact, his whole life was like that, he had been an inventor with several important patents to his name in the technology sector. His interest and commitment to homeopathy was of a similar nature. He would always be looking for the next frontier and did some marvelous work in Africa that frankly nobody, but he could have done. How many lives he touched, helped, or saved, nobody can say. He certainly had a significant effect in my own life, and he will be sadly missed. Thank you, Peter.”
–Rob Bannan (email communication, February 16, 2024).[7]
Again, from Looking Back, Moving Forward (2007, p. 77):
“It takes a long time to mature as a homeopath. It takes a long time to get good enough to earn a living and it is a lot about intention, too. Many practitioners don't need to make a living, because they have got a supportive partner but if you want to make a serious living it is hard, I think, and this is not just a homeopathic phenomenon. Many people who train part-time in therapies don't make it into practice, because they are not adequately trained. It is very easy to learn homeopathy theories, but it is a much bigger task to learn the practice and be wise enough to do the practice.”
Later, in the same interview, Peter added his thoughts about the homeopathic colleges:
“My observation is that none of the colleges provide adequate training in these areas [allied areas of health studies and especially work devoted to personal growth -individuation] and this is partly because they focus on the homeopathy, and they do not provide enough time and space for the self-development of the person [my emphasis].”
Mr. Yasgur wishes to acknowledge the assistance provided by Rob Bannan, Corrie Hiwat, Mani Norland, Dora Pachova, Stelyana Spassova, and Harry van der Zee for their contributions in the preparation of this obituary and tribute.
Publication History
Article published online:
19 September 2024
© 2024. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
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- 1 Looking Back Moving Forward (2007; Rowena Ronson, p. 63). This 500-page volume is a compilation of lively interviews, which Ms. Ronson tenaciously compiled. I reviewed this book for Homoeopathic Links several years ago; still, it comes highly recommended.
- 2 Jerome and Kaaren Whitney, Lynn Lovell, Peter Firebrace, Mary Titchmarsh, Robert Davidson, Martin Miles, Michael Thompson, Misha Norland, Michael Haggiag, and Kay Samuel were some who came under the influence of Maughan and DaMonte.
- 3 According to information provided by Dr. Pachova, Peter first came to Bulgaria in 1993. He came every month for a weekend, Friday through Sunday, during the first 2 years. After that, he found another homeopath, Angela Needham, to come and live in Bulgaria for 2 years to do supervisions. He taught in other Eastern European countries as well, for example, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, and Bosnia.
- 4 Mata Amritanandamayi. “Amma” (b. 1953) is an Indian Hindu spiritual leader, “divine mother.” She has often been called the “hugging saint” and arenas have been filled with persons in attendance to receive her hug, that is, her darshan. It is estimated she has hugged some 33 million people. She is a humanitarian in the broadest sense of the word and, with her cadre of staff, carries out her tasks across the globe. See < >
- 5 Consult the following sites: < > < >, and < >
- 6 See the recently published paper, “Novel immune supportive treatment of HIV/AIDS comparative outcomes study in rural clinics in Africa” (Harry van der Zee and Harald Walach; International Journal of Healing and Caring [IJCH], January 2024; 24:1, pp.18–34; ISSN:1538–1080 https://doi.10.78717/ijhc.2024118 ), which is now summarized below.
- 7 Robert Bannan (b. 1961–) is a homeopath and author, for example, R.E.S. Hayes Selected Papers and Presentations and The Collected Writings of C.M. Boger (1994). Concerning this latter work, Julian Winston had this to say: “Boger was a great scholar and homoeopathic thinker. A contemporary of Kent, his work is equally insightful. This book is filled with treasures which until its publication, remained buried in hard to find journals. Robert Bannan did a great service in assembling this work and having it published.” –The Heritage of Homoeopathic Literature, p. 175