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DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-32702
„Lachgas heute - eine klinische Wertung auf dem Boden der Literatur”
Nitrous Oxide Today - a Literature Based Clinical EvidenceA. Rothhammer Herrn Professor Dr. K. H. Weis zum 75. GeburtstagPublication History
Publication Date:
08 July 2002 (online)

Die lachgasfreie Anästhesie galt über Jahrzehnte als Methode zweiter Wahl und war auf wenige, durch klare Kontraindikationen erzwungene Gelegenheiten begrenzt. Dieser obligate Platz in fast jeder Allgemeinanästhesie ging in den letzten Jahren verloren, da neue Pharmaka den Verzicht auf Lachgas erleichtern und seine Anwendung im konsequenten Niedrigfluss vermehrte Aufmerksamkeit erfordert [1] [2]. Dies erklärt zusammen mit insgesamt verminderten Frischgasflüssen die Abnahme des Verbrauches an medizinischem Stickoxydul in Deutschland um bis zu zehn Prozent seit 1998 (Angaben deutscher Hersteller, persönliche Mitteilungen). Darüber hinaus betonten einige „Vorreiter” die Gefahren von Lachgas und bezeichneten Lachgas als obsolet [3]. Die daraus resultierende, von Schulte am Esch als „zum Teil emotional geführte Trenddiskussion” [4] bezeichnete Auseinandersetzung sollte nun einer sachlichen Abwägung „mit Augenmaß” auf dem Boden des heutigen Kenntnisstandes weichen, um den Stellenwert von Lachgas in der heutigen Praxis anästhesiologisch, anwenderbezogen und ökonomisch verantwortlich zu bestimmen und Verunsicherung zu vermeiden. Hierzu ist es wieder einmal an der Zeit, den Kenntnisstand über Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen von Lachgas darzustellen und vor dem Hintergrund der Alternativen zu werten.
- 1 Baum J. Low flow system with and without nitrous oxide. AINS. 2001; 36 648-651
- 2 Baum J. Die Inhalationsnarkose mit niedrigem Frischgasfluss. Thieme, Stuttgart 1998
- 3 Schüttler J, Schwilden H. Editorial 200 Jahre Lachgas - Auch das Ende einer Ära? Minisymposium. AINS. 2001; 36 640
- 4 Schulte am Esch J, Scholz J. Zur Diskussion über das Ende der Lachgas-Ära in Deutschland - emotionales Meinungsbild oder zwingende Notwendigkeit?. AINS. 2001; 36 597-598
- 5 Fabian C W. Should we continue to use nitrous oxide?. Survey of Anesthesiology. 1980; 24 335-338
- 6 Rothhammer A, Weis K H. Lachgas - Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen. Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin. 1982; 23 237-241
- 7 Rothhammer A. Lachgas in der Kombinationsnarkose. Quantitative Aspekte des Wirkanteils von N2O. Anaesthesist. 1987; 36 333-339
- 8 Rothhammer A, Schmidt E, Bönning R. Basaltonus und noradrenalininduzierte Kontraktion menschlicher Arterien unter N2O in klinisch relevanter Konzentration. In-vitro-Studie unter hyperbaren Bedingungen. Anaesthesist. 1980; 32 S280
- 9 Rothhammer A, Weis K H, Lazarus G. Aktiviert Lachgas den Sympathikus?. Anaesthesiologie und Intensivmedizin. 1986; 18 S150, A 869
- 10 Detsch O, Schneider G, Kochs E, Hapfelmeier G, Werner C. Increasing isoflurane concentration may cause paradoxical increases in the EEG bispectral index in surgical patients. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2000; 84 33-37
- 11 Rothhammer A. Leserbrief. Anaesthesist. 1997; 45 566-567
- 12 Albrecht S, Fechner J, Geisslinger G, Maass A, Upadhyaya B, Moecke H-P, Gaigh C, Schüttler J. Postoperative pain control following remifentanil-based anaesthesia for major abdominal surgery. Anaesthesia. 2000; 55 315-322
- 13 Eger E I, Lampe G H, Wauk L Z, Whitendale P, Cahalan M K, Donegan J H. Clinical pharmacology of nitrous oxide: An argument for its continued use. Anesthesia Analgesia. 1990; 71 575-585
- 14 Koblin D D, Tomerson B W, Waldmann F M, Lampe G H, Wauk L Z, Eger E I. Effect of nitrous oxide on folate and Vitamin B12 metabolism in patients. Anesthesia Analgesia. 1990; 71 610-617
- 15 Kozmary S V, Lampe H, Benefiel D, Cahalan M K, Wauk L Z, Whitendale P, Schiller N B, Eger E I. No finding of increased myocardial ischemia during or after carotid endarterectomy under anesthesia with nitrous oxide. Anesthesia Analgesia. 1990; 71 591-596
- 16 Lampe G H, Donegan J H, Rupp S M, Wauk L Z, Whitendale P, Fouts K E, Rose B M, Litt L L, Rampil I J, Wilson C B, Eger E I. Nitrous oxide and epinephrine-induced arrhythmias. Anesthesia Analgesia. 1990; 71 602-605
- 17 Lampe G H, Wauk L Z, Donegan J H, Pitts L H, Jackler R K, Litt L L, Rampil I J, and Eger E I. Effect on outcome of prolonged exposure of patients to nitrous oxide. Anesthesia Analgesia. 1990; 71 586-590
- 18 Lampe G H, Wauk L Z, Whitendale P, Way W L, Kozmary S V, Donegan J H, and Eger E I. Postoperative hypoxemia after nonabdominal Surgery: A frequent event not caused by nitrous oxide. Anesthesia Analgesia. 1990; 71 597-601
- 19 Lampe G H, Wauk L Z, Whitendale P, Way W L, Murray W, Eger E I. Nitrous oxide does not impair hepatic function in young or old surgical patients. Anesthesia Analgesia. 1990; 71 606-609
- 20 Waldmann F M, Koblin D D, Lampe G H, Wauk L Z, Eger E I. Hemetologic effects of nitrous oxide in surgical patients. Anesthesia Analgesia. 1990; 71 618-624
- 21 Luginbühl M, Schnider T W. Detection of awareness with the bispectral index: Two case reports. Anesthesiology. 2002; 96 241-243
- 22 Myles P S, Williams D L, Hendrata M, Anderson H, Weeks A M. Patient satisfaction after anesthesia and surgery: results of a prospective survey of 10811 patients. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2000; 84 6-10
- 23 Keats S. Anesthesia mortality in perspective. Anesthesia Analgesia. 1990; 71 113-119
Anmerkung der Schriftleitung
Dieser Beitrag von A. Rothhammer bezieht sich auf das Mini-Symposium „200 Jahre Lachgas - Auch das Ende einer Ära?” in Heft 10, 2001, S. 640 - 651 und greift dieses Thema erneut auf.
Appendix I
- 24 Hashimoto T, Ohashi Y, Nelson L E, Maze M, Fujinaga M. Developmental variation in nitrous oxide induced C-FOS expression in Fischer rat spinal card. Anesthesiol. 2002; 96 249-251 , N2O Analgesie über noradrenerge Hemmneurone im Rückenmark reifeabhängig
- 25 Hashimoto T, Maze M, Ohashi Y, Fujinaga M. Nitrous oxide activates GABA ergic neurons in the spinal cords in Fisher rats. Anesthesiol. 2001; 95 463-469 , N2O aktiviert spinal GABA-erge Neurone
- 26 Nagata A, Nakao S, Nishizawa N, Masuzawa M, Inada T, Murao K, Miyamoto E, Shingu K. Xenon inhibits but N20 enhances Ketamine-induced c- FOS expression in the rat posterior cingulate and retrosplenial cortices. Anesth Analg. 2001; 92 362-368 , N2O vermehrt c-FOS-Expression
- 27 Yoshida H, Kushikata T, Kubota T, Hirota K, Ishihara H, Matsuki A. Xenoninhalation increases norepinephrine release from the anterior and posterior hypothalamus in rats. Can J Anesth. 2001; 48 651-655 , N2O stimuliert noradrenerge Neurone
- 28 Fender C, Fujinaga M, Male M. Strain differences in the antinociceptive effect of nitrous oxide on the tail flicke test in rats. Anesth Analg. 2000; 90 195-199 , Stammunterschiede bei N2O-Antinociception
- 29 Hapfelmeier G, Zieglgänsberger W, Haseneder R, Schneck H, Kochs E. Nitrous oxide and xenon increase the efficacy of GABA at recombinant mammalian GABA A receptors. Anesth.Analg. 2000; 91 1542-1549 , N2O verstärkt GABA-erge Hemmung
- 30 Maze M, Fujinaga M, Tianzhi G, Davies F, Zimmer A. Analgesic action of nitrous oxide is transduced by alpha2 B adrenergic receptors and enkephalin release in rodents. Brit J Anaesth. 2000; 84 284-285 , Analgesie adrenerg vermittelt
- 31 Yamakura T, Harris R A. Effects of gaseous anesthetics nitrous oxide and xenon on ligand-gated ion channels. Anesthesiol. 2000; 93 1095-1101 , N2O wirkt an NMDA- und nach -Rezeptoren
- 32 Conran A, Pardo H, Coalson D M, Janiszweski D J, Klock P A, Klafta J L, Black M L, Zacny J P. The effects of naloxone and nitrous oxide on pain mood, and psychomotor performance. Anesth Analg. 1999; 88 S320 , Schmerzlinderung nicht über Endorphin
- 33 Goto T, Matsukawa T, Sessler D I, Uezono S, Ishiguro Y, Ozaki M, Morita S. Thermoregulatory thresholds for vasoconstriction in patients anesthetized with various 1-minimum alveolar concentration. Anesthesiol. 1999; 91 626-632 , Xenon vergleichbar mit N2O
- 34 Guo T, Davies F, Kingery W S, Patterson A J, Limbird L E, Maze M. Nitrous oxide produces antinociceptive response via alpha2B and/or alpha2C adrenoceptor subtypes in mice. Anesthesiol. 1999; 90 470-476 , Angriff adrenerg
- 35 Jones C S, Nishino T, Isono S, Ide T. Effect of nitrous oxide on dyspnoea. Br J Anaesth. 1999; 82 811-812 , N2O verringert Dyspnoe
- 36 Nishino T, Isono S, Ide T. A low concentration of nitrous oxide reduces dyspnoea produced by a combination of hypercapnia and severe elastic load. Br J Anaesth. 1999; 82 14-19 , 20 % N2O verringert Dyspnoe
- 37 Zhang C, Davies M F, Guo T Z, Maze M. The analgesic effect of nitrous oxide is dependent on the release of norepinephrine in the dorsal home of the spinal cord. Anesthesiol. 1999; 91 1401-1407 , Angriff adrenerg
- 38 Chamberlain S K, Shaw A DS, Lockwood G G. Solubility coefficients of xenon and nitrous oxide in human blood, saline and olive oil. Br J Anaesth. 1998; 50 559 P , Xenonlöslichkeit gleich N2O in Öl, schlechter als N2O im Blut
