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DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-41217
Evaluation of Neurologic Syndromes with Mental Retardation and Auditory Sequelae
14. August 2003 (online)
When the audiological function of a mentally retarded person is being assessed, knowledge of the etiology of the mental retardation and its associated findings can be used to optimize testing. This is particularly important when the ability of the patient to tolerate comprehensive testing is limited. Mental retardation has hundreds of different causes, many of which have associated hearing loss or deafness as a syndrome. Still, even when a specific syndrome has not been identified, audiological testing may be tailored to differentiate causes of mental retardation and to guide evaluation and treatment. Several representative syndromes and their corresponding audiological findings are described to illustrate the role of audiological assessment in the overall care of the patient with syndromal mental retardation. Resources are provided to help the reader locate corresponding information for other syndromes. Through the use of this knowledge, the care of the mentally retarded can be improved.
Hearing loss - mental retardation - syndromes
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