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DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1793829
Innovative Approaches to Digital Health in Ovulation Detection: A Review of Current Methods and Emerging Technologies

Ovulation is a vital sign, as significant as body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure, in assessing overall health and identifying potential health issues. Ovulation is a key event of the menstrual cycle that provides insights into the hormonal and reproductive health aspects. Affected by the orchestra of hormones, namely thyroid, prolactin, and androgens, disruptions in ovulation can indicate endocrinological conditions and lead to gynecological problems, such as heavy menstrual bleeding, irregular periods, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and difficulties in getting pregnant. Monitoring ovulation and detecting disruptions can aid in the early detection of health issues, extending beyond reproductive health concerns. It can help identify underlying causes of symptoms like excessive fatigue and abnormal hair growth. The integration of digital health technologies, such as mobile apps using machine learning algorithms, wearables tracking temperature, heart rate, breath rate, and sleep patterns, and devices measuring reproductive hormones in urine or saliva samples, offers a wealth of opportunities in family planning, early health issue diagnosis, treatment adjustment, and tracking menstrual cycles during assisted reproductive techniques. These advancements provide a comprehensive approach to health monitoring, addressing both reproductive and overall health concerns.
wearables - digital health - reproductive hormones - ovulation trackers - hormonal monitoringPublication History
Article published online:
21 November 2024
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