- 39 Dzoljic M, van Duijn B. Nitrous oxide induced enhancement of gamma -aminobutyric acid A - mediated chloride currents in acutely dissociated hippocampal neuroms. Anesthesiol. 1998; 88 473-480 , N2O steigert Chlorideinstrom am GABA-Kanal
- 40 Sadeghi P, Camarillo V, Zacny J P, Klafta J L, Klock P A, Coalson D W, Black M, Toledano A Y. Does alcohol potentiate the analgesic and other psychoactive effects of nitrous oxide?. Anesth Analg. 1998; 86 S 310 , Alkohol potenziert N2O
- 41 Shichino T, Murakawa M, Adachi T, Arai T, Miyazaki Y, Mori K. Effects of inhalation anaesthetics on the release of acetylcholine in the rat cerebral cortex in vivo. Br J Anaesth. 1998; 80 365-370 , N2O stimuliert cholinerg und dopaminerg
- 42 Sonner J, Li J, Eger E I. Desflurane and nitrous oxide, but not non immobilizers, affect nociceptive responses. Anesth Analg. 1998; 86 629-634 , N2O dämpft Nocizeption
- 43 Warner D O, Warner M A, Joyner M J, Ritmann E L. The effect of nitrous oxide on chest wall functions in humans and dogs. Anesth. Analg. 1998; 86 058-1064 , Keine Wirkung auf Atemantrieb
- 44 Zhang C, Davies M F, Maze M. Nitrous oxide increases release of norepinephrine in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord in awake rats. Anesthesiol. 1998; 89 A 133 , Angriff adrenerg
- 45 Gyulai F E, Firestone L L, Mintum M A, Winter P M. In vivo imaging of nitrous oxide-induced changes in cerebral activation during noxious heat stimuli. Anesthesiol. 1997; 86 538-548 , N2O aktiviert Antinozeption im ZNS (PET)
- 46 Huang C K, Katoh T, Keda K. Interaction in analgesia and hypnosis between sevoflurane and nitrous oxide at subanesthetic concentrations. Anesthesiol. 1997; 87 A 385 , N20 wirkt analgetisch neben Sevof
- 47 Klafta J M, Cho A, Toledano A Y, Coalson B W, Kloch P A, Young C F, Zacny J P. When subjects know they are inhaling nitrous oxide, are its rewarding effects increased?. Anesthesiol. 1997; 87 A 980 , Probanden wollen N2O erneut
- 48 Klock P A, Janiszewski D J, Galinkin J L, Coalson D M, Young C J, Klafta J M, Zacny J P. Does Sevoflurane both antagonize and potentiate behavioral effects of nitrous oxide in healthy volunteers?. Anesthesiol. 1997; 87 A 746 , N2O wirkt analgetisch neben Sevoflurane
- 49 Lannes M, Desparmet J, Zifkin B G. Generalized seizures associated with nitrous oxide in an Infant. Anesthesiol. 1997; 87 05-708 , Krampfanfall nach N2O
- 50 Ma D, Wang C, Pac-Soo C K, Chakrabarti K, Whitwam J G. Dissocation between the effect of nitrous oxide on spontaneous and reflexly evoked sympathetic activity in dogs. Br.J.Anaesth. 1997; 79 525-529 , N2O steigert Sympathikusantwort
- 51 Nakanishi O, Ishikawa T, Imamura Y, Hirakawa T. Inhibition of cerebral metabolic and circulatory responses to nitrous oxide by 6-hydroxydopamine in dogs. Can J Anesth. 1997; 44 1008-1013 , N2O wirkt über Sympathikus
- 52 Nishina K, Mikawa K, Shiga M, Maekawa N, Obara H. Oral Clonidine premedication reduces minimum alveolar concentration of sevoflurane for tracheal intubation in children. Anesthesiol. 197; 87 1324-1327 , N2O additiv zu Clonidin
- 53 Ohara A, Mashimo T, Zhang P, Inagaki Y, Shibuta S, Yoshiya I. A comparative study of the antinociceptive action of xenon and nitrous oxide in rats. Anesth Analg. 199; 85 931-936 , N2O wirkt anders als Xenon
- 54 Utsumi J, Adachi T, Miyazaki Y, Kurata J, Shibata M, Murakawa M, Arai T, Mori K. The effect of xenon on spinal dorsal horn neuroms: a comparison with nitrous oxide. Anest Analg. 1997; 84 1372-1376 , N2O wie Xenon am Hinterhorn
- 55 Zhou H H, Mehta M, Leis A. Spinal cord motoneuron excitability during isoflurane and nitrous oxide anesthesia. Anesthesiol. 1997; 86 302-307 , Isofluran und N20 senken motoneurale Erregung spinal
- 56 Buck L T, Bickler P E, Rampil I J. Nitrous oxide depolarizes pyramidal neurons in turtle cerebral cortex. Anesth Analg. 1996; 82 S 52 , N2O depolarisiert Schildkrötenpyramidenzellen
- 57 Dzoljic M, Erdmann W, Dzoljic M R. Visual evoked potentials and nitrous oxide-induced neuronal depression: role for benzodiazepine receptors. Br J Anaesth. 1996; 77 522-525 , N2O stimuliert GABA-System
- 58 Friedmann Y, King B S, Rampil I J. Nitrous oxide depresses spinal F waves in rats. Anesthesiol. 1996; 85 135-141 , N2O wirkt anders als Volatile
- 59 Goto T, Marota J JA, Crosby G. Volatile anaesthetics antagonize nitrous oxide and morphine induced analgesia in the rat. Br J Anaesth. 1996; 76 702-706 , Analgesie und Anaesthesie verschieden bei N2O vs Volatile
- 60 Guo T, Poree L, Golden W, Stein J, Fujinaga M, Maze M. Antinociceptive response to nitrous oxide is mediated supraspinal opiate and spinal Alpha 2 adrenergic receptors in the rat. Anesthesiol. 1996; 85 846-852 , N2O Antinocizeption stimuliert spinal Alpha-Rezeptoren und supraspinal Opiat-Rezeptoren
- 61 Guo T-Z, Poree L, Stein J, Fujcnaga M, Maze M. The analgesic response to nitrous oxide is medicated by alpha 2 adrenergic receptors in rats. Anesth Analg. 1996; 82 S 147 , Analgesie über Alpha2-Rezeptoren
- 62 Gyulai F, Firestone L, Mintum M, Winter P. Cerebral effects of nitrous oxide:Validation of 15 0-water PET studies. Anesth Analg. 1996; 82 S 156 , N2O-Wirkung im PET nachweisbar
- 63 Gyulai F E, Firestone L L, Mintun M A, Winter P M. In vivo imaging of human limbic responses to nitrous oxide inhalation. Anesth Analg. 1996; 83 291-298 , N2O verändert rCBF unterschiedlich
- 64 Katoh T, Ikeda K. Does nitrous oxide antagonize thiopental-induced hypnosis. Anesth Analg. 1996; 82 S 215 , N2O antagonistisch zu Thiopental bei Hypnose
- 65 Moody E, Bambha K, Skolnick P. Nitrous oxide does not modulate GABA A-receptors in mouse cortical tissue. Anesthesiol. 1996; 85 A 707 , N2O verändert nicht die Bindung am GABA Rezeptor
- 66 Rampil I, Buck L, Bickler P. Differential effects of nitrous oxide or halothane on turtle cortical pyramidal neuroms. Anesthesiol. 1996; 85 A 688 , N2O depolarisiert Schildkrötenpyramidenzellen
- 67 Toledano A Y, Cho A M, Zacny J P, Marks S, Young C J, Klock P A, Coalson D W, Klafta J M, Apfelbaum J L. The mood-altering and rewarding effects of nitrous oxide differ in moderate and light drinkers. Anesthesiol. 1996; 85 A 334 , Trinker wählen öfter N2O, haben subjektiv weniger Wirkung
- 68 Chinev S, Bakalova R, Peneva V, Uzunova P, Galabova T, Sokolova Z, Ribarov S. Nitrous oxide with fentanyl and droperidol minimizes lipid peroxidation in the liver. Eur J Anaesth. 1995; 12 155-162 , N2O erhöht Lipidperoxydation
- 69 Daniel M, Larson M D, Eger I I, Noorani M, Weiskopf R B. Fentanyl, Clonidine, and repeated increases in desflurane concentration, but not nitrous oxide or esmolol, block the transient mydriasis caused by rapid increases in desflurane concentration. Anesth Analg. 1995; 81 372-378 , N2O ändert nicht Pupillenmotorik
- 70 Finck A D, Samaniego E, Ngai S H. Nitrous oxide selectively releases met 5 Enkephalin and met 5 Enkephalin-Arg 6- Phe 7 into canine third ventricular cerebrospinal fluid. Anesth Analg. 1995; 80 664-670 , N2O steigert Enkephaline. Gleichzeitig Exzitation
- 71 Franks J T, Horn J L, Janicki P K, Sigh G. Halothane, Isoflurane, Xenon and Nitrous oxide inhibit Calcium ATP-ase pump activity in rat brain synaptic plasma membranes. Anesthesiol. 1995; 82 108-117 , Xenon hemmt wie N20 ATP-ase an Ratten-Synapsen
- 72 Friedmann Y, King B, Rampil J. Nitrous oxide depresses spinal motor neuron excitability in rats. Anesth Analg. 1995; 80 S134 , N2O deprimiert spinale Motoneurone
- 73 Gyulai F, Firestone L, Mintum M, Winter P. Loci of N20 Analgesia in the human brain: A PET study. Anesthesiol. 1995; 83 A 163 , N2O aktiviert absteigende schmerzmodulierende Bahnen (PET)
- 74 Resendes M C, Kalogeros G C, Philp R C, Gelb A W. N20 effects calcium homeostasis in neurons. Can J Anaesth. 1995; 42 A 60 , N2O steigert Calciumflux und senkt Ca++ intrazellulär
- 75 Soriano S G, Logigian E L, Scott R M, Prahl P A, Madsen J R. Nitrous oxide depresses the H-Reflex in children with cerebral palsy. Anesth Analg. 1995; 80 239-241 , N2O unterdrückt spinale Eigenreflexe bei Spastikern
- 76 Lichtür J L, Yajnik S, Rupani G, Klafta J M, Young C, Thapar P, Apfelbaum J L, Zacny J. Flumazenil and psychotropic effects of nitrous oxide in humans: a dose - response study. Anesthesiol. 1994; A 223 , Flumazenil ohne Einfluß auf Wirkung von 30 % N2O
- 77 Nygard E, Naesh O, Hindberg I, Valentin N. Effect of nitrous oxide and volatile anaesthetics on platelet function in man. Acta An.Scand. 1994 ; 38 40-42 , N2O erhöht Thrombozytenaggregation
- 78 Ozaki M, Sessler D I, Suzuki H, Ozaki K, Tsunoda C, Atarshi K. Nitrous oxide impairs thermoregulation less than sevoflurane. Anesthesiol. 1994; 81 A 245 , N2O dämpft Thermoregulation weniger als Sevoflurane
- 79 Weiskopf R B, Eger E I, Noorani M, Daniel M. Repetitive rapid increases in desflurane concentration blunt cardiovascular stimulation in humans. Anesthesiol. 1994; 81 843-849 , N2O steigert Katecholaminanstieg unter Desflurane
- 80 Yajnik S, Zacny J P, Thapar P, Lichtor J L, Apfelbaum J L. Marijuana use and the effects of nitrous oxide in humans. Anesthesiol. 1994; 81 A 53 , Marihuanabenutzer empfinden N2O-Effekte stärker
