Planta Med 1999; 65(8): 723-728
DOI: 10.1055/s-1999-14094
Original Paper

Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Seasonal Variations of Artemisinin and its Biosynthetic Precursors in Tetraploid Artemisia annua Plants Compared with the Diploid Wild-Type

T. Eelco Wallaart, Niesko Pras, Wim J. Quax
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, University Centre for Pharmacy, Groningen Institute for Drug Studies, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Weitere Informationen


February 5, 1999

May 1, 1999

31. Dezember 1999 (online)


Using colchicine we induced tetraploidy in Artemisia annua L. plants. During a vegetation period we monitored the time course of the levels of artemisinin, its direct precursors, the biosynthetically related sesquiterpenes and the essential oil content in the diploid (wild-type) and tetraploid A. annua plants. The averaged artemisinin level in tetraploids was 38 % higher than that of the wild-type as measured over the whole vegetation period. In contrast, the averaged essential oil content of the tetraploids over this period was 32 % lower. This might suggest a reciprocal correlation between artemisinin (sesquiterpenes) and the essential oil content (monoterpenes). The averaged biomass of the leaves of the tetraploid plants was lower compared to the wild-type plants. Therefore, the artemisinin yield per m2 tetraploids was decreased by 25 %. Although the tetraploid plants were smaller than the wild-type plants, certain individual organs like the leaves were considerably larger, and seeds obtained by cross pollination between tetraploid A. annua plants had a spectacular size. In principle, tetraploid A. annua can be a useful starting material for a breeding program in order to obtain larger and faster growing plants, which produce higher levels of artemisinin.