Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 2003; 35(1): 31-42
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-39555

Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Die BIAX-Handgelenkprothese als Alternative zur Arthrodese bei degenerativer und posttraumatischer Arthrose - Frühergebnisse bei 21 Patienten

The BIAX Total Wrist Prosthesis as an Alternative to Arthrodesis in Degenerative and Posttraumatic Arthritis - Early Results in Twenty-One PatientsF. Kretschmer 1 , M. Wannske 1
  • 1Abteilung für Hand- und Plastische Chirurgie (Chefarzt: Prof. Dr. M. Wannske), Klinikum Lippe-Lemgo, Lemgo
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Eingang des Manuskriptes: 3. Dezember 2002

Angenommen: 5. März 2003

28. Mai 2003 (online)


The BIAX total wrist prosthesis was first implanted 1983 by Beckenbaugh in the United States. From a total of twenty-one BIAX-prostheses between March 2001 and February 2002, we have inserted eleven in patients for degenerative arthrosis, eight for posttraumatic arthrosis and two for rheumatoid arthritis of the wrist. The average age of the patients was 53.0 ± 10.7 years with a follow-up between eleven and fourteen months on an average of one year. The motion of the operated joints was preserved on average. We have taken pain as the main criterion for the success of the operation and distinguished between pain at rest, in motion and under exertion. All patients showed a very good pain relief of 5œ values from 6œ before to one after surgery on a scale from one to ten. Pain relief is less under exertion, thus we are reserved with heavy workers of the implantation of the prosthesis. Apart from that, the indication corresponds to the arthrodesis of the wrist. The satisfaction of patients with the prosthesis is very high: 17 patients declared it was much better, three declared it was better and only one patient said it was unchanged. Complications occurred in six patients. The main complication was the postoperative dislocation of the prosthesis in three patients. After repositioning, the joints were long-term stable. The straight secured surgical technique is described in detail. For the majority of patients with posttraumatic or degenerative arthrosis, as well as with rheumatoid arthritis, the BIAX wrist prosthesis is recommended as a first-time operation as an alternative to wrist arthrodesis due to pain relief with preservation of joint motion and good acceptance among patients.


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Dr. med. Friedbert Kretschmer

Abteilung für Hand- und Plastische Chirurgie
Klinikum Lippe-Lemgo GmbH

Rintelner Straße 85

32657 Lemgo

eMail: friedbert.kretschmer@klinikum-lippe.de