Planta Med 2003; 69(7): 647-653
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-41117
Original Paper
Biochemistry, Physiology, in vitro-Cultures
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Phylogenetic Relationship in the Genus Panax: Inferred from Chloroplast trnK Gene and Nuclear 18S rRNA Gene Sequences

Shu Zhu1 , 2 , Hirotoshi Fushimi1 , Shaoqing Cai2 , Katsuko Komatsu1
  • 1Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Toyama, Japan
  • 2Department of Natural Medicines, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China
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Received: November 25, 2002

Accepted: March 22, 2003

04. August 2003 (online)


Chloroplast trnK gene and nuclear 18S rRNA gene sequences of 13 Panax taxa, collected mainly from Sino-Japanese floristic region, were investigated in order to construct phylogenetic relationship and to assist taxonomic delimitation within this genus. The length of trnK gene sequence varied from 2537 bp to 2573 bp according to the taxa, whereas matK gene sequences, embedded in the intron of trnK gene, were of 1512 bp in all taxa. Species-specific trnK/matK sequence provided much insight into phylogeny and taxonomy of this genus. 18S rRNA gene sequences were of 1808 or 1809 bps in length, only 9 types of 18S rRNA sequences were observed among 13 taxa. Parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses of the combined data sets of trnK-18S rRNA gene sequences yielded a well-resolved phylogeny within genus Panax, where three main clades were indicated. P. pseudoginseng and P. stipuleanatus formed a sister group located at a basal position in the phylogenetic tree, which suggested the relatively primitive position of these two species. Monophyly of P. ginseng, P. japonicus (Japan) and P. quinquefolius, which are distributed in northern parts of Asia or America, was well supported (Northern Clade). The remaining taxa distributed in southern parts of Asia formed a relatively large clade (Southern Clade). The taxonomic debated taxa traditionally treated as subspecies or varieties of P. japonicus or P. pseudoginseng showed various nucleotide sequences, but all fell into one cluster. It might suggest these taxa are differentiated from a common ancestor and are in a period of high variation, which is revealed not only on morphological appearance, but also on molecular divergence. By comparing trnK and 18S rRNA gene sequences among 13 Panax taxa, a set of valuable molecular evidences for identification of Ginseng drugs was obtained.


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Dr. Katsuko Komatsu

Institute of Natural Medicine

Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University

2630 Sugitani


930-0194 Toyama


Telefon: +81-76-434-7645

Fax: +81-76-434-5064
