Int J Sports Med 2003; 24(3): 153-155
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-39082
Othopedics & Biomechanics
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Neuromuscular Behaviour of the Triceps Surae Muscle-Tendon Complex during Running and Jumping

H.  Kyröläinen1 , T.  Finni1 , J.  Avela1 , P. V.  Komi1
  • 1Neuromuscular Research Center, Department of Biology of Physical Activity, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
Further Information

Publication History

Accepted after revision: July 7, 2002

Publication Date:
12 May 2003 (online)


The present study examined the behaviour of the Achilles tendon (AT) - triceps surae (TS) muscle complex during running and long jump take-off. High AT forces were measured in the push-off phase in running even with very low EMG activity. In the long jump, high rate of stiffness development was a characteristic of the braking phase of the jump. The results suggest that high and well-coordinated activation patterns of the leg extensor muscles during the preactivation and eccentric phases together with high stretching velocities of muscle-tendon complex provide basis for appropriate tendomuscular stiffness. This together with high force at the end of the eccentric phase enables an effective push-off (concentric) phase.


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Dr. H. Kyröläinen

Department of Biology of Physical Activity · University of Jyväskylä

40100 Jyväskylä · Finland

Fax: +358 14 2602071
