Malunions of intra-articular fractures in phalanges cause deformities that limit function and are not well tolerated. On the other hand, their treatment with intra-articular osteotomies is associated with complications, mainly stiffness. We herein present a series of two cases of intra-articular malunion treated through extra-articular osteotomy and synthesis through a little invasive method: intramedullary screws. After the aforementioned procedure, the patients presented full range of motion and were able to return to their activities without pain in less than 3 months. The main advantages of the technique described are, on the one hand, the avoidance of complications secondary to intra-articular procedures, and, on the other hand, the use of devices that require less aggressive approaches and less wide deperiostizations.
interphalangeal joint fracture - unicondylar - intramedullary screw - malunion