The objective of this study is an attempt to evaluate the best ultrasonic method of diagnosing intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR); a retrospective study of patients with singleton pregnancies who had been scanned at the author's institution within 2 weeks of their delivery was undertaken. Estimated fetal weight, abdominal circumference, head circumference/abdominal circumference ratio, abdominal circumference/femur length ratio, and umbilical artery S/D ratio were compared for accuracy in prediction IUGR in the neonate using both univariant and multivariant statistical analysis. Five hundred one (501) patients were analyzed. One hundred fourteen (114) neonates were classified as IUGR (22.8%). Doppler evaluation of the umbilical artery showed the best sensitivity while both abdominal circumference alone and estimated fetal weight showed similar specificity, positive and negative predictive value, and lowest false-positive and -negative results. Logistic regression analysis confirmed the univariant results and showed that, when used in combination, abdominal circumference and Doppler, or estimated fetal weight and Doppler resulted in the best predictive values. Either estimated fetal weight or abdominal circumference (alone) are accurate predictors of IUGR. Combined with Doppler studies of the umbilical artery either method will provide accurate evaluation of suspected IUGR.
IUGR - perinatal mortality - perinatal morbidity - ultrasound parameters