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DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-15547
Facial Nerve Grading Systems
31. Dezember 2000 (online)

Clinicians require a reliable and sensitive facial grading system to determine the status of facial nerve function postinjury as well as to evaluate the efficacy of treatment outcomes. The method of assessment should be easy to administer, reproducible, clinically relevant, and require little time and expense. The grading system should be sufficiently sensitive to detect changes over time or following treatment. The lack of a universally accepted grading system frequently does not allow meaningful comparison when assessing the effectiveness of treatment protocols for facial nerve injury. The aim of this article is to review most of the previously published facial grading systems. It is our contention that a grading system developed and currently used within our institution appropriately addresses the needs as well as many of the deficiencies of most other grading systems.
Facial grading system - HB-FGS - BF-LMI - Nottingham - DEFS - S-FGS
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