- 81 Chorthoff B S, Bennett H L, Eger E I. Does nitrous oxide antagonize isoflurane-induced suppression of learning?. Anesthesiol. 1993; 79 724-732 , N2O und Isoflurane antagonistisch beim Lernen
- 82 Mekjavic I B, Sundberg C J. Human temperature regulation during narcosis induced by inhalation of 30 % nitrous oxide. J App Physiol. 1992; 73 2246-2254 , N2O verringert temperaturregulatorische Antwort
- 83 Passias T C, Mekjavic J B, Eiken O. The effect of 30 % nitrous oxide on thermoregulatory responses in humans during hypothermia. Anesthesiol. 1992; 76 550-559 , N2O dämpft Thermoregulation
- 84 Silverstein W, Samaniego E, Finck A D. Nitrous oxide increases met 5- enkephalin concentrations in rat brain corpus striatum. Anesth. Analg. 1992; 74 S 294 , N2O steigert Enkephaline
- 85 Thornton C, Creagh-Barry P, Jordan C, Luff N P, Dore¿ C J, Henley M, Newton D EF. Somatosensory and auditory evoked responses recorded simultaneously: differential effects of nitrous oxide and isoflurane. Br J Anaesth. 1992; 68 508-514 , N2O dämpft spinale EVP mehr als Isoflurane
- 86 Northwood D, Sapsford D J, Jones J G, Griffiths D, Wilkins C. Nitrous oxide sedation causes post- hyperventilation apnoe. Br J Anaesth. 1991; 67 7-12 , Apnoe nach N2O Hyperventilation
- 87 Boomsma F, Ruprecht J, IN T veld, de Jong F H, Dzoljic M, Lachmann B. Hemodynamic and neurohumoral effects of xenon Anesthesia: A comparison with nitrous oxide. Anaesthesia. 1990; 45 273-278 , Xenon stärker als N2O, dämpft Sympathikus
- 88 Shah M V, Anderson L K, Bergman N A. The influence of nitrous oxide on oxyhemoglobin dissocation and measurement of oxygen tension. Anaesthesia. 1986; 41 586-588 , Kein N2O-Effekt auf P50, S02 und 02 Messung
Appendix II
- 89 Doufas A G, Bakhshandeh M, Bjorkstein A R, Greif R, Sessler D I. Automated reponsiveness test (ART) predicts loss of consciousness and adverse physiologic responses during propofol conscious sedation. Anesthesiol. 2001; 94 585-592 , 50 % N2O senken Propofol Konzentration zur Sedierung um 56 %
- 90 Liu E HC, Siau C. Does the addition of nitrous oxide improve sevoflurane induction of anaesthesia?. Eur J Anaesth. 2001; 18 S21 A-314 , Sevoflurane-Einleitung mit und ohne 66 % N2O gleich
- 91 O'Shea H, Moultrie S, Drummond G B. Influence of nitrous oxide on induction of anaesthesia with sevoflurane. Brit J Anaesth. 2001; 87 286-288 , Sevoflurane-Einleitung mit und ohne 50 % N2O gleich
- 92 Röpcke H, Wartenberg H C, Könen-Bergmann M, Hoeft A. Die Interaktion von Desfluran und Stickoxidul auf das EEG während chirurgischer Eingriffe ist additiv. Anaesth.Intensivmed. 2001; C29142 16-22 , N2O additiv zu Desflurane
- 93 Röpcke H, Wirz S, Bouillon T, Bruhn J, Hoeft A. Pharmacodynamic interaction of nitrous oxide with sevoflurane, desflurane, isoflurane and enflurane in surgical patients: measurements by effects on EEG median power frequency. Eur J Anaesth. 2001; 18 440-449 , N2O infraadditiv nach MAC-Konzept
- 94 Stuart P C, Stott S M, Millar A, Kenny G NC, Russell D. Cp50 of propofol with and without nitrous oxide 67 %. Brit J Anaesth. 2000; 84 638-639 , 67 % N2O sparen 28 % Propofol
- 95 Einarsson S, Bengtsson A, Stengvist O, Bengtson J P. Decreased respiratory depression during emergence from anesthesia with sevoflurane/N2O than with sevoflurane. Can J Anesth. 1999; 46 335-341 , Mit N2O schneller Spontanatmung nach Sevoflurane
- 96 Harbut P, Wysoczanska-Harbut J, Boroch M, Kübler M D. Propofol consumption and recovery from target controlled anaesthesia: Influence of the nitrous oxid administration. Br J Anaesth. 1999; 82S1 44-145 , N2O spart 40 % Propofol
- 97 Inada T, Shingu K, Nakao S, Nagata A. Effects of nitrous oxide on haemodynamic and electroencephalographic responses induced by tetanic electrical stimulation during propofol anaesthesia. Anaesthesia. 1999; 54 423-426 , N2O vermindert kaum Kreislaufreaktion auf Reiz unter Propofol
- 98 Katoh T, Kobayashi S, Suzuki A, Iwamoto T, Bito H, Ikeda K. The effect of fentanyl on sevoflurane requirements for somatic and sympathetic responsoses to surgical incision. Anesthesiol. 1999; 90 398-405 , Mit N2O kann Fentanyl Sevoflurane voll ersetzen, ohne nicht
- 99 Nakata Y, Goto T, Ishiguro Y, Terui K, Niimi Y, Morita S. Anesthetic doses of sevoflurane to block cardio vascular responses to incision when administered with Xenon or nitrous oxide. Anesthesiol. 1999; 91 369-373 , 0,7 MAC Xenon entspricht 70 % N2O
- 100 Nakata Y, Goto T, Morita S. Effects of Xenon on hemodynamic responsis to skin incision in humans. Anesthesiol. 1999; 90 406-410 , 50 % Xe entsprechen 70 % N2O
- 101 Pavlin D J, Arends R H, Gunn H C, van Norman G, Koerschgen M E, Shen D D. Optimal propofol-alfentanil combinations for supplementing nitrous oxide for out patient surgery. Anesthesiol. 1999; 91 7-108 , TIVA Dosisoptimierung durch N2O
- 102 Swan H D, Crawford M W, Pua H L, Stephens D, Lerman J. Additive contribution of nitrous oxide to sevoflurane minimum alveolar concentration for tracheal intubation in children. Anesthesiol. 1999; 9 667-671 , 30 % Einsparung durch N2O
- 103 Entholzner E, Hargasser S, Droese D, Hipp R. Stickoxydul erhöht die Schwellenkonzentration von Isofluran zur Induktion von EEG-Burst-Suppression. AINS. 1998; 33 S229 , N2O erhöht die für Burst-Suppression nötige Isofluranekonzentration.
- 104 Hargasser S, Hänel F, Ortner V, Bernett K, Entholzner E, Hipp R, Kochs E. Emergence from xenon vs nitrous oxide anesthesia in combination with desflurane. Anesthesiol. 1998; 89 A187 , Erwachen nach N2O/Desfluran länger als nach Xenen/Desflurane
- 105 Litmann R S, Kottra J A, Verga K A, Berkowitz R J, Ward D S. Chloralhydrate sedation: the additive sedative and respiratory depressant effects of nitrous oxide. Anesth Analg. 1998; 86 724-728 , N2O verstärkt Chloralhydrat
- 106 Petersen-Felix S, Luginbühl M, Schnider T, Curatolo M, Arendt-Nielsen L, Zbinden A M. The analgesic potency of xenon and nitrous oxide in humans evaluated by experimental pain. Br J Anaesth. 1998; 80 S1,A469 , Xenon 1,5 x potenter als N2O
- 107 Petersen-Felix S, Luginbühl M, Schnider T W, Curatolo M, Arendt-Nielsen L, Zbinden A M. Comparison of the analgesic potency of xenon and nitrous oxide in humans evaluated by experimental pain. Br J Anaesth. 1998; 81 742-747 , N2O Xenon MAC-äquivalent bei Analgesie (PONV auch bei Xenon)
- 108 Röpcke H, Wartenberg H C, Schwilden H. Die Interaktion von Desfluran und Stickoxidul auf das EEG während chirurgischer Stimulation ist additiv. AINS. 1998; 33 S 233 , N2O infraadditiv bei MAC (EEG Median 2 - 3 Hz)
- 109 Russell G B, Graybeal J M. Nonlinear additivity of nitrous oxide and isoflurane potencies in rats. Can J Anaesth. 1998; 45 466-470 , N2O infraadditiv bei MAC
- 110 Schraag S, Schreiber M N, Flaschar J, Marx T, Kenny G NC, Georgieff M. Effective concentration for propofol with 70 % xenon vs 70 % nitrous oxide. Br J Anaesth. 1998; 80 S1A470 , Xenon stärker als N2O
- 111 Fassoulaki A, Sarantopoulos C, Zotou M. Nitrous oxide enhances the level of sensory block produced by intrathecal lidocaine. Anesth Analg. 1997; 85 1108-1111 , Ausbreitung einer Spinalanaesthesie unter N2O höher
- 112 Fassoulaki A, Sarantopoulos C, Zotou M. Nitrous oxide enhances the spread of spinal analgesia. Br J Anaesth. 1997; 78 468 P , 50 % N2O erhöhen die Ausbreitung der Spinalanaesthesie
- 113 Galinkin J L, Janiszewski D, Young C J, Klafta J M, Klock P A, Coalson D W, Apfelbaum J L, Zacny J P. Subjective, psychomotor,cognitive and analgesic effects of subanesthetic concentrations of sevoflurane and nitrous oxide. Anesthesiol. 1997; 87 1082-1088 , N2O psychomot. schwächer als Sevoflurane
- 114 Hall J E, Stewart J IM, Havmer M. Single-breath inhalation induction of Sevoflurane anaesthesia with and without nitrous oxide: a feasibility study in adults and comparison with an intravenous bolus of propofol. Anesthesia. 1997; 52 410-415 , Inhalationseinleitung Sevoflurane/N2O besser als Sevoflurane/02
- 115 Johnson G W, Gray H St. Nitrous oxide inhalation as an adjunct to intravenous induction of general anaesthesia with propofol for day surgery. Eur J Anaesth. 1997; 14 295-299 , N2O besser als Fentanyl bei Propofol Einleitung
- 116 Katoh T, Ikeda K, Bito H. Does nitrous oxide antagonize sevoflurane-induced hypnosis?. Br J Anaesth. 1997; 79 465-468 , N2O senkt MAC awake von Sevoflurane weniger als nach MAC
- 117 Fragen R J, Dunn K L. The minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of Sevoflurane with and without nitrous oxide in elderly versus young adults. J Clin Anesth. 1996; 8 352-356 , N2O senkt die MAC von Sevoflurane um 50 %
- 118 Heath K J, Sadler P, Winn J H, Mc F adzean. Nitrous oxide reduces the cost of intravenous anaesthesia. Eur J Anaesth. 1996; 13 369-372 , N2O senkt Kosten für Propofol und Alfentanil
- 119 Katoh T, Ikeda K. Nitrous oxide produces a nonlinear reduction in thiopenone requirements. Br J Anaest. 1996; 77 265-267 , N2O senkt Thiopentalbedarf nicht linear
- 120 Lin M A, Diehl H L, Dea S K, Calmes S. Diagnostic upper endoscopy: nitrous oxide vs intravenous sedation. Anesthesiol. 1996; 85 A 40 , 60 % NT2O bei Endoskopien akzeptabel
