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Int J Sports Med 2001; 22(1): 2-7
DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-11330
Physiology and Biochemistry
Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ·New York

Catecholamines Response of High Performance Wheelchair Athletes at Rest and During Exercise with Autonomic Dysreflexia

A. Schmid1 ,  ,  A. Schmidt-Trucksäß1 ,  M. Huonker1 ,  D. König1 ,  I. Eisenbarth1 ,  H. Sauerwein3 ,  C. Brunner2 ,  M. J. Storch4 ,  M. Lehmann1 ,  J. Keul1
  • 1 University of Freiburg, Center of Internal Medicine, Department of Prevention, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Germany
  • 2 Swiss Paraplegic Center Nottwil, Department of Sports Medicine, Switzerland
  • 3 Werner-Wickert-Klinik Bad Wildungen, Department of Urology, Germany
  • 4 Clinic for Rehabilitation and Rheumatology Bad Bellingen, Germany