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DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-13896
Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York
Oppenheim's Myatonia Congenita
Publication History
Publication Date:
31 December 2001 (online)

In 1900 the famous German neurologist Hermann Oppenheim published a two-page article on “Myatonia congenita” which led to a long-lasting and confusing discussion in neurology and neuropediatrics, and which was extensively quoted throughout the 20th century. As this article is only available in German, an English translation is presented here. Further publications of Oppenheim on the same subject are mentioned and some comments are made on the impact of his seminal article. It had the merit of drawing the attention to the existence of congenital muscle diseases in children but its impact would be better understood by the influence Oppenheim had on his time, as he was one of the leading neurologists at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century.
Key words
Oppenheim - Myatonia congenita - Amyotonia congenita - Congenital muscular dystrophy - Congenital myopathies
- 1 Adams R D. Diseases of muscle. A study in pathology. 3rd ed. New York; Harper & Row 1975: 256
- 2 Batten F E. Three cases of myopathy, infantile type. Brain. 1903; 27 147-148
- 3 Batten F E. Case of myositis fibrosa, with pathological examination. Trans Clin Soc Lond. 1904; 37 12-22
- 4 Batten F E. Critical review: The myopathies or muscular dystrophies. Quart J Med. 1910; 3 313-328
- 5 Baudouin A. La myotonie congénitale (maladie d'Oppenheim). Sem Med (Paris). 1907; 27 241-244
- 6 Bielschowsky M. Über Myatonia congenita. J Psychol Neurol. 1929; 38 199-233
- 7 Cassirer R. Hermann Oppenheim. Berl Klin Wschr. 1919; 56 669-671
- 8 Collier J, Wilson S AK. Amyotonia congenita. Brain. 1908; 31 1-44
- 9 Dubowitz V. Muscle Disorders in Childhood, 2nd ed. London; Saunders 1995: 457
10 Fardeau M.
Congenital myopathies. Mastaglia FL, Walton J Skeletal Muscle Pathology. Edinburgh; Churchill Livingstone 1982: 161-203 - 11 Finkelnburg R. Zum Andenken an Hermann Oppenheim. Arch Psychiat Nervenkr. 1920; 61 471-475
- 12 Ford F R. Diseases of the Nervous System in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescency, 5th ed. Springfield, Ill; Charles C. Thomas 1966: 177-178
- 13 Greenfield J G, Stern R O. The anatomical identity of the Werdnig-Hoffman disease and Oppenheim forms of infantile muscular atrophy. Brain. 1927; 50 652-686
- 14 Greenfield J G, Cornman T, Shy G M. The prognostic value of the muscle biopsy in the ‘floppy infant’. Brain. 1958; 81 461-484
- 15 Griffith J PC, Spiller W G. Amyotonia congenita: a clinical and pathological study. Am J Med Sci. 1911; 142 165-183
- 16 Harig G. Zur Stellung und Leistung jüdischer Wissenschaftler an der Berliner Medizinischen Fakultät. Charité-Annalen, Neue Folge 8, Akademie Verlag Berlin. 1988: 213-214
- 17 Hoffmann J. Über chronische spinale Muskelatrophie im Kindesalter, auf familiärer Basis. Dtsch Zeitschr Nervenheilk. 1893; 3 427-470
18 Holdorf B.
Hermann Oppenheim. Nervenärzte. Schliak H, Hippius H Nervenärzte. Stuttgart; Thieme 1998: 12-17 -
19 Iannaccone S T.
Hermann Oppenheim. Ashwal S The Founders of Child Neurology. San Francisco; Norman Jeremy 1990: 319-323 - 20 Kreuter A. Deutschsprachige Neurologen und Psychiater. 9th ed. München; Saur 1996
- 21 Leenhardt M, Sentis Mlle. La myatonie congénitale d'Oppenheim et la maladie de Werdnig-Hoffman sont une même entité morbide. Arch Méd Enf. 1921; 24 137-158
- 22 Merritt H H. A Textbook of Neurology. Philadelphia; Lea & Febiger 1955: 492-493
- 23 Merritt H H. A Textbook of Neurology. Philadelphia; Lea & Febiger 1973: 504-505
24 Marburg O. Zur Klinik und Pathologie der Myatonia congenita. Neurologisches Institut der Wiener Universität, 1911 (cited by Oppenheim 1908).
- 25 Nonne M. Zum Andenken an Hermann Oppenheim. Neurol Zentralblatt. 1919; 38 386-390
- 26 Oppenheim H. Ueber allgemeine und localisierte Atonie der Muskulatur (Myatonie) im frühen Kindersalter. Mschr Psychiat Neurol. 1900; 8 232-233
- 27 Oppenheim H. Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten. 3rd ed. Berlin; Karger 1902: 219-226
- 28 Oppenheim H. Ueber einen Fall von Myatonia congenita. Berl Klin Wschr. 1904; 41 255
- 29 Oppenheim H. Ueber einen Fall von Myatonia congenita. Med Blätter Wien. 1904; 26 627
- 30 Oppenheim H. Ueber einen Fall von Myatonia congenita. Verh Berl Med Ges. 1905; 35 64-66
- 31 Oppenheim H. Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten. 5th ed. Berlin; Karger 1908: 242-243
- 32 Oppenheim H. Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten. 6th ed. Berlin; Karger 1913: 280-283
33 Oppenheim H.
. Cassirer R, Goldstein K, Nonne M, Pfeifer B Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten. 7th ed. Berlin; Karger 1923: 295-299 - 34 Rothmann. Über die anatomische Grundlage der Myatonia congenita. Monatschr f Psychiat u Neurol. 1909; 25 161-185
- 35 Simons A. Hermann Oppenheim. Z ärztl Fortbildg. 1919; 16 381-383
- 36 Tomé F MS. The Peter Emil Becker Award lecture 1998. The saga of congenital muscular dystrophy. Neuropediatrics. 1999; 30 55-65
- 37 Walton J N, Natrass F J. On the classification, natural history and treatment of myopathies. Brain. 1954; 77 169-231
- 38 Walton J N. Amyotonia congenita. A follow-up study. Lancet. 1956; 1 1023-1028
39 Weil A.
Hermann Oppenheim. Haymaker W The Founders of Neurology. Springfield; Charles C. Thomas 1953: 343-346 - 40 Werdnig G. Zwei frühinfantile hereditäre Fälle von progressiver Muskelatrophie unter dem Bilde der Dystrophie aber auf neurotischer Grundlage. Arch Psych Nervenkrankh. 1891; 22 437-480
41 Zülich K J.
Hermann Oppenheim und die Berliner Neurologie. Leussink H, Neumann E, Kotowski G Studium berolinense. Berlin; De Gruyter 1960: 285-289
M. D. Maria Hoeltzenbein
Institut für Humangenetik
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