- 121 Zacny J P, Yajnik S, Apfelbaum J L, Coalson D W, Klafta J M, Young C J, Klock P A, Lichtor J L, Rupani G. Acute tolerance to the analgesic but not psycho-motor and subjective effects of nitrous oxide in healthy volunteers. Anesth Analg. 1996; 82 S 511 , Bei Analgesie Toleranz, bei Stimmung nicht
- 122 Lin M A, Diehl D L, Kwok G, Bray H, Calmes S. Diagnostic upper endoscopy with nasal inhaled nitrous oxide. Anesthesiol. 1995; 83 A 42 , N2O vergleichbar mit i. v. Midazolam bei Endoskopien
- 123 Vetter T R. A comparison of EMLA cream versus nitrous oxide for pediatric venous cannulation. I Clin Anesth. 1995; 7 85-490 , N2O besser als EMLA
- 124 Yagi M, Mashimo T, Kawaguchi T, Yoshiya I. Analgesic and hypnotic effects of subanaesthetic concentrations of xenon in human volunteers: comparison with nitrous oxide. Br J Anaesth. 1995; 74 670-673 , Xenon stärker als N2O
- 125 Antognini J F, Lewis B K, Reitan J A. Hyperthermia minimally decreases nitrous oxide anesthetic requirements. Anesth Analg. 1994; 79 980-982 , Hypothermie hat wenig Einfluß auf N2O-MAC
- 126 Coalson D W, Zacny J P, Lichtor J L, Yajnik S, Thapar P, Apfelbaum J L. Naloxone does not antagonize the psychomotor and mood effects of nitrous oxide in humans. Anesthesiol. 1994; A 224 , Naloxon ändert N2O Effekt nicht
- 127 Gonsowski C T, Eger E I. Nitrous oxide minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration in rats is greater than previously reported. Anesth Analg. 1994; 79 710-712 , N2O-MAC unter Reiz höher
- 128 Stuart P C, Stott S M, Millar A, Kenny G MN, Russell D. Propofol EC 50 with and without 67 % nitrous oxide. Br J Anaesth. 1994; 82S1 29-130 , 67 % N2O sparen 28 % Propofol
- 129 Zacny J P, Pirec V, Rupani G, Thapar P, Klafta J, Young C, Lichtor J L, Loalson D W. Stressfull conditions affect acceptance of nitrous oxide in humans. Anesthesiol. 1994; 81 A 45 , Probanden wählen N2O bei Stress
- 130 Armstrong P F, Morton C, Sinclair W, Tiplady B. Psychomotor effects of 3 - 15 % nitrous oxide inhalation. Br J Anaesth. 1993; 71 314-315P , N2O mindert Erinnerung ab 3 %
- 131 Dohrn C S, Lichtor J L, Finn R S, Uitvlugt A, Coalson D W, Rupani G, de Wit H, Zacny J P. Subjective and psychomotor effects of nitrous oxide in healthy volunteers. Be hav Pharmacol. 1992; 3 19-30 , N2O wirkt stark auf das Gemüt
- 132 Dwyer R, Bennett H L, Eger E, Meilbron D. Effects of isoflurane and nitrous oxide in subanesthetic concentrations on memory and responsiveness in volunteers. Anesthesiol. 1992; 77 888-898 , 0,5 MAC N2O entsprechen 0,2 MAC Isoflurane bei Psychomotorik
- 133 Fisher D M, Zwass M S. MAC of desflurane in 60 % nitrous oxide in infants and children. Anesthesiol. 1992; 76 354-356 , N2O senkt MAC Desflurane nur um 26 % bei Kindern
- 134 Norman P H, Kavanagh B, Daley M D, Lawson S, Sandler A N. Nitrous oxide analgesia in labour. Anesthesiol. 1992; 74 S 222 , Entonox bei Wehen: SpO2 sinkt, VAS gleich
- 135 Ghouri A F, White P F. Effect of fentanyl and nitrous oxide on the Desflurane anesthetic requirement. Anesth.Analg. 1991; 72 377-381 , N2O senkt Desflurane-Bedarf
- 136 Kavanagh B, Norman P, Daley D, Sandler A, Lawson S. Nitrous oxide in labours: analgesic efficacy and oxygen desaturation. Can.J.Anaesth. 1991; 38 S A123 , Entonox bei Wehen: Sp02 sinkt, VAS gleich
- 137 Rampil I J, Lockhart S H, Zwass M S, Peterson N, Yasuda N, Eger E, Weiskopf R B, Damas K. Clinical characteristics of desflurane in surgical patients minimum alveolar concentration. Anesthesiol. 1991; 74 429-433 , N2O senkt Desflurane-MAC um ca. 50 %
- 138 Cole D J, Kalichman M W, Shapiro H M, Drummond J C. The nonlinear potency of sub-MAC-concentrations of nitrous oxide in decreasing the anesthetic requirements of enflurane, halothane, and isoflurane in rats. Anesthesiol. 1990; 73 93-99 , N2O vermindert Dosis von Volatila nicht linear
- 139 Rampil I J, Lockhart S H, Zwass M S, Eger E I. Effects of age or nitrous oxide on the MAC of Desflurane. Anesth Analg. 1990; 70 S 319 , N2O senkt Desflurane-MAC um ca. 40 %
- 140 Cole D J. et al . The nonlinear contribution of nitrous oxide at sub-MAC concentrations to enflurane MAC in rats. Anesth Analg. 1989; 68 556-562 , N2O senkt sub MAC Enflurane nicht linear
- 141 Mc M enemin, Parbrook G D. Comparison of the effects of subanaesthetic concentrations of isoflurane or nitrous oxide in volunteers. Br J Anaesth. 1988; 60 56-63 , 25 % N2O schwächer als 0,4 % Isoflurane
- 142 Katoh T, Ikeda K. The minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of Sevoflurane in humans. Anesthesiol. 1987; 66 301-303 , N2O senkt die MAC von Sevoflurane
- 143 Nishino T, Takizawa K, Yokokawa N, Hiraga K. Depression of the swallowing reflex during sedation and/or relative analgesic produced by inhalation of 50% nitrous oxide in oxygen. Anesthesiol. 1987; 67 95-998 , Entonox dämpft Schluckakt
- 144 Baumgarten R K, Elms M K. Dosage requirements for close circuit anesthesia. Beitr zur AIN. 1987; 17 55 , Weniger MAC Fraktion Isoflurane als N2O nötig für NLA Supplementierung
Appendix III
- 145 Lorenz I H, Kolbitsch C, Hörmann C, Luger T J, Schocke M, Felber S, Zschiegner F, Hinteregger M, Kremser C, Benzer A. Influence of equianaesthetic concentrations of nitrous oxide and isoflurane on regional cerebral blood flow, regional cerebral blood volume, and regional mean transit time in human volunteers. Brit J Anaesth. 2001; 87 691-698 , 45 % N2O ändern nur gering Verteilung des CBF
- 146 Reinstrup P, Ryding E, Ohlsson T, Dahm P L, Uski T. Cerebral blood volume (CBV) in humans during normo- and hypocapnia. Anesthesiol. 2001; 95 1079-1082 , 50 % N2O ändern das cerebrale Blutvolumen nicht
- 147 Aono M, Sato J, Nishino T. Nitrous oxide increases normocapnic cerebral blood flow velocity but does not affect the dynamic cerebrovascular response to step changes in endtidal PCO2 in humans. Anesth Analg. 1999; 89 684-689 , N2O hat Wenig Einfluss auf cerebrale Regulation
- 148 Girling K J, Cavill G, Mahajan R P. The effects of nitrous oxide and oxygen on transient hyperemic response in human volunteers. Anesth Analg. 1999; 89 175-180 , Verringerte Autoregulation?
- 149 Klobitsch C h, Lorenz I, Keller C H, Schmidauer C h, Hörmann C h, Benzer A. The influence of increasing concentrations of nitrous oxide on cerebral blood flow velocity in hypocapnic patients with brain tumours. Eur J Anaesth. 1999; 16 543-546 , N2O ohne Einfluss auf Perfusion bei Hirntumorpatienten
- 150 Amorim P. Nitrous oxide in neuroanaesthesia. Eur J Anaes. 1998; 15S17 23-24 , N2O erhöht CMRO2
- 151 Bedforth N M, Girling K J, Harrison J M, Mahajan R P. Effects of sevoflurane with and without nitrous oxide on cerebral autoregulation as assessed by the transient hyperaemic response test. Br J Anaesth. 1998; 80 557-558 P , N2O erhöht CBFV
- 152 Kinney M S, Free J PH. Cardiovascular effects of 50% nitrous oxide in older adult patients anaesthetized with isoflurane or halothan. Br J Anaesth. 1998; 80 169-173 , Mit N2O stabiler Kreislauf
- 153 Amorim P, Chambers G, Cottrell J, Kass I S. Nitrous oxide impairs electrophysiologic recovery after severe hypoxia in rat hippocampal slices. Anesthesiol. 1997; 87 642-651 , N2O erhöht Hypoxiewirkung
- 154 Girling K J, Cavill G, Dwyer G, Mahajan R P. Effect of 100 % oxygen and 50 % nitrous oxide on cerebral autoregulation as assessed by the transient hyperaemic response test. Br J Anaest. 1997; 79 131 P , N2O reduziert Autoregulation
- 155 Inada T, Inada K, Kawachi S, Takubo K, Tai M, Yasugi H. Haemodynamic comparison of sevoflurane and isoflurane anaesthesia in surgical patients. Can J Anaesth. 1997; 44 140-145 , Mit N2O weniger Kreislaufeffekte durch Sevoflurane oder Isoflurane
- 156 Marsch S CU, Dalmas S, Philbin D M, Ryder W A, Wong L SS, Foex P. Effects and interactions of nitrous oxide myocardial ischemia and reperfusion on left ventricular diastolic function. Anaesth Analg. 1997; 84 39-45 , N2O vermindert diastolische Funktion
- 157 Reinstrup P, Ryding E, Algotsson L, Berntman L, Uski T. Regional cerebral blood flow (SPECT) during anaesthesia with isoflurane and nitrous oxide. Br J Anaesth. 1997; 78 407-411 , N2O erhöht CBF
- 158 Cho S, Fujigaki T, Uchiyama Y, Fukusaki M, Shibata O, Sumikawa K. Effects of Sevoflurane with and without nitrous oxide on human cerbral circulation. Anesthesiol. 1997; 85 755-760 , Sevoflurane und N2O haben keinen Einfluß auf CBF
- 159 Hörmann C h, Schmidauer C h, Haring H P, Schalows S, Seiwald M, Benzer A. Hyperventilation reverses the nitrous oxide induced increase in cerebral blood flow velocity in human volunteers. Br J Anaesth. 1995; 74 616-618 , Kein N2O-Effekt auf Autoregulation
- 160 Houltz E, Caidahl K, Hellström A, Gustavsson T, Milocco I, Rickstein S E. The effects of nitrous oxide on left ventricular systolic and diastolic performance by computer-assisted twodimensional and Doppler echocardiography in patients undergoing coronary artery surgery. Anesth Analg. 1995; 81 243-248 , N2O macht Dyskinesien nach cardiopulmonalem Bypass
