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DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-25730
Update on Boron in Higher Plants - Uptake, Primary Translocation and Compartmentation
August 1, 2001
December 7, 2001
26. April 2002 (online)

This review focuses on the uptake and primary translocation of boron (B), as well as on the subcellular compartmentation of B and its role in cell walls of higher plants. B uptake occurs via passive diffusion across the lipid bilayer, facilitated transport through major intrinsic proteins (MIPs), and energy-dependent transport through a high affinity uptake system. Whereas the first two represent passive uptake systems, which are constitutively present, the latter is induced by low B supply and is able to establish a concentration gradient for B between the root symplasm and the external medium. At high B supply, a substantial retention of B can be observed at xylem loading, and passive processes are most likely responsible for that. At low B supply, another energy-dependent high affinity transport system for B seems to be induced which establishes an additional concentration gradient between root symplasm and the xylem. The possible significance of all these processes at various B supplies is discussed. The role of soluble B complexes in uptake and primary translocation of B has been evaluated, but the few data available do not allow comprehensive conclusions to be drawn. In any case, there are no indications that soluble B complexes play a major role in either uptake or primary translocation of B. The subcellular compartmentation of B still remains a matter of controversy, but it is unequivocally clear that B is present in all subcellular compartments (apoplasm, cell wall, cytosol and vacuole). The relative distribution of B between these is dependent on plant species and experimental conditions and may vary greatly. Recent results on the well-established role of B in cell walls are summarized and their physiological significance discussed.
Key words
Boron - cell wall - compartmentation - complexes - translocation - uptake
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F. Dannel
Institut für Pflanzenernährung (330)
Universität Hohenheim
70593 Stuttgart
Section Editor: U. Lüttge