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DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-8144
© Johann Ambrosius Barth
Emotional disorders in patients with different types of pituitary adenomas and factors affecting the diagnostic process
Publication History
Submitted November 9, 1999
ccepted May 5, 2000
Publication Date:
31 December 2000 (online)
A prospective study of 48 patients with pituitary adenomas, 19 adenomas causing Cushing's disease, 18 adenomas causing acromegaly, and 11 clinically hormone-inactive adenomas (inactive adenomas), was performed to study emotional disorders occurring before and after transsphenoidal microsurgery. Factors which led to an obvious delay in the diagnostic process were identified. - The tools utilised were an interview and repeated personality assessments. The personality assessments were begun preoperatively and continued for about half a year postoperatively. The interview data, including retrospective statements regarding somatic difficulties, was analysed. - The thesis of a uniform psychopathology due to the influence of elevated hormone levels, and a lack in patients' sensitivity towards their changed appearance in acromegaly could not be confirmed. A high variability of reported emotional problems was found. The most common psychopathological signs for Cushing's disease were excitability and depression, for acromegaly fatigue/loss of energy was the most frequent complaint. Six to eight months postoperatively, a majority of patients noticed an increase of physical well-being. In acromegaly, the time span between first consultation and diagnosis averaged 6.2 years, in Cushing's disease it was 4.3 years, and in inactive adenomas it was 3.9 years. Only a small part of the delay in diagnosis, less than two years, could be attributed to the patients' hesitation to consult a physician.
Key words:
Acromegaly - Cushing's disease - diagnosis - psychology - pituitary adenomas
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Dr. J. Flitsch
Neurochirurgische Klinik/Bereich Hypophysenchirurgie
Universität Hamburg
c/o Dr. D. K. Lüdecke
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