- 161 Vollmar B, Conzen P, Habazettl H, Adili F, Peter K. Does nitrous oxide affect coronary microcirculation? An intravital microscopic study in the canine heart. Anesth Analg. 1995; 80 249-255 , N2O ohne Effekt auf Koronardurchmesser
- 162 Dohar J E, Goding G S, Maisel R H. The effects of the inhalational anesthetic agent combination, isoflurane nitrous oxide on survival in a pig random skin flags model. Arch O Head Neck Surg. 1994; 120 74-77 , Lappenperfusion mit N2O schlechter
- 163 Marsch S CU, Philbin D M, Dalmas S, Ryder W A, Foex P. Effects of nitrous oxide on left ventricular diastolic function. Anesthesiol. 1994; 81 A 657 , Geringe N2O-Wirkung auf Herz
- 164 Reinstrup P, Ryding E, Algotsson L, Berntman L, Uski T. Effects of nitrous oxide on human regional cerebral blood flow and isolated pial arteries. Anesthesiol. 1994; 81 396-402 , N2O erhöht CMRO2
- 165 Field L M, Dorrance D E, Krzeminska E K, Barsoum L Z. Effect of nitrous oxide on cerebral blood flow in normal humans. Br J Anaesth. 1993; 70 154-159 , N2O erhöht CBF
- 166 Strebel S, Kaufmann M, Baggi M, Zenklusen U. Cerebrovascular carbon dioxide reactivity during exposure to equipotent isoflurane and isoflurane in nitrous oxide anesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 1993; 71 272-276 , Bei Hypokapnie sinkt CBF mit N2O weniger
- 167 Carton E G, Housmans P R. Role of transsarcolemmal Ca 2+ entry in the negative inotropic effect of nitrous oxide in isolated ferret myocardium. Anesth Analg. 1992; 74 575-579 , N2O senkt Calciumeinstrom
- 168 Eng C, Lam A, Mayberg T, Mathison T, Lee C. The influence of propofol with and without nitrous oxide on cerebral blood flow velocity and C02 reactivity in man. Anesth Analg. 1992; 74 S87 , Mit Propofol zeigt N2O keine Wirkung aud CBF
- 169 Eng C, Lam A M, Mayberg T S, Lee C, Mathisen I. The influence of propofol with and without nitrous oxide on cerebral blood flow velocity and CO2 reactivity in humans. Anesthesiol. 1992; 77 872-879 , Mit Propofol zeigt N2O keine Wirkung auf CBF
- 170 Siker D, Pagel P S, Pelc L R, Kampine J P, Schmeling W T, Warltier D C. Nitrous oxide impairs functional recovery of stunned myocardium in barbiturate-anesthetized, acutely instrumented dogs. Anesth Analg. 1992; 75 539-548 , N2O vermindert Erholung von Ischämie
- 171 Westling F, Milsom K, Zetterström H, Ekström-Jodal B. Effects of nitrous oxide/oxygen inhalation on the maternal circulation during vaginal delivery. Acta An Scand. 1992; 36 175-181 , N2O mildert Kreislaufreaktion bei Partus
- 172 Carlsson C, Vasthare U S, Tuma R F, Rocco M J, Dombkoski R A. Influence of nitrous oxide administration and discontinuation thereof on blood flow in cerebral cortex, cerebellum and brain stern in the rat. Acta An Scan. 1991; 35 771-775 , N2O erhöht CBF
- 173 Leon J E, Bissonette B. Transcranial doppler sonography: nitrous oxide and cerebral blood flow velocity in children. Can J Anaesth. 1991; 38 974-979 , N2O erhöht CMR02 + CBF
- 174 Nathan H J. Nitrous oxide does not worsen myocardial ischaemia following beta-receptor blockade in isoflurane anaesthetized dogs. Can J Anaesth. 1991; 38 640-647 , N2O verstärkt Ischämie nicht unter Betablockade
- 175 Stowe D F, Monroe S M, Marijic J, Bosniak Z J, Kampine J P. Comparison of halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane with nitrous oxide on contractility and oxygen supply and demand in insolated hearts. Anesthesiol. 1991; 75 1062-1074 , O2-Bilanz in Kombination mit N2O unverändert
- 176 Sullivan P J, Miller O R, Martineau R J, Hull K A. A comparison of the cardiovascular effects of alfentanil nitrous oxide vs alfentanil-isoflurane anaesthesia. Can J Anaesth. 1991; 38 SA19 , N2O wenig Effekt
- 177 Lawson D, Frazer M J, Lynch I II. Nitrous oxide effects on isolated myocardium: a reexamination in vitro. Anesthesiol. 1990; 73 930-943 , N2O senkt gering Kontraktilität
- 178 Stowe D F, Monroe S M, Marijic J, Rooney R T, Bosnjak Z J, Kampine J P. Effects of nitrous oxide on contractile function and metabolism of the isolated heart. Anesthesiol. 1990; 73 1220-1226 , N2O senkt gering Kontraktilität
- 179 Pagel P S, Kampine J P, Schmeling W T, Warltier D C. Effects of nitrous oxide on myocardial contractility as evaluated by the preload recruitable stroke work relationship in chronically instrumented dogs. Anesthesiol. 1990; 73 1148-1157 , N2O senkt Kontraktibilität, besonders mit Opiaten
- 180 Chalan M K, Prakash O, Rulf E NR, Cahalan M T, Mayala A PG, Lurz F C, Rosseel P, Lachitjaran E, Siphanto K, Gussenhoven E J, Roelant J RTC. Addition of nitrous oxide to fentanyl anesthesia does not induce myocardial ischemia in patients with ischemic heart disease. Anesthesiol. 1987; 67 925-929 , Keine N2O-Wirkung bei KHK unter Betablocker
- 181 Kling D, Russ W, Boldt J, Hempelmann G. Lachgas: Zur Beeinflussung der Hämodynamik bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit. AIN. 1987; 22 128-132 , Bei guter Ventrikelfunktion kein Effekt
- 182 Roizen M F, Plummer G O, Lichtor J L. Nitrous oxide and dysrhythmias. Anesthesiol. 1987; 66 427-431 , N2O macht evtl. AV-Knotenrhythmus
- 183 Sessler D I, Rubinstein E H, Eger E I. Core temperature changes during N20 fentanyl and halothane 02 anesthesia. Anesthesiol. 1987; 67 137-139 , Mit N2O weniger Auskühlung als bei Halothan O2
- 184 Wilkowski D AW, Still J C, Bonta W, Owen R, Bove A A. Nitrous oxide constricts epicardial coronary arteries without effect on coronary arterioles. Anesthesiol. 1987; 66 659-665 , Keine Wirkung auf Coronarfluß
- 185 Eisele J H, Milstein J M, Goetzman B W. Pulmonary vascular responses to nitrous oxide in newborn lambs. Anesth Analg. 1986; 65 62-64 , N2O erhöht PVR
- 186 Hickey P R, Hansen D D, Strafford M, Thompson J E, Jonas R E, Mayer J E. Pulmonary and systemic hemodynamic effects of nitrous oxide in infants with normal and elevated pulmonary vascular resistance. Anesthesiol. 1986; 65 374-378 , N2O bei grenzwertiger Funktion vermeiden
- 187 Ramsay J G, Arvieux C C, Foex P, Philbin D M, Jeavons P, Ryder W A, Jones L A. Regional and global myocardial function in the dog when nitrous oxide is added to halothane in the presence of critical coronary artery constriction. Anesth Analg. 1986; 65 431-436 , N2O bei grenzwertiger Funktion fraglich
- 188 Seyde W C, Ellis J E, Longnecker D E. The addition of nitrous oxide to halothane decreases renal and splanchnic flow and increases cerebral blood flow in rats. Br J Anaesth. 1986; 58 63-68 , Flow-Umverteilung: CBF - Niere - Darm
- 189 Slavik J R, La M antia, Kopriva C J, Prokop E K, Ezekowitz M D, Barash P C. Does N2O cause regional wall motion abnormalities in patients with CAD? An evaluation by 2D transesophageal echocardiography. Anesthesiol. 1986; 65 A515 , Keine Wirkung auf Herzwandbewegung
Appendix IV
- 190 Goto T, Nakata Y, Saito H, Ishiguro Y, Niimi Y, Morita S. The midlatency auditory evoked potentials predict responsiveness to verbal commands in patients emerging from anesthesia with xenon, isoflurane and sevoflurane but not with nitrous oxide. Anesthesiol. 2001; 94 782-789 , MLAEP durch N20 kaum verändert
- 191 Hans P, Bonhomme V, Benmansour H, Dewandre P Y, Brichant J F, Lamy M. Effect of nitrous oxide on the bispectral index and the 95 % spectral edge frequency of the electroencephalogram during surgery. Anaesthesia. 2001; 56 999-1002 , N2O senkt BIS durch Analgesie
- 192 Puri G D. Paradoxical changes in bispectral index during nitrous oxide administration. Brit J Anaesth. 2001; 86 141-142 , N2O steigert BIS
- 193 Sakamoto T, Kawaguchi M, Inoue S, Furuya H. Suppressive effect of nitrous oxide on motor evoked potentials can be reversed by train stimulation in rabbits under ketamine/fentanyl anaesthesia, but not with additional propofol. Brit J Anaesth. 2001; 86 395-402 , N2O deprimiert MEP's
- 194 Iijima T, Nakamura Z, Iwao Y, Sankawa H. The epileptogenic properties of the volatile anesthetics Sevoflurane and isoflurane in patients with epiplepsy. Anesth Analg. 2000; 91 989-995 , 50 % N2O unterdrücken Spikes bei Epileptikern unter Sevoflurane
- 195 Detsch O, Schneider G, Kochs E, Hapfelmeier G, Werner C. Increasing isoflurane concentraion may cause paradoxical increases in the EEG bispectral index in surgical patients. Br J Anaest. 2000; 84 33-37 , Paradoxe BIS-Änderung
- 196 Barr G, Jakobsson J H, Öwall A, Anderson R E. Nitrous oxide does not alter bispectral index: Study with nitrous oxide as sole agent and as an adjunct to i. v. anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 1999; 82 827-830 , Bewusstlosigkeit durch 70 % N2O ohne BIS-Änderung
- 197 Bazin J E, Mansoor O, Gillart T, Giannelloni E, Eisenberg E, Schoeffler P. Bispectral index does not assess the hypnotic effects of nitrous oxide. Br J Anaest. 1999; 82S1 4-15 , BIS zeigt nicht N2O Wirkung
- 198 Coenen P, Lauwers M, van Iersberhge C, Camu F. Contribution of nitrous oxide to anesthetic depth of sevoflurane and desflurane anesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 1999; 82,S1 17 , BIS zeigt nicht N2O Wirkung
- 199 Dong C, Kehoe J, Heachor E C, Reeve C D, Sneyd J R. Does nitrous oxide affect closed-loop anaesthetic propol?. Br J Anaesth. 1999; 83 516 P , BIS + TIVA closed loop auch mit N2O möglich (ohne Reiz!)
