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DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-651
Endoscopic Treatment of Benign Anastomotic Colorectal Stenosis with Electrocautery
31. Dezember 2000 (online)
Background and Study Aims: Benign anastomotic colorectal stenosis can occur after surgery and can require surgical or endoscopic dilation. This study aimed to investigate the use of electrocautery in this area.
Patients and Methods: We enrolled 39 consecutive patients (25 men, 14 women; mean age 61, range 48 - 77) suffering from anastomotic colorectal stenosis, demonstrated by colonoscopy (19 patients) or by barium enema (20 patients). We performed endoscopic dilation of the strictures with electrocautery once only in each patient.
Results: In all patients we obtained dilation of the strictures without any immediate or delayed procedure-related complications. No recurrence of the stenosis was demonstrated during a follow-up of a mean of 25 months (range 8 - 43 months).
Conclusions: This study shows that endoscopic electrocautery is a safe and effective treatment of anastomotic colorectal stenosis.
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A. Tursi, M.D.
Istituto di Medicina Interna e Geriatria Divisione di Gastroenterologia Policlinico A. Gemelli Università Cattolica S.C.
Largo A. Gemelli, 8 00168 Roma Italy
Fax: Fax:+ 39-06-35502775