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DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-19934
Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in Meningiomas of the Posterior Fossa. Experience with 62 Treated Lesions
01. Februar 2002 (online)

Objectives: This study was untertaken to assess the role of the gamma knife (GK) in the treatment of meningiomas of the posterior cranial fossa (PCF) and to statistically analyze the predictability of arbitrarily-selected prognostic factors in such treatment.
Methods: From February 1993 to November 1998, 57 patients underwent GK treatment for 62 meningiomas of the PCF (19 M/38 F; average age, 57.5 years, ranging from 25 - 82 years). Tumor sites included: foramen jugular-petrous bone (26/62), petroclival (23/62), cerebellar convexity (6/62), tentorium (6/62), and foramen magnum (1/62). Single lesions were treated in 44/62 cases while meningiomatosis was treated in the remaining 18. Post-operative residual or recurrent tumor was found in 27/62 patients and, in 7/27, histology documented characteristics of biological aggressiveness (GII/III). Indications for radiosurgery included: advanced age, high operative risk, tumor volume < 20 ml, inoperable or refused for additional surgery. The prognostic factors statistically analyzed included: meningiomatosis (yes/no), radiosurgery as primary or adjuvant treatment, GI vs. GII/III histology, and tumor volume (≤ 5 ml vs. > 5 ml).
Results: The observation periods varied from 6 to 64.3 months (median 28.7 months). At the end of the study, 53/57 patients were alive and reported to be in stable or improved neurological condition. The cause of death for the remaining 4 patients included: 2 deaths associated with tumor progression, while 2 died due to causes unrelated to the disease. Neuroradiological evaluation documented the disappearance or reduction of the meningioma mass in 34/62 (55 %) cases, a stable imaging picture in 25/62 (40 %), and a progression only in 3/62 (5 %). To date, there have been no reported cases of post-GK permanent morbidity or mortality. Side effects observed were of a transient nature due to post-radiosurgical edema (6.5 %). With regard to statistical analysis, the only factor to appear to significantly influence efficacy of radiosurgery for tumor growth control (TGC) was the biological nature of the meningioma (χ2 = 2.708). The presence of meningiomatosis, SR as a primary or adjuvant treatment nor tumor volume were shown to statistically influence tumor behavior after GK.
Conclusions: The excellent results obtained for TGC with minimal associated side effects suggest that GK is an effective therapeutic tool also for treatment of PCF meningiomas.
Key words
Meningioma - Posterior Fossa - Radiosurgery - Gamma Knife
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Dr. A. Nicolato
Department of Neurosurgery
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37126 Verona
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