- 200 Hirota K, Kubota T, Ishihara H, Matsuki A. The effects of nitrous oxide and Ketamine on the bispectral index and 97 % spectral edge frequency during propofol-fentanyl anaesthesia. Eur J Anaesth. 1999; 16 779-783 , N2O ohne Wirkung auf BIS und 97 % SEF
- 201 van Dongen E P, Beck H AT, Schepens M A, Morshuis W J, de Boer A, Aarts L P, Boezeman E H. Effect of nitrous oxide on myogenic motor potentials evoked by a six pulse train of transcranial electrical stimuli: a possible monitor for aortic surgery. Br J Anaesth. 1999; 82 323-328 , N2O dämpft MMEP
- 202 Gin T, Chan M TV, Lau T K, Lamm K K. Pregnancy potentiales the sedative effects of nitrous oxide. Anesthesiol. 1998; 89 A1042 , Am Geburtstermin wirkt N2O auf BIS
- 203 Koitabashi T, Ochiai R, Takino Y, Takeda J. The effect of nitrous oxide on the volatile anesthetic concentration which induces electroencephalographic silence. Anesth Analg. 1998; 86 S352 , Keine Wirkung auf Burst Suppression
- 204 Rampil I J, Kim J S, Lenhardt D R, Negishi C, Sessler D I. Bispectral EEG index during nitrous oxide sedation. Anesthesiol. 1998; 89 A 337 , N22O bis 50 % ohne Einfluss auf BIS
- 205 Rampil I J, Kim J-S, Lenhardt R, Negishi C, Sessler D I. Bispectral EEG index during nitrous oxide administration. Anesthesiol. 1998; 89 671-677 , BIS ist Hypnoseindex, N2O ohne Einfluss
- 206 Utsumi J, Adachi J, Miyazaki Y, Shibata M, Murakawa M, Arai T, Mori K. Effects of xenon on central nervous system electrical activity during sevoflurane anaesthesia in cats: comparison with nitrous oxide. Br J Anaesth. 1998; 80 628-633 , Xenon dämpft EEG stärker als N2O
- 207 Entholzner E, Mielke L, Hargasser S, Hänel F, Droese D, Hipp R. Nitrous oxide increases isoflurane threshold concentration for induction of EEG burst-suppression. Anesthesiol. 1997; 87 A170 , Mit N2O mehr Isoflurane nötig für Burstsuppression
- 208 Sloan T B, Rogers J N, Sloan H A, Rogers J. Nitrous oxide does not alter BAER by conductive hearing losses in the isoflurane anesthetized baboon. Anesth Analg. 1997; 84 S268 , BAER durch N2O nicht verändert
- 209 Thees C, Scheufler K, Nadstavek J, Zentner J, Pechstein U, Frenkel C, Würker J. Dose-dependent suppression of motor evoked potentials by nitrous oxide. Br J Anaesth. 1997; 78S 69 , N2O senkt MEP
- 210 Ubags L H, Kalkmann C J, Been H D, Drummond J C. Differential effects of nitrous oxide and propofol on myogenic transcranial motor evoced responses during sulfentanil anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 1997; 79 590-594 , Gepaarte Stimulation (TMER) verringert N2O-Störung
- 211 Rothhammer A. Leserbrief. Anaesthesist. 1997; 45 566-567 , N2O stört MEF 2 - 3 weniger
- 212 Röpcke H, Schwilden H, Lier H, Drösler S. Quantitating the simultaneous interaction of isoflurane, nitrous oxide, and fentanyl on median electroencephalographic frequency. Anesthesiol. 1996; 85 A394 , Bei MEF 2 - 3 N2O additiv, Isofluraneeinsparung geringer als nach MAC-Konzept
- 213 Russell G B, Graybeal J M, Schwentker M C. Neuroelectric suppression is not equal with equipotent doses of N2O Isoflurane or combined N2O-isoflurane: somatosensory evoked potentials. Anesthesiol. 1996; 85 A480 , SSEP-Suppression: Iso>Iso/N2O>N2O
- 214 Ubags L H, Kalkman C J. Differential effects of propofol and nitrous oxide on myogenic transcranial motor evoked responses during sulfentanil anesthesia. Anesthesiol. 1996; 85 A183 , Propofol dämpft TMER mehr als N20
- 215 Woodforth I J, Hicks R G, Crawford M R, Stephen J P, Burke D J. Variability of motor-evoked potentials recorded during nitrous oxide anesthesia from the tibialis anterior muscle after transcranial electrical stimulation. Anesth Analg. 1996; 82 744-749 , MEP unter N2O möglich
- 216 Röpcke H, Schwilden H. Die Interaktion von Stickoxydul und Enfluran bei einem EEG-Median von 2 - 3 Hz ist additiv, aber schwächer als bei 1,0 MAC. Anaesthesist. 1996; 45 819-825 , N2O verstärkt Enflurane bei MEF 2 - 3
- 217 Röpcke H, Schwilden H. Interaction of isoflurane and nitrous oxide combinations similar for median electroencephalographic frequency and clinical anesthesia. Anesthesiol. 1996; 84 782-788 , N2O verstärkt Iso bei MEF 2 - 3
- 218 Bodner N, Weisz D J, Post K D. Under isoflurane anesthesia tibial SSEPs are affected more by nitrous oxide than median SSEPs. Anesthesiol. 1995; 83 A196 , N2O dämpft Tibialis SSEP > Medianus SSEP
- 219 Kochs E, Entholzner E, Thornton C. Differences in middle latency auditory evoked responses to skin incision at 1 MAC: Isoflurane nitrous oxide versus pure isoflurane anesthesia. Anesthesiol. 1995; 83 A198 , N2O dämpft AEP weniger als spinale Reflex
- 220 Zhou H, Mehta M, Leis A. Effects of isoflurane and N2O on H-Reflex. Anesthesiol. 1995; 83 A200 , N2O dämpft H-Reflex
- 221 Schwilden H, Drösler S. The degree of drug interaction of isoflurane and N2O estimated from the EEG during isoflurane - N2O - fentanyl anesthesia is less pronounced than estimated from MAC. Anesthesiol. 1994; 81 A408 , Bei MEF 2 - 3 Hz durch N2O geringere Isfluraneeinsparung als nach MAC
- 222 Yli-Hankala A, Lindgren L, Porkkala T, Jäntti V. Nitrous oxide mediated activation of the EEG during isoflurane anaesthesia in patients. Br J Anaesth. 1993; 70 54-57 , N2O aktiviert EEG intraop bei Iso
- 223 Dei-Lim V L, Kalkmann C J, Bouvy-Berends E CM, Meyjes E F, Makkes P C, Vermeulen-Cranch D ME, Odoom J A, van Wezel H B, Bovill J G. A comparison of the effects of propofol and nitrous oxide on the electroencephalogram in epileptic patients during conscious sedation for dental procedures. Anesth Analg. 1992; 75 708-714 , N2O 40 % hat keine EEG-Wirkung bei Epileptikern
- 224 Hung O R, Bands C, McLeod K, Whynot S, Laney G E, Hope C E. The effect of nitrous oxide on the processed EEG using a periodic analysis. Anesth Analg. 1992; 74 S140 , N2O hat wenig Wirkung auf EEG
- 225 Russell G B, Graybeal J M. Direct measurement of nitrous oxide MAC and neurologic monitoring in rats during anesthesia under hyperbaric conditions. Anesth Analg. 1992; 75 995-999 , N2O hyperbar dämpft EEG
- 226 Jellinek D, Platt M, Jewkes D, Symon L. Effects of nitrous oxide on motor evoked potentials recorded from skeletal muscle in patients under total anesthesia with intravenously administered propofol. Neurosurgery. 1991; 29 558-562 , N2O < 50 % beeinflusst MEP nicht
- 227 Jessop J, Griffiths D E, Sapsford D J, Furness P, Breckon D A, Jones J G. Changes in amplitude and latency of on event-related potential with depression of consciousness by nitrous oxide. Br J Anaesth. 1991; 66 400P , N2O wirkt mäßig auf AEP trotz gedämpfter Motorik
- 228 Rampil I J, Lockhart S H, Eger I, Yasuda N, Weiskopf R B. The electroencephalographic effects of Desflurane in humans. Anesthesiol. 1991; 74 434-439 , N2O + Desflurane additiv bei Burst-Suppression ohne Operation
- 229 Roald O K, Forsman M, Heier M, Steen P A. Cerebral effects of nitrous oxide when added to low and high concentrations of isoflurane in the dog. Anesth Analg. 1991; 72 75-79 , N2O reaktiviert EEG unter Isoflurane
- 230 Avramov M N, Shingu K, Mori K. Progressive changes in electroencephalographic responses to nitrous oxide in humans: a possible acute drug tolerance. Anesth Analg. 1990; 70 369-374 , N2O steigert EEG, dann Toleranz
- 231 Peterson D O, Drummond J C, Todd M M. Effects of halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, and nitrous oxide on somatosensory evoked potentials in humans. Anesthesiol. 1990; 65 35-40 , N2O beeinflusst kaum SSEP
Appendix V
- 232 Foschi D, Rizzi A, Zighetti M L, Bissi M, Corsi F, Trabucchi E, Mezzetti M, Cattaneo M. Effects of surgical stress and nitrous oxide anaesthesia on perioperative plasma levels of total homocysteine. Anaesthesia. 2001; 56 676-679 , 70 % N2O erhöhen Homocystein nicht
- 233 Badner N H, Beattie W S, Freeman D, Spence J D. Nitrous oxide induced increased homocysteine concentrations are associated with increased postoperative myocardial ischemia in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy. Anesth Analg. 2000; 91 1073-1079 , N2O intraoperativ erhöht Homocystein und Ischaemierate nach Carotisdesobliteration
- 234 Mc Neely J K, Buczulinski B, Rosner D R. Severe neurological impairment in an infant after nitrous oxide anesthesia. Anesthesiol. 2000; 93 1549-1550 , Neurologische Störung bei B12 defizientem Säugling nach langer Anaesthesie mit N2O
- 235 Hoerauf K H, Schrögendorfer K F, Wiesner G, Gruber M, Spacek A, Kress H-G, Rüdiger H W. Sister chromatid exchange in human lymphocytes exposed to isoflurane and nitrous oxide in vitro. Br J Anaesth. 1999; 82 268-270 , N2O bei MAK ohne Bedeutung
- 236 Wyatt S S, Gill R S. An absolute contraindication to nitrous oxide. Anaesthesia. 1999; 54 307 , N2O kontraindiziert bei Dihydropteridin-Reductase-Mangel
- 237 Badner N H, Beattie S, Spence J D. Effects of intraoperative nitrous oxide on post operative homocysteine and myocardiac surgery. Anesth Analg. 1999; 88 SCA 59 , N2O erhöht Homocystein
- 238 Badner N H, Drader K, Freeman D, Spence J D. Intraoperative nitrous oxide leads to postoperative elevation in plasma homocysteine. Anest Analg. 1998; 86 S426 , N2O erhöht Homocystein
- 239 Badner N H, Drader K, Freeman D, Spence J D. The use of intraoperative nitrous oxide leads to postoperative increases in plasma homocysteine. Anesthesiol. 1998; 87 711-713 , N2O erhöht Homocystein
- 240 Fröhlich D, Rothe G, Wittmann S, Schmitz G, Schmid P, Taeger K, Hobbhahn J. Nitrous oxide impairs the neutrophil oxidative response. Anesthesiol. 1998; 88 1281-1290 , N2O senkt reaktionsfähige Neutrophile
- 241 Wiesner G, Hoerauf K H, Schroegendorfer K, Weindlmayr-Goettel M, Rüdiger H W, Taeger K. Does isoflurane or nitrous oxid induce micronuclei in human lymphocytes in vitro?. Br J Anaesth. 1998; 80S1 A318 , Mikronukleoli durch N2O erhöht bei N2O-Exponierten
- 242 Armstrong P, Rae P WH, Gray W M, Spence A A. Nitrous oxide and formiminoglutamic acid: excretion in surgical patients and anaesthesists. Br J Anaesth. 1996; 66 163-169 , N2O beeinflusst nicht Folatstoffwechsel bei Anaesthesisten
- 243 Moore B L, Wehmeyer M S, Walton S B, Badgwell J M. Exhaled N2O from pacu patients may produce ambient concentrations exceeding NIOSH standards one hour after surgery. Anesthesiol. 1996; 85 A427 , N2O im Aufwachraum kann NIOSH Grenzwerte übersteigen
- 244 Nagasandra V, Sarnaik S, D H anda. The hemopoetic effects of trace N2O exposure in anesthesiologist and changes observed after brief periods of nonexposure. Anesth Analg. 1996; 82 331 , Hypersegmentierte Neutrophile durch N2O reversibel erhöht
- 245 Wittmann S, Fröhlich D, Rothe G, Schmitz G, Hobbhahn J, Taeger K. Stickoydul hemmt die Signaltransduktion neutrophiler Granulozyten. Anaesthesist. 1996; 45 1225 , N2O senkt Signaltransduktion bei Neutrophilen
- 246 Hadzic A, Glab K, Sanborn K V, Thys D M. Severe neurologic deficit after nitrous oxide anesthesia. Anesthesiol. 1995; 83 863-866 , Neurologisches Defizit nach N2O bei Perniciosa
- 247 Lederhaas G, Brock-Utne J G, Negrin R S, Riley E, Brodsky J B. Is nitrous oxide safe for bone marrow harvest?. Anesth Analg. 1995; 80 770-772 , Kein N2O-Effekt bei Knochenmarksspende
- 248 Fancourt-Smith P F, Kapnoudhis P, Brand S C. Exposure to N2O. Can J Anaesth. 1993; 1 396-397 , Bei Op-Klimatisierung NIOSH-Grenzwerte eingehalten
- 249 Wood C, Ewen A, Goresky G. Exposure of operating room personnel to nitrous oxide during paediatric anaesthesia. Can J Anaesth. 1992; 39 682-686 , Bei Kinderanaesthesie übersteigt N2O NIOSH
- 250 Baden J M. Fujinaga M. Effects of nitrous oxide on day 9 rat embryos grown in culture. Br J Anaesth. 1991; 66 500-503 , N2O schädigt Rattenembryos
- 251 Ermens A AM, Refsum H, Ruprecht J, Spigkers L JM, Guttormsen A B, Lindemans J, Ueland P M, Abels S. Monitoring cobolamin inactivation during nitrous oxide anesthesia by determination of homocysteine and folate in plasma and urine. Clin Pharm Ther. 1991; 49 385-393 , N2O erhöht Homocystein
- 252 Tessler M J, Kleiman S J, Wiesel S. Nitrous oxide levels in the operating room:the effect of scavenging the ohmeda 5200 Capnometer. Can J Anaesth. 1991; 38 SA60 , Kapno-Gas rückführen!
