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DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1791754
Anterior Shoulder Instability: Pre- and Postoperative Imaging

Treatment algorithms for anterior glenohumeral instability are evolving. Identification of soft tissue injuries remains important because stand-alone labrum and ligament repairs are a mainstay of primary intervention. Increasingly recognized is the importance of bone lesions, particularly the synergistic effects of bipolar bone loss in the glenoid track model. Accordingly, reporting and measurement of bone lesions is crucial to treatment planning, especially in patients with a failed Bankart repair. This review covers (1) anatomy related to anterior shoulder instability, (2) preoperative imaging assessment of soft tissue injuries, (3) postoperative imaging assessment of soft tissue injuries, (4) imaging techniques for soft tissue injuries, (5) preoperative imaging of bone injuries, and (6) postoperative imaging of bone injuries.
anterior instability - distal tibial allograft - glenoid bone loss - remplissage - labrum tearPublication History
Article published online:
11 February 2025
© 2025. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
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