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DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-33829
Combined Fractures of Lower Extremities in Polytrauma Patients: Treatment by Intramedullary Nailing
11. September 2002 (online)

High energy accidents in multitrauma patients can result in serial or simultaneous injuries of lower extremities. Concomitant blunt chest trauma or a severe head injury influences the overall trauma severity. The stabilization of vital parameters in the acute phase is essential for these patients but it is also generally accepted that there is necessity for primary stabilization of long bone fractures too [6]. The additive systemic stress by release of humoral mediators and the pain triggered by instability can be diminished by these procedures in this vulnerable phase [1] [6]. The technique of primary fixation is still discussed and can be done by external fixator or internal osteosynthesis.
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Dr. R. Hower
Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik Murnau
Professor-Küntscher-Str. 8
82418 Murnau/Staffelsee
Telefon: +49/88 41/48 22 00