- 253 Fujinaga M, Baden J M, Yhap E O, Mazze R I. Reproductive and teratogenic effects of nitrous oxide, isoflurane, and their combination in Spraque-Dawley rats. Anesthesiol. 1987; 67 960-964 , N2O bei Ratten teratogen
- 254 Rosen M A, Roizen M F, Eger E I, Glass R H, Martin M, Dandekar P V, Dailey P A, Litt L. The effect of nitrous oxide on in vitro fertilization success rate. Anesthesiol. 1987; 67 42-44 , N2O für In-Vitro-Fertilisations-Erfolg ohne Bedeutung
- 255 Keeling P A, Rocke D A, Nunn J F, Monk S J, Lumb M J, Halsey M J. Folinic acid protection against nitrous oxide teratogenicity in the rat. Br J Anaesth. 1986; 58 528-534 , Folinsäure verhindert Missbildungen nach N2O
- 256 Nunn J F, Sharer N M, Bottiglieri T, Rossiter J. Effect of short-term administration of nitrous oxide on plasma concentrations of methionine, tryptophan, phenylalanine and S-Adenosyl methionine in man. Br J Anaesth. 1986; 58 1-10 , N2O senkt Aminosäurespiegel
- 257 Schilling R F. Is nitrous oxide a dangerous anesthetic for vitamin B12-deficient subjects?. JAMA. 1986; 255 1605-1606 , N2O nicht bei Perniciosa!
Appendix VI
- 258 Weingram J, Bayrakdarian C, Dorfman L, Dogaru A. Detoxification from nicotine dependence using analgesic concentrations of nitrous oxide. Anesth Analg. 2001; 92 S189 , Einmalige N2O-Atmung erleichtert Raucherentwöhnung
- 259 Arellano R J, Pole M L, Rafuse S E, Fletcher M, Saad Y G, Eng B, Friedlander M, Norris A, Chung F FT. Omission of nitrous oxide from a propofol-based anesthetic does not affect the recovery of women undergoing outpatient surgery. Anesthesiol. 2000; 93 332-339 , N2O ohne Wirkung auf PONV bei Propofol
- 260 Mallinder P A, Hall J, Bergin G, Royle P, Leaper D J. Influence of epidural and opiate, with and without nitrous oxide on postoperative bowel function. Eur J Anaesth. 2000; 17 (S19) A-352 , N2O senkt intraoperativen Blutverlust, ist aber ohne Einfluss auf 1. Flatus
- 261 Stevens M F, Ruch W. Nitrous oxide seems to be mood enhancing only in cheerfull people. Eur J Anaesth. 2000; 17 (S19) A-269 , N2O verbessert Stimmung nur bei Heiteren
- 262 Collins L M, Vaghadia H, Martin L, Talling D. Dose response study of nitrous oxide and vomiting in out patients. Can J Anesth. 1999; 46S A8 , N2O-Dosiswirkungsbeziehung bei PONV möglich
- 263 Storch T D, Nguyen J D, Rohdt R L, Startzell J M, Walker S C. Addition of nitrous oxide not increase emetic sequelae in sevoflurane anesthetized oral surgery patients. Anesthesiol. 1998; 89 A5 , 66 % N20 erhöht nicht PONV
- 264 Twersky R, Thompsen D, Warner D S, Fleisher L A, Glass P SA, Roizen M F, Tuman K. Source Study Group. The indidence of nausea following a remifentanil-based aesthetic regimen. Anesth Analg. 1998; 86 S18 , N20 erhöht PONV
- 265 Vanacker B F. Comparative study of the effext of desflurane with nitrous oxide vs desflurane without nitrous oxide on postoperative nausea and vomiting in female patients undergoing breast surgery. Br J Anaesth. 1998; 80 (S1) A457 , Bei Mamma OP in Desflurane erhöht N2O PONV
- 266 Chlebowski S M, Ward D S. The effect of nitrous oxide (N2O) on nausea and vomiting in healthy subjects with motion sickness (MS). Anesthesiol. 1997; 87 A51 , N2O erhöht PONV bei Reisekranken
- 267 Hertle I, Mann R, Buslery R, Blobner M, Kochs E. N2O erhöht die Inzidenz von postoperativem Shivering nach intravenöser Anaesthesie mit Remifentanil/Propofol. AINS. 1997; 32 S75 , Kein N2O Einfluss auf PONV bei Remifentanil/Propofol
- 268 Jost U, Dörsing C, Jahr C, Hirschauer M. Propofol und postoperative Übelkeit und/oder Erbrechen. Anaesthesist. 1997; 46 776-782 , N2O Wirkung auf PONV fraglich
- 269 Overdyk F J, Roy R C. If nitrous oxide induces emesis, maybe 100 % oxygen is an antiemetic. Anesth Analg. 1997; 84 231-232 , Keine sichere emetische Wirkung von N2O
- 270 Spinter W, Komocar L. Nitrous oxide does not increase vomiting after dental restorations in children. Anesth Analg. 1997; 84 506-508 , N2O erhöht PONV nicht bei Kindern
- 271 Thang J, Chen L, White P F, Wang B, Kariger R, Wender R H. Use of propofol for office-based anesthesia: effects of nitrous oxide. Anesthesiol. 1997; 87 A 9 , Mit Propofol keine Erhöhung von PONV durch N2O
- 272 Tramer M, Moore A, Mc Q uay. Meta-analytic comparison of prophylactic efficacy for postoperative nausea and vomiting: propofol anesthesia vs omittig nitrous oxid vs total i. v. Br J Anaesth. 1997; 78 256-259 , N2O für PONV neben Propofol klinisch irrelevant
- 273 Tramer M R, Fuchs-Buder T, Sansonetti A, Rifat K. Low incidence of the oculocardiac reflex and nausea and vomiting in adults undergoing strabismus surgery. Can J Anaesth. 1997; 44 830-835 , N2O keine Wirkung auf PONV
- 274 Cooney J R, Robinson L, Birch A, Deshpande S. N2O added to propofol/alfentanil intravenous anesthesia (ASA Abstrakt). Anesthesiol. 1996; 85 A16 , N2O beeinflusst PONV nicht
- 275 Divatia J V, Vaidya J S, Badwe R A, Hawaldar R W. Omission of nitrous oxide during anesthesia reduces the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting. A Meta-Analysis. Anesthesiol. 1996; 85 1055-1062 , N2O erhöht PONV bei Frauen, Opiat und Gyn. OP
- 276 Hartung J. Twenty-four of twenty-seven studies show a greater incidence of emesis with nitrous oxide than with alternative anesthetics. Anesth Analg. 1996; 83 114-116 , N2O erhöht PONV
- 277 Hein H AT, Joshi G P, Stewart F, Ramsay K J, Ramsay M AE. The use of nitrous oxide increases the incidence of nausea and vomiting following middle ear surgery. Anesthesiol. 1996; 85 1009 , N2O erhöht PONV bei Mittelohr-OP
- 278 Splinter W M, Roberts D J, Rhine E J, Mac N eill, Reid C W. Prolonged exposure to nitrous oxide increases postoperative vomiting in children. Can J Anaesth. 1996; 43 A9 , PONV höher bei langer N2O-Gabe
- 279 Tramer M, Moore A, Mc Q uay. Omitting nitrous oxide in general anaesthesia: meta-analysis of intraoperative awareness and postoperative emesis in randomized controlled trials. Br J Anaesth. 1996; 76 186-193 , N2O erhöht PONV bei hohem Emesis-Risiko, senkt intraop.Wachheit!
