Synlett 2003(11): 1701-1703
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-40993
© Georg ThiemeVerlag Stuttgart ˙ New York

Stereospecific DearomatisingCyclisation of Tertiary α-Amidoorganolithiums

Jonathan Clayden*, Faye E. Knowles, Christel J. Menet
Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Oxford Road,Manchester M13 9PL, UK
Fax: +44(161)2754939; e-Mail:;
Further Information

Publication History

Received 13 March 2003
Publication Date:
05 August 2003 (online)


Lithiation of benzamides derived from a chiral and enantiomericallypure α-methylbenzylamine leads to diastereoselective andregioselective dearomatising cyclisations with overall conservationof the stereochemistry of the starting stereogenic centre.


  • 1 Basu A. Thayumanavan S. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2002,  41:  716 
  • 2 Carstens A. Hoppe D. Tetrahedron  1994,  50:  6097 
  • 3 For discussions concerning configurationalstability and stereospecificity in the reactions of organolithium compounds,see: Clayden J. Organolithiums:Selectivity for Synthesis   Pergamon; Oxford: 2002. 
  • 4 Hammerschmidt F. Hanninger A. Chem. Ber.  1995,  128:  1069 
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  • 12a Chiralamido-substituted secondary organolithiumshave been made previously, principally by deprotonation of N-benzyl amides under the influence ofa nearby stereogenic centre or axis (diastereoselective deprotonation:see refs. and: Bragg RA. Clayden J. Menet CJ. Tetrahedron Lett.  2002,  43:  1955 
  • 12b The use of a chiral base: Clayden J. Menet CJ. Mansfield DJ. Chem. Commun.  2002,  38 ; or by stereospecific kinetic-isotope-directedlithiation or tin-lithium exchange
  • 13 Ahmed A. Clayden J. Yasin SA. Chem.Commun.  1999,  231 
  • 14 Clayden J. Menet CJ. Mansfield DJ. Org. Lett.  2000,  2:  4229 
  • 15 Clayden J. Tchabanenko K. Yasin SA. Turnbull MD. Synlett  2001,  302 
  • 16 For an example of lithiated carbamate unstable towards a stereospecificrearrangement, see: Hara O. Ito M. Hamada Y. TetrahedronLett.  1998,  39:  5537 
  • 18 The cyclisation can be interpretedas a nucleophilic attack by the organolithium centre on the aromaticring or as an electrocyclic ring closure, see: Clayden J. Purewal S. Helliwell M. Mantell SJ. Angew. Chem. Int.Ed.  2002,  41:  1091 
  • 20 Bragg RA. Clayden J. Tetrahedron Lett.  1999,  40:  8323 
  • 21 Bragg RA. Clayden J. Tetrahedron Lett.  1999,  40:  8327 
  • 22 Fuji K. Kawabata T. Chem.-Eur. J.  1998,  373 
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  • 26 Clayden J. Knowles FE. Menet CJ. Tetrahedron Lett.  2003,  44:  3397 

The X-ray crystal structure of a relatedcyclisation product (see ref. [26] )allows us confidence in assigning both absolute and relative stereochemistryas shown.


Clayden, J.; Menet, C. J. Tetrahedron Lett., inpress.