Pharmacopsychiatry 2003; 36(1): 12-17
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-38087
Original Paper
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Clinical Outcome after Trimipramine in Patients with Delusional Depression - a Pilot Study

R.-M. Frieboes1 , A. Sonntag1 , A. Yassouridis1 , C. B. Eap2 , P. Baumann2 , A. Steiger1
  • 1Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany
  • 2Unité of Biochemie et Psychopharmacologie Clinique, Département Universitaire de Psychiatrie Adulte, Prilly-Lausanne, Switzerland
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Received: 9.5.2001 Revised: 21.12.2001

Accepted: 19.2.2002

21. März 2003 (online)


The treatment of delusional depression is a major challenge in psychopharmacology. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) overdrive may contribute, via increased dopaminergic activity, to the pathophysiology of the disorder. Trimipramine appears to be an interesting potential candidate, since it is an atypical antidepressant that is known to inhibit HPA activity. In a four-week open trial we investigated its effects in 15 inpatients with delusional depression. The dosage was increased within 7 days up to 300 - 400 mg/d and was then maintained for three weeks. Psychometric assessments and safety monitoring were conducted weekly. Assessment of the HPA activity was achieved by a combined dexamethasone suppression/corticotropin-releasing hormone stimulation (Dex/CRH) test before and after four weeks of treatment. Therapeutic response was defined as a decrease in the HAMD-score of at least 50 %. Eight out of 13 completers were rated as responders. Therapeutic response was associated with L, D-trimipramine concentrations higher than 160 ng/ml. Intent-to-treat analysis showed significant improvement in psychometric variables. Despite the high dosage, the substance was generally well tolerated, with the exception of one patient who suffered from a hypotensive reaction. Mean ± SD concentration of L-trimipramine and D-trimipramine were 138 ± 61 ng/ml and 119 ± 50 ng/ml at a final dose of 346 ± 50 mg/d. The ACTH and cortisol area under the curve in the Dex/CRH tests decreased significantly, reflecting a decrease of activity in the HPA system. We suggest that the clinical use of high-dose trimipramine in delusional depression seems to be a promising treatment strategy.


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Axel Steiger,M.D. 

Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry

Department of Psychiatry

Kraepelinstr. 10

80804 Munich


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