- 280 Karabiyik L, Bozkirli F, Celebi H, Göksu N. Effect of nitrous oxide on middle ear pressure: a comparison between inhalational anaesthesia with nitrous oxide and TIVA. Eur J Anaesth. 1996; 13 27-32 , N2O erhöht Mittelohrdruck
- 281 Alexander G, Bellefleur J, Brown M. The role of nitrous oxide in postoperative nausea and vomiting with desflurane and isoflurane. Anesthesiol. 1995; 83 A27 , N2O erhöht PONV bei lapsk. TL
- 282 Hartung J. Nitrous oxide increases the incidence of emesis. Anesth Analg. 1995; 80 S173 , N2O erhöht PONV
- 283 Pandit U A, Malviya S, Lewis J. Vomiting after outpatient tonsillectomy and adenectomy in children: The role of nitrous oxide. Anesth Analg. 1995; 80 230-233 , N2O ohne Wirkung auf PONV bei ATE
- 284 Splinter W M, Roberts D J, Rhine E J, Mac Neill H B, Komocar L. Nitrous oxide does not increase vomiting in children after myringotomy. Can J Anaesth. 1995; 42 274-276 , N2O ohne Wirkung bei Kindern mit PD
- 285 Sukhani R, Lurie J, Jabamoni R. Propofol for ambulatory gynecologic laparoskopy: Does omission of nitrous oxide after postoperative emetic sequelare and recovery?. Anesth Analg. 1994; 78 831-835 , N2O erhöht PONV nicht
- 286 Arellano R, Pole M, Rafuse S, Friedlander M, Saad B, Eng Y, Chung F. Total intravenous anesthetic with propofol versus propofol and nitrous oxide for gynecological laparoscopic ambulatory surgery. Anesthesiol. 1994; 81 A14 , N2O erhöht PONV nicht
- 287 Sung Y F. Does nitrous oxide (N2O) cause postoperative nausea and vomiting?. Anesth Analg. 1992; 74 (2) S311 , N2O ohne emetische Wirkung
- 288 Watcha M F, White P F. Postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesthesiol. 1992; 77 62-184 , N2O erhöht PONV nicht
- 289 Korttila K, Hovorka J, Erkola O. Nitrous oxide does not increase the incidence of nausea and vomiting after isoflurane anesthesia. Anesth Analg. 1987; 66 761-765 , N2O erhöht PONV nicht
- 290 Melnick B M, Johnson L S. Effects of elminating nitrous oxide in outpatient anesthesia. Anesthesiol. 1987; 76 982-984 , Ohne N2O weniger PONV
- 291 Muir J J, Warner M A, Offord K P, Buck C F, Harper J V, Kunkel S E. Role of nitrous oxide and other factors in postoperative nausea and vomiting: a randomized and blinded prospective study. Anesthesiol. 1987; 66 513-518 , N2O erhöht PONV nicht
Appendix VII
- 292 Reinelt H, Marx T, Schirmer U, Luederwald S, Topalidis P, Schmidt M. Diffusion of Xenon and nitrous oxide into the bowel during mechanical ileus. Anesthesiol. 2002; 96 512-513 , N2O verdoppelt Gasvolumen intraluminal
- 293 Combes X, Schauvliege F, Peyrouset O, Motamed C, Kirov K, Dhonneur G, Duvaldestin P. Intracuff pressure and tracheal morbidity Inluence of filling cuff with saline during nitrous oxide anesthesia. Anesthesiol. 2001; 95 1120-1124 , Ohne Cuffdruckkontrolle führt N2O zu Mukosaläsionen der Trachea
- 294 Karasawa F, Mori T, Kawatani Y, Ohshima T, Satoh I. Deflationary phenomenon of the nitrous oxide filled endotracheal tube cuff after cessation of nitrous oxide administration. Anesth Analg. 2001; 92 145-148 , Mit N2O geblockte Tuben verlieren Druck bei 100 % O2-Atmung
- 295 Karasawa F, Tokunaga M, Aramaki Y, Shizukuishi M, Satoh T. An assessment of a method of inflating cuffs with a nitrous oxide gas mixture to prevent an increase in intracuff pressure in five different tracheal tube designs. Anaesthesia. 2001; 56 155-159 , Cuffdruck stabil bei Blockade mit 40 % N2O
- 296 Kaur S, Cortiella J, Vacanti C A. Diffusion of nitrous oxide into the pleural cavity. Br J Anaesth. 2001; 87 894-896 , Pneuvergrößerung durch Diffusion
- 297 Pfitzner J, Peacock M, Pfitzner L. Speed of collapse of the non-ventilated lung during one-lung anaesthesia: the effects of the use of nitrous oxide in sheep. Anaesthesia. 2001; 56 933-939 , 50 % N2O beschleunigen Lungenkollaps bei Einlungenventilation
- 298 Reinelt H, Schirmer U, Marx T, Topalidis P, Schmidt M. Diffusion of xenon and nitrous oxide into the bowel. Anesthesiol. 2001; 94 475-477 , N2O verdreifacht Luft im isolierten Darmsegment
- 299 Weiss M, Hug M J, Fischer J, Gerber A, Baenzinger O. The effect of nitrous oxide on air tonometry. Eur Soc Anaesth. 2001; 18 (S21, S30) A-106 , N2O stört Magenmukosa Gastonometrie nur kurz
- 300 Parpaglioni R, Capogna G, Celleno D, Lemma A. Fetal and neonatal oxygenation after general anaesthesia with sevoflurane with either 100% oxygen or 50% nitrous oxide in oxygen for non-elective cesarean section. Eur J Anaesth. 2000; 17 (S19) A 508-(S. 155) , Fetaler PO2 höher bei 100 % O2 als bei 50 % N2O in O2
- 301 Weenig C S. N20 Usage in laparoscopic cases. Anesth Analg. 2000; 91 1306-1307 , Im CO2-Pneumoperitoneum N2O> 10 % bei Laparoskopie
- 302 Calzia E, Stahl W, Handschuh T, Marx T, Fröba G, Bäder S, Georgieff M, Radermacher P. Respiratory mechanics during xenon anesthesia in pigs comparison with nitrous oxide. Anesthesiol. 1999; 91 1378-1386 , Xenon erhöht Resistance
- 303 Nguyen T u, Saidi N, Lieutaud T, Bensaid S, Menival V, Duvaldestin P. Nitrous oxide increases endotracheal cuff pressure and the incidence of tracheal lesion in anesthetized patients. Anesth Analg. 1999; 89 187-190 , N2O erhöht Cuffdruck
- 304 Taheri S, Eger E I. A demonstration of the concentration and second gas effects in humans anesthetized with nitrous oxide and desflurane. Anesth Analg. 1999; 89 774-780 , Zweitgaseffekt bestätigt
- 305 Hendricks J FA, van Zundert A AJ, de Wolff A M. N2O decrement times during closed-circuit anesthesia. Anesthesiol. 1998; 89 AS17 , N2O-Kinetik im geschl. System
- 306 Sun X, Shi Y, Huang X, Zheng J, Dong Y. A clinical investigation on the „second gas effect”. Anesth Analg. 1998; 86 S511 , Zweitgaseffekt klinisch nicht wichtig
- 307 Korman B, Mapleson W W. Concentration and second gas effects: can the accepted explanation be improved?. Br J Anaesth . 1997; 78 618-625 , Zweitgaseffekt erklärt
- 308 Einarsson S, Stengvist O, Bengtsson A, Noreu H, Bengtson J P. Gaskinetics during nitrous oxide analgesia for labour. Anaesthesia. 1996; 51 449-452 , Bei Entonox keine Diffusionshypoxie
- 309 Joyce C J, Baker A B, Parkinson R, Zacharias M. Nitrous oxide and the rate of gas uptake from an unventilated lung in dogs. Br J Anaesth. 1996; 76 292-296 , Beweis für Zweitgaseffekt
- 310 Kyttä J, Tanskanen P, Randell T. Comparison of the effects of controlled ventilation with 100 % oxygen, 50 % oxygen in air, and 50 % oxygen in nitrous oxide on responses to venous air embolism in pigs. Br J Anaesth. 1996; 77 658-661 , N2O vergrößert Luftembolus
- 311 Maroof M, Cooper T, Al S hoaiby, Sheikh A W. Nitrous oxide (N2O) increases incidence of hypoxemia in postoperative period after laparoscopic cholecystectomie. Anesth Analg. 1996; 82 S300 , Nach N2O öfter SpO2 < 90 %
- 312 Nyarwaya J-B, Pierre S, Mazoit J-X, Umbrain V, Romain M, Samii K, D'Hollander A. Effects of carbon dioxide embolism with nitrous oxide in the inspired gas in piglets. Br J Anaesth. 1996; 76 428-434 , N2O vergrößert CO2-Blasen
- 313 Stevens W C, Mc C ullougu, Morris L E, Casson H. Nitrous oxide hastens induction with desflurane, Secondgas effect?. Anesthesiol. 1995; 83 A 317 , Zweitgaseffekt bei Low flow
- 314 Einarsson S, Stenqvist 0, Bengtsson A, Houltz E, Bengtson J P. Nitrous oxide elimination and diffusion hypoxia during normo and hypoventilation. Br J Anaesth. 1993; 71 189-193 , Diffusionshypoxie bewiesen
- 315 Neumann G G, Sidebotham G, Negoianu E, Bernstein J, Kopman A, West S T, Haring L. Laparoscopy explosion hazards with nitrous oxide. Anesthesiol. 1993; 78 875-879 , N2O erhöht Explosionsgefahr bei Perforation
- 316 Roberts C J, Parke T J, Sykes M K. Effect of intraoperative inspired gas mixtures on postoperative nocturnal oxygen saturation. Br J Anaesth. 1993; 71 476-480 , Postop. nach N2O weniger SPO2-Abfall
- 317 Watanabe S, Asakura N, Taguchi N. Supramaximal second gas effect: more rapid rise of alveolar halothane concentration during ipsilateral lung N2O administration compared to bilateral administration. Anesth Analg. 1993; 76 76-79 , Zweitgaseffekt bei seitengetrennter Beatmung
- 318 Artru A A. Modification of a new catheter for air retrieval and resuscitation from lethal venous air embolism: effect of nitrous oxide on air retrieval. Anesth Analg. 1992; 75 226-231 , N2O erhöht nicht die aspirierte Gasmenge bei Luftembolie
- 319 Bengtson J P, Haraldsson Ä, Bengtsson A, Henriksson B. A, Stengvist O. Inspiratory to end-tidal oxygen difference during nitrous oxide anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 1992; 68 599-602 , Beweist Zweitgaseffekt
- 320 Domino K B, Hemstad J R, Lum A M, Laohaprasit V, Mayberg T A, Harrison S D, Grady M S, Winn H R. Effect of nitrous oxide on intracranial pressure after cranial-dural dosure in patients undergoing craniotomy. Anesthesiol. 1992; 77 421-425 , N2O erhöht ICP bei Kopfverschluss nicht
- 321 Jensen A G, Kalman S H, Nyström P O, Eintrei C. Anaesthetic technique does not influence postoperative bowel function: a comparison of propofol, nitrous oxide and isoflurane. Can J Anaesth. 1992; 39 938-943 , N2O ändert nicht die postoperative Darmtätigkeit
- 322 Jung R, Reinsel R, Marx W, Galicich J, Bedford R. Isoflurane and nitrous oxide: comparative impact on cerebrospinal fluid pressure in patients with brain tumors. Anesth Analg. 1992; 75 724-728 , N2O erhöht spinal Liquordruck
- 323 Losasso T J, Black S, Muzzi D a, Michenfelder J D, Cucchiara R F. Detection and hemodynamic consequences of venous air embolism. Does nitrous oxide make a difference?. Anesthesiol. 1992; 77 148-152 , 50 % N2O ohne Effekt bei Luftembolie, CO2-Abfall endexspiratorisch schneller
- 324 Losasso T J, Muzzi D A, Dietz N M, Cucchiara R F. Fifty percent nitrous oxide does not increase the risk of venous air embolism in neurosurgical patients operated in the sitting position. Anesthesiol. 1992; 77 21-30 , N2O ohne Effekt auf Luftembolie
- 325 Lumb A B, Wrigley M W. The effect of nitrous oxide on laryngeal mask cuff pressure: In vitro and in vivo Studies. Anaesthesia. 1992; 47 320-323 , N2O erhöht Druck in Larynxmaske
- 326 Taylor E, Feinstein R, White P F, Soper N. Anesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy Is nitrous oxide contraindicated?. Anesthesiol. 1992; 76 541-543 , Laparoskopische OP durch N2O unbeeinflusst
- 327 Craig L J, Weisleider L, Mazer C D, Bell R S. Effects of nitrous oxide on impaired wound healing in mice. Can J Anaesth. 1991; 38 SA135 , N2O ändert nicht die Reißfestigkeit von Wunden
- 328 Herrick I A, Manninen P H, Gelb A W, Cuillerier D J. Sulfentanil and nitrous oxide: Impact on CSF-pressure in humans. Can J Anaesth. 1991; 38 SA12 , N2O beeinflusst CSF-Druck nicht
- 329 Lockhart S H, Yasuda N, Peterson N, Laster M, Taheri S, Weiskopf R B, Eger E I. Comparison of percutaneous losses of sevoflurane and isoflurane in Humans. Anesth Analg. 1991; 72 212-215 , N2O-Verlust über die Haut < 0,5 %
- 330 Mostafa S M, Wong D, Kelly J M, Snowdon S. Nitrous oxide concentration in intravitreal gas during anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 1991; 66 409P , N2O diffundiert in Glaskörpergasblasen
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Prof. Dr. A. Rothhammer
Institut für Anaesthesiologie und Intensivmedizin der Leopoldina
Krankenhaus gGmbH
Gustav-Adolf-Straße 8
97422 Schweinfurt