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DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-33231
Laser Disintegration of Cyanoacrylate Clot with Successful Endoscopic Removal of Sclerotherapy Needle from Gastric Varix
Submitted 19 January 2002
Accepted after Revision 22 March 2002
12. August 2002 (online)
Intravariceal cyanoacrylate injection is a highly effective and safe procedure for the treatment of bleeding gastric varices. Reports of large series mostly describe the minor complications already recognized with endoscopic injection therapy with sclerosing agents, including dysphagia, chest pain, fever, and local ulcerations. Nevertheless, some cases of severe cyanoacrylate-specific complications due to embolization have been described [1] [2] [3]. Technical difficulties, including the risk of sclerotherapy needle clogging, and cyanoacrylate sticking to the tip and the accessory channel of the endoscope, have been mentioned in other reports [4] [5].
Cementation of the sclerotherapy needle into the glued varix is another serious side effect of cyanoacrylate injection which has been reported by some investigators [4] [6]. The endoscopic removal of an adhered injector is difficult to perform and can result in fatal hemorrhage.
We report a case in which a sclerotherapy needle that remained stuck in gastric varices after bucrylate injection was successfully removed by laser disintegration of the cyanoacrylate clot.
- 1 Roesch W, Rexroth G. Pulmonary, cerebral and coronary emboli during bucrylate injection of bleeding fundic varices. Endoscopy. 1998; 30 89-90
- 2 Shim C S, Cho Y D, Kim J O. et al . A case of portal and splenic vein thrombosis after histoacryl injection therapy in gastric varices [abstract]. Endoscopy. 1996; 28 461
- 3 Cheng P N, Sheu B S, Chen C Y. et al . Splenic infarction after histoacryl injection for bleeding gastric varices. Gastrointest Endosc. 1998; 4S 426-427
- 4 D'Imperio N, Piemontese A, Baroncini D. et al . Evaluation of undiluted N-butyl-cyanoacrylate in the endoscopic treatment of upper gastrointestinal tract varices. Endoscopy. 1996; 28 239-243
- 5 Huang Y H, Yeh H Z, Chen G H. et al . Endoscopic treatment of bleeding gastric varices by N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (Histoacryl) injection: long-term efficacy and safety. Gastrointest Endosc. 2000; 52 160-167
- 6 Bhasin D K, Sharma B C, Prasad H, Singh K. Endoscopic removal of sclerotherapy needle from gastric varix after N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate injection. Gastrointest Endosc. 2000; 51 497-498
- 7 Binmoeller K F. Glue for gastric varices: some sticky issues. Gastrointest Endosc. 2000; 52 298-301
- 8 Kulling D, Vournakis J N, Woo S. et al . Endoscopic injection of bleeding esophageal varices with poly-N-acetyl glucosamine gel formulation in the canine portal hypertension model. Gastrointest Endosc. 1999; 49 764-771
H.-J. Schulz, M.D.
Klinik für Innere Medizin · Oskar-Ziethen-Krankenhaus Berlin Lichtenberg ·
Fanningerstrasse 32 · 10365 Berlin · Germany
Fax: + 49-30-55182250