Introduction Lisfranc injuries cover a wide spectrum of conditions that can impact the patient's quality of life if not treated appropriately. Accurate diagnosis, even of subtle cases that often go unnoticed, through specific examinations and early management is essential to obtain good results.
Materials and Methods We herein present two clinical cases of patients with Lisfranc fracture dislocation associated with tension hematomas who were submitted to decompression and open reduction and internal fixation with simultaneous use of various osteosynthesis materials little described in the literature.
Results Optimal radiographic results were obtained, which enabled accelerated rehabilitation and progressive improvement in range of motion from the week following surgery. At 18 months of the surgery, good scores were obtained on validated scales (such as the Foot Function Index [FFI] and the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey [SF-36]) that assess function and quality of life.
Discussion To date, there is no standard treatment for these lesions. In the first case, headless compression screws, locked tarsometatarsal plates, a Kirschner wire and even the button system were used, while in the second case, the fixation was performed only with Kirschner wires. Both cases presented very good functional results and return to their work activities. We performed a review emphasizing the diagnosis and management of this pathology.
Lisfranc injury - headless compression screws - tarsometatarsal locking plates - Kirschner wires - button fixation - Lisfranc ligament