Int J Sports Med 2002; 23(S1): 32-38
DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-28459
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Relation Between Cardiovascular Risk Factors at Adult Age, and Physical Activity During Youth and Adulthood: The Leuven Longitudinal Study on Lifestyle, Fitness and Health

J.  Lefevre1 , R.  Philippaerts2 , K.  Delvaux1 , M.  Thomis1 , A.  L.  Claessens1 , R.  Lysens1 , R.  Renson1 , B.  Vanden Eynde1 , B.  Vanreusel1 , G.  Beunen1
  • 1The Study Centre for Physical Development Research, Department of Sport and Movement Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, K. U. Leuven, Belgium
  • 2Department of Movement and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Ghent University, Belgium
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13. Mai 2002 (online)


This study investigated the relationship between sports participation/physical activity during youth (13 - 18 years of age) and adulthood (30 - 40 years of age), and cardiovascular risk factors (body fat and fat distribution, blood pressure, lipoprotein levels and cardiorespiratory fitness) at 40 years of age. Subjects were 166 Flemish males from “The Leuven Longitudinal Study on Lifestyle, Fitness and Health”. Physical activity was assessed by means of a sports participation inventory and the Tecumseh community Health Study Questionnaire. In addition to correlation and multiple stepwise regression analyses, different groups (at risk, not at risk) were contrasted on sports participation/physical activity parameters using ANOVA. Long-term exposure during adulthood to daily physical activity was slightly related to a low/high risk profile for waist circumference, percent body fatness, triglycerides and peak V˙O2. Sports participation during adolescence was not related to levels of cardiovascular risk factors at 40 years of age.


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J. Lefevre

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