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DOI: 10.1055/s-1999-127
12. Appropriateness of Colonoscopy: Surveillance After Polypectomy [1]
31. Dezember 1999 (online)

A colorectal polyp is a circumscribed mass of tissue that projects above the surface of the intestinal mucosa, which may be classified as either pedunculated or sessile depending on whether or not it contains a discrete stalk [1] , and according to size and type (neoplastic-adenomas; non-neoplastic, e.g. inflammatory, hyperplastic). Adenomas are the most significant type of colorectal polyps because of their alleged role in the natural history of colorectal cancer development. Indeed, several studies support the concept that colorectal neoplasia develops most often through a continuous process from normal mucosa to benign adenoma and then to carcinoma [2] [3] [4] . In addition, the importance of adenomatous polyps is emphasized by their frequent occurrence. In several cross-sectional and autopsy studies involving various populations (community- and hospital-based, referral for colonoscopy), the prevalence of adenomas ranged from 25 to 35 %, and the prevalence of hyperplastic polyps from 10 to 35 % [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] . The objective of using colonoscopy for post-polypectomy surveillance is to reduce the risk of development and death from colorectal cancer.
In November 1998, a multidisciplinary European expert panel convened in Lausanne, Switzerland, to discuss and develop criteria for the appropriate use of gastrointestinal endoscopy, a widely-used procedure, regarded as highly accurate and safe. The RAND appropriateness method was chosen for this purpose, because it allows the development of appropriateness criteria based on published evidence and supplemented by explicit expert opinion. A detailed description of the RAND appropriateness method, including the literature search process [13], and of the whole process, as well as the global results of the panel [14], are published as separate articles in this issue of the Journal. The literature review was based on a systematic search of Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Library conducted up to the end of 1997 and completed with some key articles published in 1998. Updating and revision of the literature review is currently ongoing.
This article contains three parts; 1. the review of the literature that was used by the panelists to support their ratings of appropriateness of use of colonoscopy for surveillance after endoscopic polypectomy; 2. an overview of the main panel results; 3. a summary of the published evidence and of the panel based appropriateness criteria.
1 The European Panel of Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (EPAGE, Lausanne, Switzerland)
- 1 Bond J H. Polyp guideline: diagnosis, treatment, and surveillance for patients with nonfamilial colorectal polyps. The Practice Parameters Committee of the American College of Gastroenterology (published erratum appears in Ann Intern Med 1994 Feb; 15; 120 (4); 347). Ann Intern Med. 1993; 119 836-843
- 2 Muto T, Bussey H J, Morson B C. The evolution of cancer of the colon and rectum. Cancer. 1975; 36 2251-2270
- 3 Clark J C, Collan Y, Eide T J, Esteve J, Ewen S, Gibbs N M, Jensen O M, Koskela E, MacLennan R, Simpson J G. Prevalence of polyps in an autopsy series from areas with varying incidence of large-bowel cancer. Int J Cancer. 1985; 36 179-186
- 4 Stryker S J, Wolff B G, Culp C E, Libbe S D, Ilstrup D M, MacCarty R L. Natural history of untreated colonic polyps. Gastroenterology. 1987; 93 1009-1013
- 5 Williams A R, Balasooriya B A, Day D W. Polyps and cancer of the large bowel: a necropsy study in Liverpool. Gut. 1982; 23 835-842
- 6 Vatn M H, Stalsberg H. The prevalence of polyps of the large intestine in Oslo: an autopsy study. Cancer. 1982; 49 819-825
- 7 Provenzale D, Garrett J W, Condon S E, Sandler R S. Risk for colon adenomas in patients with rectosigmoid hyperplastic polyps. Ann Intern Med. 1990; 113 760-763
- 8 Winawer S J, Zauber A G, O'Brien M J, Gottlieb L S, Sternberg S S, Stewart E T, Bond J H, Schapiro M, Panish J F, Waye J D, et al. The National Polyp Study. Design, methods, and characteristics of patients with newly diagnosed polyps. The National Polyp Study Workgroup. Cancer. 1992; 70 1236-1245
- 9 Rex D K, Smith J J, Ulbright T M, Lehman G A. Distal colonic hyperplastic polyps do not predict proximal adenomas in asymptomatic average-risk subjects. Gastroenterology. 1992; 102 317-319
- 10 Winawer S J, Zauber A G, O'Brien M J, Ho M N, Gottlieb L, Sternberg S S, Waye J D, Bond J, Schapiro M, Stewart E T, et al. Randomized comparison of surveillance intervals after colonoscopic removal of newly diagnosed adenomatous polyps. The National Polyp Study Workgroup. N Engl J Med. 1993; 328 901-906
- 11 The Multicenter Study of Colorectal Adenomas Workgroup . Rationale, objectives, methods and characteristics of the study cohort. The Multicenter Study of Colorectal Adenomas (SMAC). (GENERIC) Ref. Type: Generic. Tumori. 1995; 81 157-163
- 12 Croizet O, Moreau J, Arany Y, Delvaux M, Rumeau J L, Escourrou J. Follow-up of patients with hyperplastic polyps of the large bowel. Gastrointest Endosc. 1997; 46 119-123
- 13 Vader J P, Burnand B, Froehlich F, Dubois R W, Bochud M, Gonvers J J. The European Panel of Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (EPAGE): Project and methods. Endoscopy. 1999; 31 572-578
- 14 Vader J P, Froehlich F, Dubois R W, Beglinger C, Wietlisbach V, Pittet V, Ebel N, Gonvers J J, Burnand B. The European Panel on Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (EPAGE): Conclusions and WWW site. Endoscopy. 1999; 31 687-694
- 15 Anonymous . A multicenter study of colorectal adenomas. Rationale, objectives, methods and characteristics of the study cohort. The Multicentric Study of Colorectal Adenomas (SMAC) Workgroup. Tumori. 1995; 81 157-163
- 16 Sciallero S, Costantini M, Bertinelli E, Castiglione G, Onofri P, Aste H, Casetti T, Mantellini P, Bucchi L, Parri R, et al. Distal hyperplastic polyps do not predict proximal adenomas: results from a multicentric study of colorectal adenomas. Gastrointest Endosc. 1997; 46 124-130
- 17 Brady P G, Straker R J, McClave S A, Nord H J, Pinkas M, Robinson B E. Are hyperplastic rectosigmoid polyps associated with an increased risk of proximal colonic neoplasms?. Gastrointest Endosc. 1993; 39 481-485
- 18 Rex D K, Lehman G A, Ulbright T M, Smith J J, Pound D C, Hawes R H, Helper D J, Wiersema M J, Langefeld C D, Li W. Colonic neoplasia in asymptomatic persons with negative fecal occult blood tests: influence of age, gender, and family history. Am J Gastroenterol. 1993; 88 825-831
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- 20 Weston A P, Campbell D R. Diminutive colonic polyps: histopathology, spatial distribution, concomitant significant lesions, and treatment complications. Am J Gastroenterol. 1995; 90 24-28
- 21 Waye J D, Lewis B S, Frankel A, Geller S A. Small colon polyps. Am J Gastroenterol. 1988; 83 120-122
- 22 Isler J T, Brown P C, Lewis F G, Billingham R P. The role of preoperative colonoscopy in colorectal cancer. Dis Colon Rectum. 1987; 30 435-439
- 23 Olsen H W, Lawrence W A, Snook C W, Mutch W M. Review of recurrent polyps and cancer in 500 patients with initial colonoscopy for polyps. Dis Colon Rectum. 1988; 31 222-227
- 24 Lipper S, Kahn L B, Ackerman L V. The significance of microscopic invasive cancer in endoscopically removed polyps of the large bowel. A clinicopathologic study of 51 cases. Cancer. 1983; 52 1691-1699
- 25 Burt R W, Bishop D T, Cannon L A, Dowdle M A, Lee R G, Skolnick M H. Dominant inheritance of adenomatous colonic polyps and colorectal cancer. N Engl J Med. 1985; 312 1540-1544
- 26 Cannon-Albright L A, Skolnick M H, Bishop D T, Lee R G, Burt R W. Common inheritance of susceptibility to colonic adenomatous polyps and associated colorectal cancers. N Engl J Med. 1988; 319 533-537
- 27 Ueyama T, Kawamoto K, Iwashita I, Kitagawa S, Haraguchi Y, Muranaka T, Shimoda Y, Nakamura S, Masuda K. Natural history of minute sessile colonic adenomas based on radiographic findings. Is endoscopic removal of every colonic adenoma necessary?. Dis Colon Rectum. 1995; 38 268-272
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1 The European Panel of Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (EPAGE, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Dr. Bernard Burnand
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CH-1005 Lausanne
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